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CBD for Stroke Recovery

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Home » CBD for Stroke Recovery

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CBD for stroke recovery could be a 100% natural option if you have experienced a stroke. Strokes can cause serious neurological damage. Research shows that during a stroke, you may lose up to 1.9 million brain cells per minute. Strokes happen a lot. In fact, estimates show that by the year 2030, about 5% of the people living in the UK will have had a stroke.

Depending on how bad the stroke was, traditional ways of getting better may not work very well. CBD, which is becoming a popular all-natural way to deal with a wide range of problems, is starting to catch on in the community of people recovering from a stroke. Using CBD oil has been shown to be effective in helping the human body achieve homeostasis, even in the face of adverse conditions.

What Is A Stroke?


A stroke is a sudden medical condition in which blood and, by extension, oxygen can’t get to some part of your brain. Because the brain is so complicated and needs oxygen all the time, cells start dying as soon as a stroke happens. It should be treated as a medical emergency, and care should be given right away.

Most people know that high blood pressure is a risk factor for strokes, but there are other things at play as well. Contrary to what most people think, not all people who have a stroke are old. In fact, about 25% of strokes happen to people younger than 65. Strokes can happen to anyone, even babies.

Symptoms of a Stroke Include:

  • Confusion and difficulty speaking or understanding language
  • Numbness and/or paralysis of the face and extremities.
  • Impaired or double vision. You may have temporary blindness in one or both eyes.
  • Severe as well as intense nausea and dizziness.
  • Extreme vertigo, loss of balance, and difficulty walking.

What Are the Causes of a Stroke?

There are various risk factors that greatly increase the chance of having a stroke. These include:

  • High blood pressure, is usually from too much sodium in the diet.
  • Smoking or using tobacco products. Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict. This, in turn, raises blood pressure and contributes to hypertension.
  • Obesity and diabetes are also substantial risk factors. Having unstable or uncontrolled blood sugar levels results in serious damage to the blood vessels. Furthermore, if a stroke occurs while blood sugar levels have spiked too high, then the damage to the brain is even greater.
  • Genetics also plays a major role. If there is a family history of hypertension or strokes, then there is a drastically increased risk of having a stroke.
  • Heart disease and the hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis) caused by a build-up of plaque can result in a piece of that plaque breaking away and creating a clot known as an embolus. This can then travel to the brain and create a blockage.

A stroke is a very bad health problem. Survivors, as well as their support networks and caretakers, have to learn how to live with possible permanent disabilities that can range from mild to debilitating. Some of these disabilities are physical, some are emotional, some are mental, and some are cognitive. The patient’s quality of life will then be hurt by these things.

But CBD is starting to look like a good way to improve overall health. If CBD helps the body reach homeostasis, it could make life better for people who have had a stroke.


Inflammation is how the body reacts to a medical injury or trauma. When you had a stroke, your body goes through a serious process of where the clot or bleeding happened. This inflammation is part of a larger defense system that the body’s turns on when it has been hurt.

After a stroke, the damaged cells in the brain have a lot more inflammation and oxidation than they did before. When a protein called galectin-3 binds to a cell receptor called TLR4, it makes the cell release cytokines. This keeps the body’s inflammatory response going even after the stroke has ended. This is very bad for the brain cells and the tissues around them.

CBD works with the endocannabinoid system in the body (ECS). Among many other important body functions, the ECS helps to control inflammation. During and after a stroke, the ECS has to deal with an important process: regulating inflammation. The ECS makes its own cannabinoids to help keep inflammation in check. CBD, which is an external cannabinoid, works with the ECS to make it work better.

CBD for stroke recovery

The National Center for Biotechnology Information, which is part of the United States National Institutes of Health, has published a study that states,

“CBD exerts positive pharmacological effects in ischemic stroke and other chronic diseases.”

Even though these studies are still being done, the best doctors in the country think that the way CBD interacts with the ECS can be important to recovery. CBD for inflammation works because inflammation is so important to healing and the way the body works.

Can CBD Oil Support Stroke Patients?

CBD dosage recommendations

In recent years, the public and academic interest in cannabis and its chief non-psychoactive cannabinoid, CBD, has grown substantially.

There are thousands of research studies published on the compound this year alone.

Many of these studies involve neurological function, and we are starting to develop a better understanding of how the compound works in the brain, and how we can use it to support people suffering from conditions such as strokes.

One of the main findings involves the protective effect CBD offers the brain.

The benefits of CBD oil for strokes include:

  • Protects the brain cells
  • Resists oxidative damage in the brain
  • Improves blood flow to the brain
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Reduces glutamate toxicity
  • Promotes faster recovery of damaged neurons after a stroke

Cannabidiol can Protect Brain Cells

The side effects of a stroke are caused by neurons that have been hurt.

When neurons don’t get the oxygen and food they need, they get hurt and may die. This can cause long-term damage to the nervous system.

Working on the overall health of the neurons is one of the most important things to do to help stroke patients.

CBD is especially useful for neuron health, indicating that CBD for stroke recovery is a great option

CBD improves neuron health by supporting something called calcium ion handling (necessary for nerves to send electrical impulses), and neuron metabolism (how the neurons generate energy to survive).

Resist Oxidative Damage with CBD

To live, each of our cells needs oxygen and a way to get energy.

When blood flow stops to a cell, that cell gets sick.

When there isn’t enough oxygen, the cell makes toxic waste products as it tries to do its job. If these harmful chemicals stay in the cells for too long (about 2 to 3 minutes), they can kill the cells.

Free radicals are a common name for these chemical compounds that are made by the body. They are unstable compounds that break up the structures of our cells as they try to get stable.

Antioxidants, which are made by our bodies, take the hit for us by stabilizing these free radical compounds and stopping them from hurting our bodies.

Oxidative damage is the main cause of long-term damage after a stroke, and it is also one of the main treatment areas.

CBD and full-spectrum hemp extracts have a lot of antioxidants that help protect neurons when toxic compounds build up and cause damage.

CBD makes the brain get more blood.

Since ischemic strokes are caused by poor blood flow, it makes sense to improve blood flow to the brain to stop more damage.

The terpenes in CBD improve the flow of blood to the brain.

How much cbd should I take

are the volatile chemicals in plants that give them their taste and smell.

Terpenes also have a wide range of health benefits, such as increasing blood flow to the brain.

Even CBD has been shown to increase cerebral blood flow by changing how serotonin receptors work. These receptors are very important for controlling how much blood goes into the brain.

To get the most benefit for cerebral blood flow, it’s important to know that the CBD oil used in clinical trials is a full-spectrum extract with all of these important terpenes.

CBD isolates probably won’t have any of these terpenes, so they won’t have the same effect.

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CBD can Reduce High Blood Pressure

One of the main reasons why people have strokes is high blood pressure.

Having high blood pressure all the time can make it much more likely that you will have another stroke. Because of this, many doctors choose to treat blood pressure as one of the main ways to stop a stroke from happening again.

A randomized clinical trial found that a 600 mg dose of CBD was able to reduce resting blood pressure scores by 6 mmHg

CBD Dosage

The Real CBD Dosage explanation CBD Oil

Lets take a look at the recommended dosage for CBD for stroke recovery.

We generally recommend 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg of CBD per every 1 pound of body weight once to twice per day. This is a sufficient dose for stroke recovery.

Physical Agony

Strokes cause a lot of pain. Pain and discomfort usually only happen on one side of the patient’s body. During a stroke, oxygen is cut off to large parts of the brain and nervous system. This then causes a large number of cells to die all at once. This could include the cells that let our bodies feel pain, discomfort, and physical suffering and figure out how to deal with them.

When these pain cells are hurt or killed, it does a lot of damage to the nerves. This leads to a type of pain called “neuropathic pain.” This is a specific kind of pain that feels like being stabbed or shocked. For a long time, prescription opioid painkillers have been used to treat this particular symptom. However, these medicines can have serious side effects, such as addiction, intoxication, depression, and even death. CBD oil is natural, safe, and useful.

Using CBD for Stroke Recovery

Even though more research is needed to figure out exactly how CBD oil helps stroke victims, there is a lot of evidence that it could be used to prevent strokes and treat them after they happen.

Most of the studies cited in this article suggest taking 400–600 mg of CBD equivalent each day.

To get all the benefits of the other cannabinoids and terpenes, this is best done with a full-spectrum CBD oil.

It’s also important to note that you need to take CBD oil regularly for a long time to get the most out of it. Most stroke survivors who take CBD oil do so every single day.

It will give a lot of different benefits. Some of the effects can be felt right away, while others take a few weeks of regular treatment to start to show.

It is also suggested that you stop smoking, take steps to reduce your , and add gentle exercise to your daily routine to increase your chances of getting better or not having another stroke.

Thank you for reading “CBD for stroke Recovery” if you have any questions feel free to contact a member of our team at [email protected]

FAQ – CBD for stroke recovery

Can CBD help in stroke recovery?

Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD may have potential benefits in stroke recovery. It is believed to help by reducing inflammation and protecting neural pathways, which can be crucial after a stroke. However, comprehensive clinical trials are needed to fully understand its efficacy and safety in this specific context.

How does CBD work for someone recovering from a stroke?

CBD may aid stroke recovery by interacting with the body’s , which plays a role in regulating inflammation, blood flow, and neuroprotection. These effects could potentially support the healing process after a stroke by minimizing damage and promoting recovery, but individual results can vary.

What is the recommended dosage of CBD for stroke recovery?

There’s no one-size-fits-all dosage for CBD in stroke recovery, as it can depend on factors like body weight, severity of the condition, and individual sensitivity to CBD. It’s essential to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed, ideally under the guidance of a healthcare professional familiar with your medical history.

Are there any side effects of using CBD for stroke recovery?

CBD is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, or changes in appetite. It’s important to monitor for any adverse reactions, especially when used in conjunction with other medications for stroke recovery, and consult a healthcare provider if concerns arise.

How soon after a stroke can someone start taking CBD?

The timing for starting CBD after a stroke should be discussed with a healthcare provider, as it may vary based on the individual’s overall health status and specific circumstances of their recovery. A medical professional can provide personalized advice to ensure that CBD use is safe and potentially beneficial in the context of stroke recovery.

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