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Can you be allergic to CBD oil? Can CBD help with allergies?

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Home » Can you be allergic to CBD oil? Can CBD help with allergies?

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Could you be allergic to CBD? Or can CBD oil help with allergies? For some people, an allergy might just mean a bit of a runny nose in spring, but for others, it can be a much more serious condition and a constant source of worry. So, what causes allergies, and how can CBD help?

1. Allergies

cbd red nose hay fever

Allergies suck.

Luckily, CBD is here to help! It is estimated that about 150 million Europeans are currently affected by chronic allergic diseases. That’s a whopping 1 in 5 people.
I’m sure you don’t have to think too hard before you can reel off a list of people you know who are suffering from one allergy or another. Chances are, you’re probably on that list yourself!

For some people, an allergy might just mean a bit of a runny nose in spring, but for others, it can be a much more serious condition and a constant source of worry. The possibility of urticaria (hives)asthma attack, and anaphylaxis are some of the more serious reactions to an allergen – and none of these are particularly pleasant.
So, what causes allergies, and how can CBD help them?


2. A Quick Science Lesson

In a nutshell, allergies happen when your identifies a substance as being harmful and rapidly produces antibodies to fight against it. Sounds like it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

Unfortunately, for most people, the thing that they suffer an allergic reaction to, isn’t harmful to most other people. And to make matters worse, many can be things they are likely to meet regularly in everyday life.

Take some of the most common examples of allergies such as foods (peanutsglutenlactose), petspollens, and medicines.

3. How Do You Develop Allergies?

Generally speaking, there is no real scientific consensus on why exactly allergies develop. Some people seem to be more prone than others, and a family history of allergies seems to be closely related to your chances of developing them.

However, more and more people are beginning to develop allergies each year, and there has been a dramatic rise in the number of adults developing them later in life. One possible reason is the “hygiene hypothesis”.

This suggests that as a result of our modern-day standards of cleanliness, we are exposed to fewer and fewer bacteria in our everyday lives. As a result, our bodies are no longer exposed and conditioned to even low levels of bacteria, and therefore react badly when they finally are.

4. What Can Be Done About An Allergy?

Unfortunately, because nobody is quite sure of how exactly allergies develop, there is very little that can be done to prevent them.
Scary thought, isn’t it?

It’s really not uncommon to hear of people going to bed one night perfectly fine and waking up in the morning covered in hives. They have just developed an allergic reaction to a fabric conditioner or perhaps even dust overnight.

It seems that the age-old saying “prevention is better than cure” is pretty useless when it comes to allergies.

5. If You Can’t Prevent Allergies, Can You Cure Them?

We are sorry, but it’s pretty bad news again in this department.

Most allergies, once developed, seem to stick around for life. Symptoms can fluctuate between getting better or worse with time and the current approach medicine takes is to just treat the symptoms when they arise.

Generally, that means waiting for an allergic reaction to take place and treating it with antihistamines of one sort or another. In some instances of anaphylaxis, an injection of adrenaline (ephedrine) may even be required to keep you alive.

The trouble with this approach is that most people don’t want to spend their whole lives waiting for the next severe allergic reaction. And when they do occur, many people who take antihistamines experience horrible side effects including drowsiness or sleepiness, dry mouth, feeling sick and difficulty peeing.


6. Do We Have Any Good News For You? – The Surprising Effects!

If you’ve made it this far into this article, you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s all doom and gloom. You might be thinking we are all going to develop horrible allergies and there’s nothing anyone or anything can do about it.

Luckily for you, there is finally some good news.

With the growth in popularity of CBD products over the last few years, there has been an explosion of people seeing huge reductions in symptoms of allergies.

7. CBD For Allergies – The Surprising Effects!

Nowadays, so many people take CBD as part of their daily routine. As a product, CBD’s range of benefits to the human body is incredibly vast. This has caused so many people to take CBD for so many different reasons.

Some people will be taking it to sleep better, some will be taking it to help with inflammation and joint pain, others simply because it helps their mood and decreases their levels of anxiety.

CBD really is an amazing compound.

But, more and more frequently, people are noticing that it has one extra additional benefit – CBD has been shown to alleviate the frequency and seriousness of symptoms related to allergies.

8. An All-Natural Alternative

As previously mentioned, many people suffer badly from side effects when taking antihistamines for their allergy symptoms.
CBD on the other hand has zero known side effects. This is part of the reason why more people are now starting to turn to it as an alternative source of allergy relief.
The positive effects of taking CBD are well established by now. In regard to allergies, perhaps the most important of these might be how CBD is proven to reduce inflammation in the body.


9. CBD And Inflammation

One of the most common allergic reactions is an inflammation of one sort or another. Take seasonal allergies such as hay-fever for instance. The blocked nose feeling is because your sinuses swell and block your airways. The trouble breathing through your mouth can be attributed to your throat swelling too.

Allergies will also manifest themselves through inflammation on the skin. When your skin goes red and blotchy after suffering an allergic reaction to something, that is once again .

So many of our clients who have suffered from allergies for as long as they can remember have remarked how, while taking CBD, their allergies almost disappear.
This is likely because taking CBD encourages your body to produce its own cannabinoids and better regulates your endocannabinoid system. If you didn’t know already, your endocannabinoid system is responsible for the regulation of inflammation in your body.

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10. Possibility to Prevent with CBD

By boosting your endocannabinoid system, you are also helping to boost your body’s overall immune system. What is well known is that by having a healthier immune system, your body is less likely to over-react when exposed to potentially harmful substances. This means that you would be reducing your chances of ever producing an allergic reaction in the first place.

Suffering an allergic reaction is also more likely to make you susceptible to a secondary illness or infection. When your body over-reacts to an allergen and you suffer a reaction, you leave your body in a weakened state afterwards. Full-spectrum CBD oil has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, which means even if you still suffer reactions, you are still aiding your body’s ability to fight off potential secondary infection.

11. Can You Be Allergic to CBD?

Although it is extremely rare, there have been a few isolated cases of people experiencing allergic reactions after taking CBD products. Luckily, we are yet to experience any of our customers suffering from this, but we feel it is something you should be aware of.

As we discussed in the first part of this article, allergies can be almost entirely at random. This is why you should always make sure that you start off by taking a low dose of any new product to assess tolerance before increasing it.

12. How Can CBD Help with Allergies?

CBD can be consumed in several different ways. You can take it orally in an oil form, in sweets and candies, vape it with an e-liquid, take it in pill form or apply it directly to your skin in the form of balms and oils.

Depending on the sort of allergic reactions you suffer from, you might find that taking CBD in one form over another may be more beneficial to you.
For instance, many of our clients who have developed eczema-type symptoms as a result of allergies have found that applying a CBD balm directly onto the affected area has worked wonders to clear it up.

Others who have suffered for years from pet allergies have found that their symptoms almost entirely disappeared when taking CBD oil as part of their daily routine.
As with all things, there is no one correct answer that will best fit everyone. The best way to is simply to try it for yourself and work out the correct balance for you. If you do have any reservations or questions, however, our team at The Real CBD, is always on hand to offer you expert advice and guidance.

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