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CBD for Teens!

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We write 2022 and the social pressure on Teens has never been higher. They all live in a fake world of Instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook. Comparing their own lives to what is projected in a picture they look at for 10 seconds…. Everyone is slimmer, more successful, richer, has more likes, or “just” more beautiful than themselves. Even though they know it is all enhanced with filters or Photoshop, or possibly just a lie – it still affects them to want it. Feeling anxious, depressed, or stressed is “the norm” today and not taboo to talk about anymore.

Being a parent (especially to a teenager) can be a hard challenge of endless patience and acceptance. We just want to keep them happy, healthy, and content, and be realistic about life. Moreover, we aim to help them achieve their wants and dreams. A few drops of CBD for your teen could be the solution. But is CBD safe for Teenagers now that it is made from Cannabis? In this blog, we will go through all you need to know about CBD for Teens.

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Different kinds of CBD oil?

If you’ve ever tried or considered trying CBD oil, you’ve probably seen the terms Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, or Isolate on a variety of products. The issue is that many people are unable to find a clear explanation of what they are looking for. They are aware that they require CBD Oil but are befuddled by the numerous options available. “Should I take Broad Spectrum, Full Spectrum, or Isolate?” it’s natural to wonder. What’s the distinction? “Does one outperform the others?” All perfectly reasonable questions, but we’re here to simplify and explain the differences so you can choose the best product for your teen or yourself.


Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Is one of the most common types of CBD Oil. The term “full-spectrum” refers to the fact that the oil contains more than just CBD (cannabidiol). There are several and cannabinoids present, including CBDA, CBG, CBA, and trace amounts of THC. Don’t be put off by the THC if you want to try Full Spectrum CBD Oil. All CBD Social products are completely legal and contain less than 0.3 percent THC. The benefit of Full Spectrum CBD Oil is that these other cannabinoids work in tandem with the CBD to produce a more pronounced and well-rounded effect.

Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

Similar to Full Spectrum CBD Oil in that it contains more terpenes and cannabinoids than CBD alone, but with one exception: ALL THC has been chemically removed from the substance. This may appear to be a good thing, but when we dig a little deeper, we discover that it actually significantly dulls the effects of the product, requiring users to take much higher doses and reaping fewer benefits. Without even a trace amount of this essential cannabinoid, the other cannabinoids are unable to work effectively together, dulling the effects.

CBD Isolate

Not at all the same as Full Spectrum CBD Oil or Broad Spectrum CBD Oil. CBD Isolate is CBD in its purest form. It contains no other terpenes or cannabinoids. The advantage of this is that it is extremely potent, and only a small amount is required to produce its effects. We recommend our CBD Isolate for those suffering from insomnia because it works best as a sleep aid and can leave you feeling drowsy after consumption.

What kind of CBD should you choose for your Teen?

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the addictive part of the Cannabis plant. You will find high levels of THC in Marijuana. CBD oil is made from industrial Hemp

When young people start using marijuana, they may start to have problems with it or become addicted to it, which is called a marijuana use disorder. People who start smoking marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to get a marijuana use disorder than people who are adults. 

Marijuana use disorders are often linked to dependence, which is when a person has withdrawal symptoms if they don’t use the drug for a long time. People who use a lot of marijuana often have irritability, mood and sleep problems, less appetite, cravings, restlessness, and other physical problems that peak in the first week after they stop and last for up to two weeks.

If you feel your teen has an addictive nature we would suggest you choose a broad-Spectrum CBD product to be on the safe side. All the other cannabinoids are still present in the oil and will create homeostasis via the Endo-Cannabinoid system. But you don’t have to worry about addiction because the THC has been taken out.

Should your teen not have any tendencies to addiction then we recommend you choose a full-Spectrum CBD product. Full-Spectrum has the Entourage-effect where all the cannabinoids work together in harmony.

Learn more about CBD! Discover our blog:

Is CBD safe for Teens?

CBD is distinguished by the manner in which it is processed and utilized by the body. CBD is considered non-toxic to all mammals, and this is due to the endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system is a complex bodily system that connects cannabinoids like CBD to cannabinoid receptors found all over the body. Each cannabinoid receptor is in charge of regulating a neighboring bodily process, and feeding the body cannabinoids provides these receptors with the fuel they require to do so efficiently and effectively.

The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system is an extremely intelligent system that simply stores extra cannabinoids for later use. This is why you don’t hear about CBD overdoses. Rather than causing toxicity when consumed in large quantities, CBD is simply stored until it is needed.

Keep in mind that, while CBD is considered non-toxic, everyone’s body is different, and a person can have an intolerance, allergy, or severe reaction to pretty much anything in nature. So, technically, we can never say that CBD is completely safe for teenagers or anyone else. But we can’t say the same for chocolate, coffee, or any other widely popular product.

In our 5 years of working with CBD and 1000s of our clients including teens, we have never seen anyone allergic or intolerant to CBD. On the contrary – we have helped several teenagers to a better life by getting rid of Prozac and other anti-depressant medications.

What can CBD do for Teenagers?

The benefits of CBD for teens and their most prevalent struggles could be:

  • Lessen attacks
  • Provide deeper and better sleep (this could sound wrong as teenagers are known for sleeping too much…) Quality over quantity!
  • Control mood swings
  • Help come out of depression
  • Adjust unbalanced hormones
  • Put a smile on their face
  • Help with social stress
  • Control the appetite

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CBD oil for Teenage Anxiety

Anxiety is the feeling of worry, apprehension, or dread that something bad is going to happen. Or that you can’t cope with a situation. It’s also the physical reactions that go with the feeling, like ‘butterflies in the stomach, tension, shakiness, , and sweatiness. And it’s behavior like avoiding what’s causing the anxiety or wanting a lot of reassurance. It can happen in response to a specific situation or event, but it continues after the situation has passed. It can also happen without a specific situation or event too.

Teen anxiety isn’t always a bad thing. Feeling anxious can help to keep teenagers safe by getting them to think about the situation they’re in. It can also motivate them to do their best. And it can help them get ready for challenging situations like public speaking or sporting events.

If it gets out of hand and your teen keeps feeling anxious, a few drops of CBD oil can help them to a calmer and more controlled way of thinking and coping with a certain situation.

If you would like to learn more about CBD for anxiety – have a look here:

Teens and Sleep – Can CBD Help?

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Sleep aids in the refueling of both the brain and the body. Teenagers require more sleep since their bodies and minds are rapidly developing.

According to scientific evidence, many teenagers do not get enough sleep. Every day, they need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep to perform at their best. While they may not always be able to get this much, it is critical to strive to get as much as possible.

How can you tell if your teen is getting enough rest?

  • The following are examples of signs indicating you need more sleep:
  • Having trouble waking up in the morning
  • Having trouble concentrating during the day.
  • Falling asleep in class
  • Feeling grumpy or even melancholy are all symptoms of too little sleep.

Sleep quality is also very important. Spending 12 hours in bed on social media, game consoles, and watching Netflix ARE NOT part of the Sleep equation. We all need a certain amount of deep sleep, REM sleep, and light sleep to function our best. But that is a whole other article….

CBD oil can help provide the best sleep for your teen by creating homeostasis and keeping their circadian clock in check.

If you want to know more about CBD for Sleep:

CBD for Unbalanced Hormones and Mood Swings

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If you are a woman between 12 and 100 you have for sure felt this on your own body. Unbalanced hormones are ” a living hell”. It could be during the teenage years, for all genders, or menopause. No matter when then it is unpredictable, uncomfortable, confusing, and very disturbing.

Unbalanced hormones and mood swings often go hand in hand. Research has shown that the endocannabinoid system and endocrine processes (the system that controls all hormones) are linked together. Our bodies have a system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS), and it helps us stay healthy by creating balance. It makes sure our body is operating in a narrow range of conditions, which is called homeostasis. 

The ECS is thought to control stress, mood, memory, fertility, bone growth, pain, immune function, and many other things, as well as many other things. CBD works with the ECS and many other receptors in the body.

By creating the hormonal balance you create a normal level of hormones. And you can help better the mood swings, depression, and also the physical parts of hormone imbalance like , rosacea, and other skin conditions related to hormone imbalance.

Read more about CBD for skin conditions here:

Fix the unbalanced hormones by taking CBD daily.

CBD for Acne

CBD for better appetite control

We all know that teenagers are VERY body-conscious. Comparing themselves to manipulated pictures on Instagram and a fake world of unrealistic body shapes and size 0. Imagine the stress…..

While CBD may have an indirect effect on weight loss, preliminary research suggests that it may help us lose weight by increasing our metabolism. This is because CBD affects both our CB1 and CB2 endocannabinoid receptors, which are associated with metabolism and hunger. CB2 receptors, unlike CB1 receptors, are not always active, but CBD can help to activate them. CB2 receptors have been shown to have anti-obesity effects when activated.

A 2015 study shows that CBD can have a profound reduction in body weight gain” — even without reducing food intake. While more research into the ECS and CB2 receptors is needed, this suggests that CBD use may play a significant role in boosting our metabolism.

A deeper look into the Science

A deeper look into CBD’s effect on our metabolism reveals something called fat “browning”. We typically have an abundance of white fat cells. Which are responsible for fat storage and are located beneath the skin and in the abdominal area. Brown fat cells, the second type of fat cell, are sparse and found in areas such as the shoulder blades and spinal cord. More brown cells in the body are associated with better overall health and have been shown to promote weight loss.

According to a 2016 study, CBD may have significant interaction with these fat cells. Resulting in fat “browning.” CBD in the body can promote the conversion of white fat cells to brown fat cells, a process known as transdifferentiation. Lipid metabolism (also known as fat burning) increases as more white fat cells convert to brown fat cells.

So by implementing CBD into your teen’s everyday routine, you can ALSO help them get a healthy body.

Read more about :

A big Boost of Energy with Cannabidiol

Another promising area of weight loss that CBD oil may have an impact on is its ability to increase energy or wakefulness. While this isn’t directly related to weight loss, having more energy usually translates to motivation to exercise. If you feel more energized after using CBD, you may be more likely to go for a walk around the block or attend your workout class.

Cannabidiol (CBD) to help your Teenager!

Teens with different diagnoses can genuinely benefit from CBD oil to relieve their negative symptoms. The problem is, there aren’t enough solid-long term studies to know what kind of effect daily use will have later on in life in someone whose use started at a young age. So choosing a THC-free CBD product will keep you on the safe side. The overall physical and mental effects of their anxiety and depression long-term are more devastating to their health than the good some daily CBD can do.

Dosage – We recommend

We recommend you to START LOW AND GO SLOW on dosage. Once they have used CBD for a couple of weeks – take a break for a couple of days and see how they feel. Talk to them about how they feel (if any) about the difference when they take CBD. Try several ingestion methods like oil, gummies, capsules, etc. We do however NOT recommend smoking CBD flowers as this may be associated with smoking marijuana.

If you would like to discuss CBD for your teenager and find out which product is best – feel free to contact us for professional help. You can reach us at hik@therealcbd.com

FAQ – CBD for teens

Can CBD help with anxiety in teenagers?

Yes, CBD has been observed to have calming effects that might help reduce anxiety in teenagers. It interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system to potentially ease anxiety, without causing the high associated with THC.

Is CBD safe for teenagers to use for sleep problems?

CBD is considered to be relatively safe and may help improve sleep quality by addressing underlying issues like anxiety or pain. However, it’s important for teenagers to use it under supervision and guidance from a healthcare provider to ensure it’s appropriate for their individual health needs.

Can CBD assist with acne or skin issues in teens?

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for skin conditions such as acne. By reducing and regulating oil production, CBD might help to calm skin and improve acne.

Does CBD help with teenage depression?

While CBD may have potential benefits for mood regulation, there is limited research specifically on CBD and teenage depression. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD as part of a treatment plan for depression.

Are there any risks or side effects of using CBD for teenagers?

CBD is generally well-tolerated, but some teens may experience side effects such as fatigue, changes in appetite, or gastrointestinal issues. It’s important to start with a low dose and monitor any changes, always consulting a healthcare provider to ensure it’s a safe option for them.

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