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Can CBD help you sleep better?

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Home » Can CBD help you sleep better?

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In today’s busy and stressful world, getting a good night’s sleep can feel like a hard-to-reach goal. Many people have trouble sleeping, whether it’s hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep all night, or hard to feel relaxed when they wake up. CBD, or cannabidiol, may be something you’ve heard of if you’ve been looking for a natural way to help you sleep. CBD has gotten a lot of attention in recent years because it might be good for your health, including helping you sleep better. In this article, we’ll talk about CBD and how it affects sleep. We’ll look at the science behind its possible benefits and give you information to help you make a choice.

Getting to know CBD: What Is It?

CBD is a compound that is found naturally in the plant. But unlike its well-known cousin, tetrahydrocannabinol (), CBD doesn’t make you feel “high” and doesn’t make you drunk. CBD works with the (ECS), which is a complicated network of receptors and neurotransmitters that controls many bodily functions, including sleep. CBD may change the sleep-wake cycle and make you feel more relaxed by working with the ECS. This could lead to better sleep quality.

How CBD and Sleep Are Proven

Even though stories from people who have used CBD say that it can help them sleep, scientific research is still in its early stages. But early studies and tests that weren’t done in people have shown hopeful results. A 2019 study in The Permanente Journal looked at 72 people who had both anxiety and trouble sleeping. Within the first month of using CBD, the subjects’ sleep scores got better. In 2020, another study looked at how CBD affected sleep and worry in a group of children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The data showed that CBD not only helped people sleep better but also made them less anxious.

Also, CBD may help you sleep because it can fix underlying problems that cause sleep problems. , worry, and stress are all things that can make it hard to sleep. CBD’s anti-inflammatory and anxiety-relieving effects may help with these problems, which could help you sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed.

Cannabidiol and its Influence on your sleep cycle

The vast majority of people suffering from sleeping disorders neglect their issues for years. Why is that?

Difficulty getting into sleep, having trouble sleeping? Or waking up early: a large group of people experience problems sleeping, often referred to as sleeping disorders. A good night’s sleep is not only important to function well, but also to prevent health damage. Chronic sleep disorders increase the risk of getting diseases and other health issues. But it also causes reduced energy, concentration, and memory problems, and even irritability. On the list of natural remedies that are used to battle sleeping disorders, CBD oil is getting increasingly important.

Most individuals with sleeping problems considered these to have an impact on their daily functioning, with family life most affected in the Western European sample, personal activities in the US sample, and professional activities in the Japanese sample.

Sleeping problems are neglected by most people

Almost half of the individuals with sleep problems had never taken any steps to resolve them, and the majority of respondents had not spoken with a physician about their problems.

It is especially the women who have sleep problems. Women generally sleep a little longer than men, but they have more difficulty getting into sleep, and use more sleep medication than men, according to this study.11 percent of women in the age group 41 to 65 years use sleep medication vs. 4.6 percent of the men, in the age group 65+ this is even 17.5 percent of women vs. 6.1 percent of men.

Medication and sleeping disorders


Not everyone is keen to use sleeping pills. They can help you sleep better for one or a few days, but sleeping medication also has many disadvantages. For example, they have side effects such as drowsiness during the day and can cause concentration problems. They increase the risk of falling  (elderly people) and therefore increase the risk of fractures.

 In any case, general practitioners are careful when prescribing these so-called benzodiazepines because you get used/hooked to them quickly. If you use them every day for a week, the effect decreases. So you need more and more sleeping tablets to be able to sleep. In short: within a few weeks, you become addicted and dependent on such a drug. Doctors only recommend them if the need is very high and then only for a few days or temporarily.

Natural resources against sleeping disorders

Natural substances such as , chamomile, and valerian have been sold for years in the fight against insomnia. Relatively new in this list is cannabidiol or CBD oil as a natural tranquilizer. In the endocannabinoid system in the brain, the brain produces a type of marijuana that is native to the body: endocannabinoid 2-AG (arachidonoylglycerol), a protein-created substance that has the same effect as THC, the active component in marijuana.

The brain produces another type of marijuana, anandamide. The exact role of both substances is not clear, but this includes the regulation of appetite, pain sensation, memory and anxiety. And a lack of it can cause complaints such as concentration disorders, insomnia and restlessness.

Can CBD help you sleep better?

Although further scientific research is needed into the functioning of the endocannabinoid system, CBD seems to be a natural alternative to prescription sleep aids. CBD generally does not cause any side effects and can be used by almost anyone.

How to Make CBD a Part of Your Bedtime Routine

If you want to use CBD to help you sleep, it’s important to get high-quality goods from trusted sources. Here are some important things to think about:

  • Quality of the Product: Look for CBD products that come from naturally grown hemp and are tested by a third party to make sure they are pure and effective.
  • Dosage: Getting the right amount of CBD can take some trial and error, since everyone reacts to it differently. Start with a small dose and slowly raise it until you get the effects you want. Read more here
  • CBD can be taken in many different ways, such as oils, tinctures, pills, edibles, and topicals. Try out different ways to give your message to see which one works best for you.
  • CBD’s benefits can last for different amounts of time. Some people feel the effects right away, while others may need to use it every day for a few weeks. Add CBD to your sleep routine on a regular basis to see how well it works.
  • Before adding CBD to your sleep routine, it’s important to talk to a doctor or nurse if you have any underlying health problems or are taking any medications.

Other Ways to Get a Good Night’s Rest

CBD may help you sleep better, but you need to look at your sleep pattern as a whole to get the most out of it. Here are some more tips that can help you get a good night’s sleep:

  • Create a Relaxing Environment: Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet so you can sleep well there. Invest in a mattress and pillows that are comfortable and help your body stay in its normal position.
  • Set a regular sleep schedule: go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on the weekends. This helps keep your body’s internal clock in sync, which makes it easier for you to fall asleep and wake up feeling rested.
  • Practise Relaxation Techniques: Before you go to bed, do things that help you rest, like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or doing deep breathing exercises. These methods can help you relax your mind and get your body ready for sleep.
  • Limit your time in front of a screen. The blue light from electronics can mess with your body’s normal sleep-wake cycle. At least an hour before bedtime, don’t use your phone, tablet, or computer.
  • Moderate Exercise: Physical exercise on a regular basis can help you sleep better. During the day, do moderate exercise like brisk walks or . However, don’t do intense workouts right before bed, as they may keep you awake.

Conclusion – Can CBD make you sleep better?

CBD shows promise as a possible way to help people sleep better, but it’s important to use it with the right attitude. Even though science is still learning more, early studies show that CBD may improve the quality of sleep by addressing underlying issues like anxiety and pain. But it may take some trial and error to find the right CBD product, dosage, and time for your needs. Don’t forget to give importance to other important parts of a healthy sleep habit, like making a relaxing environment and setting a regular schedule. By using CBD along with these other natural methods, you can increase your chances of having a more restful and recharging sleep.

If you have any questions regarding the use of CBD Oil, please visit our CBD FAQ page. Or contact us regarding any questions that you might have. We are happy to assist you, and our team exists of professionals with over 10 years of experience in the natural healing industry.

The Real CBD for better Sleep

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