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Can CBD help you stop smoking?

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Home » Can CBD help you stop smoking?

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Are you trying to break free from the grip of smoking? You are not alone. Even though smoking is a common habit, it is one of the most addictive ones out there. However, there is hope, and it comes in the form of CBD. At The Real CBD, we understand the struggles people face when trying to quit smoking, and we are here to explore whether CBD, derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant, can offer a helping hand. In this article, we will delve into the potential benefits of using CBD as an aid in quitting smoking, shedding light on how it might be the missing piece of the puzzle for those looking to kick the habit for good.

How Smoking Becomes a Habit


Your daily ritual of lighting up might not seem so harmful, but smoking is deeply rooted in habit, triggered by both external and internal factors. The brain creates connections between certain visuals or behaviours and the urge to smoke. It is a tough cycle to break, especially when cigarettes are readily available.

Quitting smoking is no easy feat. It is not just about deciding to quit; you will also have to navigate the challenging withdrawal phase. Mentally and emotionally, breaking a habit can be tough. However, here’s the good news: it gets easier with time, and CBD can be your ally in this journey.

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Using CBD to Quit Smoking

CBD offers numerous benefits when you are trying to quit smoking. Studies show that it can help with cravings and withdrawal symptoms, making it easier to stay smoke-free.

Quitting smoking is a multifaceted challenge that involves your mind, emotions, and body. CBD, along with other strategies, can significantly ease the process and reduce the risk of relapse.

Before we dive into the science behind how CBD can aid in quitting smoking, let us explore why it is essential to kick the cigarette habit.

Is CBD addictive?

How CBD Might Help You Quit Smoking

1. Managing Cravings and Withdrawal Symptoms

One of the most significant challenges for anyone trying to quit smoking is the overwhelming cravings and withdrawal symptoms. CBD has been suggested to interact with the endocannabinoid system in our bodies, which plays a role in regulating various functions, including mood, appetite, and cravings. By interacting with this system, CBD may help reduce the intensity of cravings and alleviate some withdrawal symptoms, making it easier to resist the urge to smoke.


2. Anxiety and Stress Reduction

and anxiety are common triggers for smoking. Many individuals turn to cigarettes as a way to cope with these emotions. CBD has shown promise as a natural anxiolytic, meaning it may help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. By incorporating CBD into your quit-smoking journey, you might find it easier to manage the emotional aspects of breaking free from nicotine addiction.

3. Breaking the Habit

Smoking is not only about nicotine addiction, but also about the habitual aspect of the act itself. The physical act of lighting up and inhaling can become ingrained in daily routines. CBD can be taken in various forms, such as oils, gummies, or capsules, providing a substitute for the physical ritual of smoking. This can help break the association between smoking and daily activities, making it easier to quit.

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The Importance of Quality CBD Products

When considering CBD as a tool to help quit smoking, it is crucial to choose high-quality products from a reputable source like The Real CBD. We believe in full-spectrum, whole-plant CBD products that deliver what they promise on the label. Trustworthy products ensure you are getting the full benefits of CBD without any unwanted additives or contaminants.

Personalized Guidance

The Real CBD products

At The Real CBD, we understand that everyone’s journey to quit smoking is unique. That is why we offer free consultations with our cannabis experts. Our team can provide personalized recommendations on the best CBD products and dosages to support your specific needs and goals.

How CBD Works

CBD oil is not naturally soluble in water, but it can be transformed into tiny molecules that dissolve easily. These minuscule CBD particles can blend with water, making it possible to dissolve CBD in liquid. This emulsification process allows for faster absorption in the body, as CBD can now pass through the bloodstream and into cells more efficiently.

This means that our 5% CBD capsules, when dissolved, can have a quicker effect than other types of edibles. Now, let us delve into the science behind this faster absorption.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

There are several compelling reasons to quit smoking, including:

  1. Reduced Risks: Smoking significantly increases your risk of various types of cancer, including lung, oesophageal, kidney, pancreatic, and bladder cancer. Quitting smoking gradually reduces this risk.
  2. Improved Blood Circulation: Smoking harms your heart, but within two weeks of quitting, your blood circulation begins to improve. This reduces the risk of heart attacks and increases your overall energy levels.
  3. Enhanced Taste and Smell: Your senses of taste and smell improve after quitting. Smoking damages the nerve endings in your nasal cavity and mouth, but they can regrow within days of quitting.
  4. Stronger Immune System: Smoking weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses. When you quit, your circulation improves, decreases, and oxygen levels rise, strengthening your immune system.

CBD for the immune system

CBD’s Role in Nicotine Addiction

While research on CBD’s effectiveness in treating nicotine addiction is ongoing, some promising findings suggest that it can help. A study conducted at the University College of London in 2013 found that participants who used CBD inhalers smoked 40% fewer cigarettes than those using a placebo inhaler. This indicates CBD’s potential as a smoking deterrent.

Another recent study focused on cocaine, morphine and opioid addiction, suggesting that CBD may disrupt the cycle of addictive behaviour. Though more extensive research is needed, these preliminary results show promise for CBD, especially in vape form, as a tool to curb nicotine cravings.

Easing Smoking Withdrawal with CBD

Smoking withdrawal symptoms can start within days of your last cigarette and persist for weeks. These symptoms encompass physical, mental, and emotional challenges, including , anxiety, sleep problems, mood swings, irritability, increased appetite, and high blood pressure.

Withdrawal symptoms can drive individuals back to smoking to alleviate discomfort. This is where CBD’s potential benefits come into play.

CBD can:

  • Reduce Anxiety: Stress often triggers smoking, and CBD can help reduce stress and anxiety, providing a healthier way to relax.
  • Relieve Physical Discomfort: CBD’s and antiemetic properties can alleviate headaches and , common withdrawal symptoms.
  • Promote Better Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial during withdrawal, and CBD can aid in achieving restorative rest.
  • Decrease Cravings: CBD vapes offer an alternative to satisfy the oral fixation associated with smoking, without the harmful effects of nicotine.

CBD Vape Pens vs. CBD Oil to stop smoking

CBD vape - THC Free

Both CBD vape pens and oil drops offer benefits in your journey to quit smoking.

CBD Oil:

  • Offers pain and anxiety relief.
  • Taken orally, it is convenient and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

CBD Vapes:

  • Compact and discreet, they are easy to carry.
  • Contain pure CBD isolate and MCT oil, absorbing quickly.

Other CBD Products to Consider

In addition to CBD oil drops and vape pens, there are other CBD products that can help ease withdrawal symptoms. These include naturally flavoured sparkling CBD water and water-soluble CBD powder, which can be added to various beverages.

Can you smoke CBD oil?

Read more about CBD water-soluble powder here

Conclusion: Harnessing CBD to Quit Smoking

The evidence suggests that CBD can be a valuable ally in your journey to quit smoking. If you are seeking natural ways to kick the habit and improve your overall well-being, explore the wide range of CBD products available. You will find options to ease withdrawal symptoms and make your transition to a smoke-free life more manageable.

Embrace the potential of CBD and make a positive change in your life. Shop online today and discover how CBD can help you stop smoking and enhance your well-being.

The Real CBD to help you stop smoking

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