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CBD for Runners – 5 Ways CBD Help You Go the Extra Mile!

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Since the World Anti-Doping Agency removed CBD from its list of prohibited substances last year, it has taken the world of sports and fitness by storm. And nowhere is CBDs effectiveness being utilised more than in the world of running! So, this blog post “CBD for Runners – 5 Ways CBD can help you go the extra mile” is going to talk you through the reasons how taking CBD supplements can help you run better and more efficiently!

Home » CBD for Runners – 5 Ways CBD Help You Go the Extra Mile!

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

A ‘Quick’ Introduction

Running is one of the single most effective ways to improve your cardiovascular health and fitness. It is also the most accessible form of exercise, as all you need to do is put your trainers on and get out the front door. We do admit that can sometimes be the hardest part!

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So why then do we all know the age-old trope that “running is bad for you”?

Well, the blame for that primarily lies at the feet of preparation (or lack thereof). See, running for most people is the gateway exercise of choice back into the world of health and fitness.

Many people who start running after a prolonged period of absence from the world of exercise, don’t realise the stress and damage it can cause to their muscles and joints. That’s because their bodies simply aren’t used to this kind of movement and impact.

And on the opposite end of the spectrum, seasoned long-distance runners have been putting their joints and muscles through their paces for years on end. That shows they can eventually start to feel aches and pains creep up on them as well.

These sorts of injuries can set experienced runners back and miss crucial training time and can put beginners off entirely. So, what can be done to help?

So if you’re planning your first couch to 5k, or you’re running your first 100-mile ultra-marathon. We’re here to tell you that there is a supplement that can make a game-changing difference – and that is CBD!

So, how can CBD help?

CBD is a Powerful Natural Painkiller

Runners of all ages, shapes, sizes, and experiences have one thing in common – PAIN! In the world of running, pain comes in two types, good pain, and bad pain. CBD oil can be effectively used to help with both.

Let’s get the bad pain out of the way first. Running can, and in all likelihood will, at some point cause you an injury.  Hopefully not a serious injury, but even rolling an ankle or tripping over a curb can be painful. Then there’s joint pain, muscular tears, sprains, and strains!

The good kind of pain comes from muscular soreness following a good run. When you go running, especially as a beginner, your muscles will suffer from microscopic tears. But don’t worry, these aren’t anything to worry about. In fact, they are how your body knows to build back bigger and stronger muscles to help you adapt to running in the future.

Thankfully, whether you’re experiencing good or bad pain, CBD for runners can help take the edge off. It’s an incredibly effective natural painkiller and (more on this in a second). In fact, pain relief is the #1 reason that people take CBD all over the world.

CBD is an Incredible Anti-Inflammatory

The source of an overwhelming amount of pain, following injury or exercise, is inflammation. For runners, in particular, of joints in the hips, knees, and ankles can become a real problem and grind training to a halt.

CBD’s powerful painkilling effects go hand-in-hand with its ability to reduce inflammation throughout the entire body. It does this by working with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) at a molecular level.

When you’re putting your body through hard stresses, such as running and recovery, your ECS can stop producing inflammation regulating . Supplementing CBD helps to balance and assists your body in regulating inflammation, speeding up recovery.

CBD is Entirely Natural and Safe

Many runners (particularly long-distance), can become very dependent on painkillers and anti-inflammatories such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. But prolonged use of even relatively safe drugs can have serious, harmful, and lasting side effects.

Because CBD is an all-natural product with no severe or long-term side effects, it can be safely taken daily, multiple times per day. That means when you choose to use CBD to help relieve your pain and inflammation, you don’t have to worry about anything. No worries about risking serious illness through overdosing or to even stronger prescription drugs.

Now that CBD has been removed from the WADA list of prohibited substances, countless professional athletes have been turning to CBD for this very reason. CBD supplementation as a way of managing pain and inflammation. This allows athletes and runners alike far more control and flexibility for dosage timing and dosage size. This can be incredibly beneficial for those looking to get right back at the grind, after an injury or recovery setback!

CBD Helps with Nausea

Anyone who has pushed themselves while running knows this feeling. You keep going that little bit faster, further, and harder. The next thing you know you’re heaving at the side of the road. Marathon runners, in particular, can experience race-ending bouts of nausea, that can entirely ruin everything that they trained so hard for.

Thankfully, CBD can help with this too. CBD research and a wealth of anecdotal evidence and testimonials have shown, that it can reduce the severity and frequency of bouts of nausea. This is another one of many reasons that so many long-distance runners are starting to supplement CBD every day.

CBD is Used for Better Sleep

When you’re training hard and running, you will do most of your recovery while you are asleep. Your body gets to work repairing and building your muscles, chemically altering hormone levels and producing more blood cells to make you fitter, stronger and healthier. So, as you can imagine, getting good quality sleep is essential for any runner.

However, this isn’t as straightforward as it seems.

A huge number of people suffer from poor sleep quality for any number of reasons, but the most common is stress and . Many people find it impossible to switch their brains off at night, particularly when daily stresses play on their minds. Some of you might even find it hard to ignore those pre-race jitters the day before a big race.

CBD can help you sleep better in a few key ways:

Firstly, CBD reduces the level of your stress hormone , which in turn can help you feel less stressed or anxious. This is probably the most helpful factor when it comes to getting a better night’s sleep.

When sleeping (or trying to), stress and anxiety are also root causes for night terrors (nightmares). These can disrupt your essential deep and REM sleep needed for recovery. CBD supplementation, particularly taken before bed, has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of night terrors and nightly waking disturbances.

Lastly, CBD’s pain-relieving effects can help take the edge off an injury or muscular soreness, allowing you to feel more comfortable in bed at night and get a better night’s sleep.

So, whether you’re a beginner jogger or a seasoned ultra-runner, CBD can be a revolutionary supplement to help keep you going or bounce back when you need to!

We hope you’ve found this blog helpful, and it answered any questions you might have. However, please feel free to contact our wonderful team who will be more than happy to help if you have any further questions. Alternatively, check out our blog page, where we have hundreds of posts regarding all things CBD-related.

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