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Can CBD help in the treatment of epilepsy


Home: Can CBD help in the treatment of epilepsy

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CBD () became known worldwide through the story of Charlotte Figi. A girl who suffered from severe epilepsy. Specially made CBD oil helped her. Her 300 seizures a day went down by almost 100%. In this blog article, we are going to take a further look at whether CBD helps against epilepsy.

What is cannabidiol?

The main extracts from the hemp plant are CBD and (tetrahydrocannabinol); THC is the intoxicating part of the plant. For epilepsy, the effect of pure CBD is what is mainly investigated. The effect of THC on, for example, the developing brain of young children is not known.

Besides CBD, there are other cannabinoids and terpenes in the hemp plant. Think of CBN, CBC, CBG, and many others. When CBD is made and not filtered the CBD product contains all . Then we speak of a Full Spectrum CBD. The CBD then also contains a small part of THC. This is never more than 0,2%. Besides the Full Spectrum CBD, there is also a CBD Isolate, which consists of only CBD. Recently a has been developed, this contains all the cannabinoids except THC. With a Full Spectrum CBD, the cannabinoids reinforce each other’s effect, which creates the ‘‘.

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a disorder of the central nervous system. The condition of epilepsy manifests itself in the form of attacks. These may be mild or severe. Epileptic seizures are caused by a sudden, temporary disturbance of the electrical stimulation in the brain. The brain contains several billion grey cells. These cells organize themselves into all kinds of networks. Everything we do, we do with our brains. Thinking, perceiving, feeling, and doing. Each network has its own task. For example, there is a network that deals with the movement of your legs or your arms. The cells in the networks constantly exchange messages by means of electric pulses. During an epileptic seizure, there is a short circuit between one or more networks. Someone who experiences an epileptic seizure may jolt, fall or make strange movements. You may also experience a strange smell, be absent or lose consciousness.

We understand that patients with difficult-to-treat epilepsy may want to try CBD for all forms of epilepsy, but it is too early to provide definitive guidelines. Would you like to try CBD? Then make an appointment with an epilepsy specialist or an epilepsy reference center. Only go through official channels and do not buy an unsafe or illegal form of . Doing so may expose you to serious health risks. Contact us before you buy CBD so we can recommend the right products for you.

CBD oil against epilepsy

What does CBD oil do against epilepsy? CBD has an influence on the amount of calcium and serotonin receptors in your brain. Both have an influence on the transmission of impulses. CBD is also capable of increasing the amount of adenosine in the brain. This substance inhibits the occurrence of epileptic seizures. CBD oil can therefore reduce epileptic seizures. It’s not all kinds of Epilepsy CBD can help with. As we are all individuals and respond differently to CBD, we recommend you speak to a health care provider before you get any CBD oil.

Scientific research on children with Dravet

The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto has examined 19 children with Dravet. A disease that regularly causes epileptic seizures and cannot be treated with medication. Therefore, they were given a cannabis extract of 100 ml CBD and 2 ml THC. Researchers monitored them for 20 weeks. During that period, seizures decreased by an average of 70.6 percent.

Charlotte Figi’s story

Figi was born on October 18, 2006, to parents Paige and Matt Figi, along with a twin sister. She had her first seizure when she was 3 months old. At the age of five, she used a wheelchair, had up to 300 seizures per week, and had difficulty speaking due to her Dravet syndrome. Figi’s mother first began to look for CBD oil for her daughter’s treatment in 2012. Figi began taking “Hippie’s Disappointment,” a marijuana plant oil with low THC. Today it is Charlotte’s Web.

After using Charlotte’s Web, Figi saw an immediate reduction in her epileptic seizures, which went from 300 per week to two or three per month.

While medical marijuana use was still illegal in many states, word of Figi’s success spread, and families with similar diagnoses began to relocate to Colorado Springs, where the oil was first sold.

As a result of her story, she received worldwide attention and media coverage. In 2013, she was the subject of Sanjay Gupta’s CNN documentary Weed.

She became a well-known figure in the U.S. and international medical marijuana movements, and her story aided in the passage of medical marijuana legislation in the United States and beyond.

What kind of CBD oil is suitable for epilepsy?

CBD oil comes in several forms. At The Real CBD, we have three types of CBD oil. Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and THC-free CBD oil. The hemp plant grown for CBD products is only made for CBD products. The THC content is minimal and will always be less than 0.2% in the products. This way you know for sure that it has been tested is good and that it doesn’t contain too much THC.

Besides CBD, there are more cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Full Spectrum CBD oil is created by leaving all cannabinoids in. The cannabinoids reinforce each other’s effect, creating the “entourage effect”. In the Full Spectrum oil, there will always be a small percentage of THC. However, this is negligible. If you want to use CBD oil against epilepsy for children, you can also choose for a THC-free CBD oil. This oil contains all cannabinoids, except THC.

All CBD oils contain a percentage of CBD. The lightest percentage is 2.5% and is used for mild complaints. The heaviest percentage is CBD oil 40% which is used for heavy complaints. Do you have epilepsy and have you never used CBD before, then it is wise to start with a CBD oil of 10%. You can also download our free-E-book which will tell you all you need to know.

More about CBD

How to use CBD oil for epilepsy?

If you are not yet a CBD user, it is wise to build it up slowly. CBD is no wonder drug that reduces epileptic seizures immediately, it needs a build-up phase. CBD can take care of the balance of the endocannabinoid system. This system is often out of balance, which can make you suffer more from epileptic seizures. The build-up phase can take from hours to weeks.

If you are a beginning CBD user and you want to use CBD for average epileptic seizures, we advise you to start with a 10% CBD oil. You start with 2 drops 2-3 times a day. You drip the oil under your tongue and let it sit for 90 to 120 seconds.

Use CBD oil consistently for the best results

Once you start using CBD oil, use it consistently. If you don’t use CBD oil for a while, then you will have to go through the build-up phase again. CBD oil can be very pricey, and it’s a shame if you don’t use CBD oil properly. When in doubt, we are there for you for personal contact.

Always use legal CBD oil with epilepsy

CBD is becoming more and more popular and this causes many sellers to sell illegal CBD oil or sell CBD oil without a test report, even homemade CBD…… There are also suppliers who try to cheat with the percentage of CBD or the number of ml in a bottle. Therefore, always ask your provider if it can be delivered with a test report. Try to contact them and see if they know anything about CBD oil. Can they provide you with personal advice? Also, always ask for the THC percentage.

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