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CBD for Bruises: Natural Relief for Your Skin

Doctors hands on a big bruise on woman's thigh

Bruises, those unsightly marks that appear after a bump or a knock, are actually blood from damaged blood vessels pooling under the skin. As our body’s natural healing process kicks in, these marks change colours and eventually fade away. But what if you could help your body heal faster? That is where CBD, or , comes in. Derived from the sativa plant, CBD is celebrated for its and pain-relieving properties.

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How Can CBD Help Bruises?

When you bump into the corner of your coffee table, what is the first thing you do? Probably wince in pain and then check for a bruise. But what if there was a natural remedy that could not only soothe the pain but also speed up the healing process? Enter CBD, a compound gaining popularity for its numerous health benefits, including its potential to help with bruises. Let us dive into how CBD can be a game-changer in treating your bruises.

What Causes Bruises?

Bruises are caused by an injury to the soft tissues under your skin. When blood vessels burst, blood leaks out and appears as a dark mark on your skin. Factors like age, medication, and physical activity can influence how easily you bruise.

Stages of bruises by colour

Bruises, or contusions, go through a fascinating range of colours as they heal, each indicating a different stage of the healing process. Here is a breakdown of the stages of bruises by colour:

1. Red

Initially, a bruise will appear red due to the fresh blood that has pooled underneath the skin. This colour typically appears right after the impact or injury.

2. Purple or Black

Within a day or so, the bruise often darkens to a purple or black hue. This colour change occurs because the oxygen is being used up from the blood, and further breakdown of haemoglobin (the molecule that carries oxygen in the blood) is taking place.

3. Blue

A few days into the healing process, bruises can turn blue. The blue colour is due to the continued breakdown of haemoglobin, and the blood beginning to lose its oxygen.

4. Green

As the healing continues, the bruise will start to look green. This colour shift is a result of the haemoglobin breaking down into biliverdin, which is naturally green in colour. The appearance of a green colour is generally a sign that the healing process is well underway.

5. Yellow or Brown

Finally, the bruise turns yellow or brown. This stage happens because the body is further breaking down and reabsorbing the haemoglobin, and biliverdin is converted into bilirubin, which has a yellowish hue. Yellow or brown bruises are an indication that the bruise is in its final stage of healing.

Each of these stages can vary in duration depending on the severity of the bruise and individual health factors. Generally, smaller bruises can heal faster, whereas larger or more severe contusions may take longer to completely fade away.

The Science behind CBD

2 scientists in a laboratory

CBD works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a network of receptors that regulate inflammation, pain, and other processes. By influencing these receptors, CBD can help reduce inflammation and pain, which are key components in the formation and persistence of bruises.

How CBD Can Help with Bruises

CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can reduce swelling and its analgesic effects can decrease pain sensations. This dual action makes it a promising option for accelerating the healing process of bruises.

CBD and discolouration

CBD (cannabidiol) is gaining recognition for its potential to assist in the healing process of various skin issues, including the discoloration caused by bruises. Discoloration from bruises is a natural response to trauma where blood vessels under the skin break and blood leaks into the surrounding tissue. The body then goes through a series of processes to break down and reabsorb this blood, which is reflected in the changing colours of a bruise.

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How CBD speeds up natural recovery from bruises

CBD balm being rubbed on woman's arm - The Real CBD Brand

CBD is thought to help with bruise discoloration primarily due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a key component of the bruising process, as the body’s immune response to injury can cause swelling and worsen the appearance of a bruise. By reducing inflammation, CBD can potentially decrease the severity and duration of bruise discoloration.

Antioxidant Properties

CBD also contains antioxidants. These compounds help combat oxidative which can exacerbate the appearance of bruises. By neutralizing free radicals, antioxidants can promote faster healing and reduce the duration of discoloration.

Pain Relief

While not directly related to discoloration, CBD’s pain-relieving properties can be beneficial. Bruises can be quite painful, especially in the first few days after injury. CBD’s ability to alleviate pain can make the healing process more comfortable, allowing individuals to manage bruise symptoms more effectively.

Enhancing Blood Flow

CBD may also help improve circulation to bruised areas. Better blood flow can facilitate the quicker removal of dead blood cells and accumulated fluids, potentially speeding up the healing process and reducing the time, that discoloration is visible.

Application and Effectiveness

CBD can be applied in various forms such as creams, balms, and oils directly to the skin over the bruised area. It is important to choose a product that is meant for topical use and to follow the manufacturer’s directions regarding application. While there is anecdotal evidence supporting the effectiveness of CBD for reducing discoloration and aiding in the healing of bruises, more scientific research is needed to fully understand its benefits and mechanisms.

Methods of Using CBD for Bruises

Hands displaying open CBD tincture bottle and oil dripping from pipette - The Real CBD Brand

You can apply CBD in various forms—creams, gels, or oils directly to the bruise. Each method has its benefits and choosing the right one depends on your preference and the specific characteristics of your bruise.

Benefits of Using CBD for Bruises

Users report quicker healing times and reduced bruise visibility after using CBD. Its natural composition also makes it a favoured choice over pharmaceutical options.

Safety and Side Effects

CBD is generally considered safe, but it is always a good idea to start with a small amount to see how your body reacts. Possible side effects include mild irritation at the application site.

Best CBD Product for bruises

Choosing the best CBD product for treating bruises involves understanding the different formulations available and selecting one that best suits your needs and preferences. Here is a guide to help you find the most effective CBD product for managing and healing bruises:

1. CBD Topicals

Creams, Balms, and Salves:

  • Purpose: These are ideal for bruises as they allow you to apply CBD directly to the affected area. The ingredients in creams and balms can also provide additional soothing and healing benefits.
  • Key Features: Look for products that contain a high concentration of CBD along with other natural anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ingredients like arnica or peppermint.
  • Examples: A CBD-infused arnica cream can be particularly effective for bruises due to the combined anti-inflammatory properties of CBD and arnica.

2. CBD Oils and Tinctures

CBD pain patch placed on wrist of woman's arm - The Real CBD Brand

While not traditionally used for topical treatment like creams or roll-ons, CBD oils can be applied directly to the skin.

  • Purpose: They are versatile and can be used both topically and orally. When applied to the skin, they may help manage inflammation and pain directly at the source.
  • Key Features: Choose a full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD oil for the added benefits of other cannabinoids and terpenes. Carrier oils like coconut oil or seed oil can also enhance absorption and offer additional moisturizing properties.
  • Examples: A oil applied directly to the bruise and covered with a bandage can provide sustained release of CBD to the affected area.

3. CBD Patches

CBD patches are another option for targeted relief.

  • Purpose: They deliver CBD slowly over a period of time, providing consistent relief without needing frequent reapplication.
  • Key Features: Patches are particularly useful for larger bruises or those in areas that might be difficult to reach with creams or roll-ons.
  • Examples: Look for patches that can last up to 24 hours for continuous relief.

Choosing the Right CBD Product for bruises

Various CBD balms on marble shelf - The Real CBD Brand
  • Quality and Purity: Always choose products from reputable manufacturers that provide third-party lab testing results to ensure the quality and purity of the CBD.
  • Concentration: Higher concentrations of CBD may provide more effective relief for severe bruising.
  • Additional Ingredients: Some products include complementary ingredients like campher, capsaicin, or essential oils that can enhance the healing properties of CBD.
  • Consultation with a Professional: Before starting any new treatment, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable.

Application Tips for CBD on Bruises

Gently applying the CBD product to the bruised area and not rubbing it in harshly can increase the effectiveness and reduce further irritation.

User Experiences and Testimonials

Many users have shared positive experiences about using CBD for bruises, noting faster healing and less discomfort.


As we have seen, CBD offers a compelling natural alternative for managing and healing bruises. Its beneficial properties can significantly reduce healing time and improve pain management. Remember, it is always wise to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment. Here is to quicker recovery and getting back to your life bruise-free!

As this fascinating journey into the potential of CBD for bruises concludes, remember that every individual reacts differently, and what works for one person may not work for another. Stay curious and open to natural healing possibilities!

Frequently asked questions about CBD for bruises

FAQ in a magnifying glass
How does CBD help with the healing of bruises?

CBD aids in bruise healing primarily through its anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce swelling and inflammation at the injury site. Additionally, its analgesic properties help to alleviate pain associated with bruises.

What are the stages of bruise colour changes, and how does CBD affect these stages?

Bruises typically change colours from red, purple, blue, green, to yellow or brown as they heal. CBD may accelerate these transitions by reducing inflammation and improving blood flow, which helps in faster reabsorption and breakdown of blood cells at the bruise site.

What is the best way to apply CBD for treating bruises?

The best way to apply CBD for bruises is to use topical products like creams, balms, or roll-ons directly on the bruised area. These products allow for targeted application, ensuring that CBD directly interacts with the affected skin area to reduce inflammation and pain.

Are there any side effects of using CBD on bruises?

CBD is generally considered safe with minimal side effects. However, some individuals may experience mild irritation at the application site, especially if they have sensitive skin. It is advisable to test the product on a small area first before applying it extensively.

How can I choose the right CBD product for treating bruises?

When selecting a CBD product for bruises, look for high quality, third-party tested products that specify their CBD content. Opt for full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD topical that include other beneficial ingredients like arnica or menthol. Consider the severity of the bruise and personal skin sensitivity when choosing the concentration and type of product.

The Real CBD for Bruises

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