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CBD Healing Balm: The 21st Century revolutionary athlete solution?

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CBD Healing Balm: a real revolution for athletes

Cyclists, bodybuilders, surfers, skiers, and skaters are convinced of the positive impacts of CBD. Some athletes have even stated publicly that cannabidiol is part of their daily health routine. Sure, extreme sports can be exciting to watch and play, but aches and pains, and injuries are also inevitable for those who participate in these activities. Not only do CBD products improve their performance, but they also help to alleviate pain. Find out more about the benefits of CBD healing balm for top athletes here.

What is CBD used for?

Cannabidiol is one of the active components found in plants. It can be extracted from marijuana or . However, several countries require that CBD products used by sportsmen and women come only from hemp. This ensures that the content does not exceed 0.2%. This cannabinoid (THC) can also be used to alleviate pain, but is psycho-active and affects your mental state with the feeling of “high”.

CBD, on the other hand, does not provide a high. This means that this molecule has no psychoactive effect. It interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) by eliminating free radicals, restoring balance, and reducing inflammation. All athletes who participate in intense training or frequent exercise can rely on CBD. It is a great natural alternative to pain relief.

3 benefits of CBD healing balm or CBD massage after exercise:

Promotes sleep

You probably know that muscle recovery is linked to the quality of sleep. In fact, the muscle repair process occurs during deep sleep. At this time, the body releases all the toxins stored in the muscles after exercise. To avoid insomnia and sleep disorders, cannabidiol products are often used. This indirectly promotes muscle recovery.

The use of CBD is a natural method that promotes good sleep. Long-term use, therefore, optimizes muscle rebuilding and the entire body’s recovery. Whether used before or after sporting activity, CBD gel instantly relieves body aches and improves performance.

Relaxes muscles

During sports, intensive exercise often causes micro-injuries, especially muscle fibers. These muscles are damaged during the physical effort and inevitably lead to inflammatory pain. The application of the cannabidiol gel promotes an interaction between the CBD molecule and the CB2 receptors. This controls inflammation and accelerates the rapid repair of muscle fibres.

Similarly, an interaction occurs between TRPV1 receptors and this cannabinoid with a thousand virtues. In other words, the application of a CBD-derived product allows the analgesic and properties of cannabidiol to be used. Ultimately, this reaction helps to relieve muscle pain, but it also helps to reduce feelings of fatigue following physical exertion.

Allows relaxation

As you already know, is a manual therapy that involves massaging the body’s tissues. This technique not only reduces pain but also soothes the mind by promoting relaxation. When this method is combined with the benefits of cannabidiol cooling gel, both relieve the user’s joint and muscle pain.

The same is true for a massage using CBD balm or oil. These different products are effective in combating . Admittedly, the effects of a CBD supplement take a little longer to interact due to digestion. But, if you decide to go for a topical solution, CBD will directly affect the endocannabinoid system.

How to perform a massage with CBD?

Massage method with cannabidiol oil

To perform a CBD massage, you can choose a CBD massage oil or a CBD balm. Apply a small amount to all painful areas.

In fact, there are countless cannabidiol-based products flavoured with other ingredients. CBD crème with menthol, for example, offers a cooling effect, i.e. a cold/warm sensation. It is the recommended product to alleviate swollen legs.

If you have some time to do a CBD massage before your workout, it helps to soften the muscles and prepare them for exercise. You just need to massage all the areas you are working on so that the active ingredients penetrate through the skin.

How long does the CBD healing balm work?

For a topical application, it is generally necessary to wait between 1 and 2 hours for the effects of CBD to act on the body.

On the other hand, the mechanical action of the massage helps to relax instantly and to alleviate muscle pain. This relief will be amplified once the cannabidiol spreads through the body. You will feel a sense of relaxation.

Drug testing and CBD

Athletes competing in international competitions are drug tested a few days before the event. A broad-spectrum CBD product is THE ideal choice, as it does not show up on the tests. Therefore, using CBD to relieve inflammation and pain will not negatively impact your career.

CBD enthusiasts who regularly take drug tests should only choose trusted products. Choose reputable companies or shops that sell quality, controlled topical products. Make sure you check the label and the exact amounts of the ingredients. The amount of THC should also be indicated.

If you want to know more about CBD and drug testing – see our other blogs on this subject:

CBD massage oil: quality has a price

To be sure of the quality of the CBD product you are using, it is a good idea to find out beforehand where the hemp you are using comes from. Even if the first choice products are generally expensive, they offer better quality. In addition, the hemp used is certified organic and free of pesticides.

Is CBD a miracle ingredient in cosmetics?

Cannabidiol is a very powerful remedy for many ailments. It is best known for its therapeutic properties on the human body. It is a muscle relaxant, de-stressing, neuroprotective and immunity booster. This molecule from hemp has all the necessary assets to appeal to the public.

Until now, it is the health professionals who prescribe cannabidiol as a medicine. Unfortunately, this has not prevented certain cosmetic brands from introducing it into their formulations in order to have an authentic CBD skincare product. 

More than a natural anti-stress, CBD rebalances the body by acting directly on human homeostasis. It helps to maintain the balance between appetite, memory, mood, pain so that the person in question feels better about themselves. But, in the broadest sense, there are still questions that consumers deserve answers to. What about the exact concentration of topical products? What are the real benefits of cannabidiol on the skin? How should this main active ingredient be used in beauty?

To conclude, if the use of CBD cosmetics/balms and crèmes is already widespread before physical activity, these products increase the pain tolerance threshold of the muscle. Its use during the recovery phase is therefore recommended. CBD topicals are not harmful substances and do not lead to addiction.

Read more about CBD and the beauty industry

The Real CBD Skincare products

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