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CBD and Driving: Is it legal? Is it Safe?

CBD’s acceleration in popularity seems to be showing no signs of putting on the brakes (sorry for the dad joke – we couldn’t help ourselves).

But as its use begins to spread far and wide, we see more caution and questions being asked. This is fantastic news for us, as we get to answer them all for you!

One of the questions we get asked a lot is, CBD and driving: Is it legal? Is it Safe?

For those who already know what CBD is, the answer will be obvious. But, for those of you who are new to the world of CBD, it’s a very sensible question to ask! So, let us jump right into it…

Home » CBD and Driving: Is it legal? Is it Safe?

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

What is CBD?

Chemistry form for CBD cannabidiol

CBD, or , is a compound found in cannabis plants that’s known for its potential therapeutic properties, without the psychoactive effects typically associated with marijuana, which contains (tetrahydrocannabinol). This makes CBD a popular choice for those seeking relief from pain, , and other conditions without the high.

CBD’s Effects on the Brain

Unlike THC, CBD does not cause euphoria or impair cognitive functions directly. However, it does interact with the central nervous system, potentially affecting mood, attention, and responsiveness. Understanding these effects is crucial when considering CBD for use while driving.

Legal Status of CBD and Driving

Is it legal to drive after using CBD? The answer isn’t straightforward. While CBD itself is legal at the federal level in many places, laws regarding driving after CBD use can vary by state and country. Some regions treat CBD like any other legal medication, but others have stricter regulations.

CBD and Driving Safety

When it comes to safety, the main question is: Does CBD impair driving? Current research suggests that CBD alone does not impair driving significantly, especially in doses typically used for therapeutic purposes. However, combining CBD with other substances, especially alcohol, can change this scenario.

Can You Drive After Taking CBD?

The answer is a very simple, straightforward YES.


It is perfectly legal and perfectly safe to drive whilst taking CBD oil, or any CBD products for that matter.

So, if this is such an easy question to answer, where does all the confusion come from? And why are so many people still asking the question?

Let’s explore it a little further…

CBD is NOT the Same as Cannabis.

CBD’s association with the cannabis plant is probably the number one reason, for people asking if it’s safe to drive whilst taking.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid that is extracted from plants, that are grown specifically to contain high levels of CBD. Cannabis plants are a derivative of hemp, that has been grown specifically to contain high levels of THC. This is a crucial difference. It is the cannabinoid THC in cannabis, that makes people feel high when they smoke or eat it.

You’ll be pleased to hear that all CBD products, sold legally in the UK and Europe, have absolutely no psychoactive effects. Therefore, they will not impact the way that you feel. It will not affect your brain or affect your decision-making, your coordination or impair your ability to drive a vehicle whatsoever.

This is because all CBD products sold legally in the UK and Europe, must have a THC content of less than 0.2%. THC levels of 0.2% or less are well under the amount that could ever produce a psychoactive effect. However, we are making the distinction here between LEGAL CBD products and ILLEGAL CBD products.

Differences Between CBD and THC

Old rusty fiat in a scrapyard

It’s important to distinguish between CBD and THC when discussing driving. THC is well-known for impairing judgment, motor skills, and reaction times. CBD, on the other hand, does not typically produce these effects. However, products labeled as CBD can sometimes contain trace amounts of THC, leading to potential confusion and legal issues.

Testing for Impairment: CBD on the Road

How can law enforcement test for CBD impairment? Currently, there is no standard method for testing drivers for CBD impairment alone because it does not generally impair drivers in a way that is easily measurable like alcohol or THC.

How CBD Could Affect Your Driving Skills

For most people, CBD might influence driving ability by reducing anxiety or helping manage pain, potentially leading to a more focused driving experience. However, everyone reacts differently to CBD, and some might experience mild drowsiness or altered attention, which are important to recognize.

Tips for Using CBD If You Plan to Drive

If you’re considering using CBD and need to drive, start with a low dose to see how you react. Avoid taking higher doses or new products that haven’t been tested in your routine before hitting the road.

ALWAYS Buy CBD from a Licensed Seller.

If you choose to buy CBD from an unlicensed, untested supplier, you can never be sure that their products contain the legal levels of THC. CBD oils from these types of sellers may contain much higher THC levels, which is often intentionally the case.


Therefore, if you consume CBD oil from unlicensed sellers, you could be consuming THC levels that make it both illegal and dangerous to drive.

Will CBD Oil Affect My Ability to Drive?

A 2020 study put this very question to the test.
Researchers wanted to test whether CBD alone had any negative impairment on a person’s ability to drive. This was made to the comparison of placebo and THC.

The researchers found the consumption of CBD alone had no significant difference compared to the controlled placebo group. They also confirmed the widely known adverse effects that THC can have on a person’s ability to drive. This suggested that these effects last for approximately 4 hours.

This is excellent news for anyone who may have still been unsure about taking CBD before driving. The study is the first of its kind to confirm, in a controlled setting, that CBD and driving are perfectly safe.

More and more people using CBD to treat a wide range of health problems such as chronic pain, , inflammation, as well as general health and wellbeing. It’s fantastic to see a confirmation of its safety when driving finally.

More from our blog:

The Real CBD e Book

A Note of Caution for First Time Users

If you are thinking of taking CBD for the first time, then this small note of caution is for you. When beginning a course of CBD oil for the first time, a small percentage of users may experience some minor side effects. You can also download our Free E-Book to learn all you need to know about CBD

The most common of these are a dry mouth, slight dizziness, and some . We have a whole featured blog post on possible side effects of CBD, which you can read by clicking here.
Whilst 99% of CBD oil users won’t experience any side effects, it is always sensible to be cautious when taking any supplement for the first time. We always recommended people starting out, to begin with, a lower-strength CBD oil. Start at a low dose to assess tolerance before building up gradually, to find a balance that works for you. This also helps most people avoid any side effects.
And even then, most people who experience minor side effects to start with find that they disappear after a short while of continued use (a few days to a week, generally).

If you have started taking CBD and feel as though you are experiencing a side effect that may impair your ability to drive safely – do the sensible thing and don’t.

A Note of Caution for Professional Athletes and if you are being drug tested for work!

If you take a full-spectrum CBD product that includes the legal 0.2% THC, you have to be aware that you could potentially test positive for Cannabis/Marijuana. The micro amounts of THC can get stored in your fat cells. The tests used in 2021 (believe it or not) ONLY tests if THC is present, NOT the amount….. So if you are dependent on regular drug tests at for or in your sports club, please choose a Broad Spectrum CBD product ( has no THC).

CBD oil and drug tests


FAQ in a magnifying glass
Can I be arrested for driving after using CBD?

Yes, if your driving is impaired or if you are in a region where CBD is regulated differently. Always know local laws before driving after using CBD.

Does CBD show up on a drug test for driving?

Standard drug tests for driving do not typically test for CBD but for THC. However, poorly processed CBD products may contain traces of THC that could show up.

How long should I wait to drive after taking CBD?

It depends on how you react to CBD. If you are new to CBD, test how it affects you at home before deciding to drive after use.

Can using CBD improve my driving if I have anxiety?

CBD might help reduce anxiety, which can improve driving focus for some people. However, it’s essential to know how you personally respond to CBD before driving.

What should I do if I’m stopped by police while I’ve used CBD?

Be honest about your CBD use, carry proof of your CBD product’s THC content, and be aware of your rights. Consider consulting with a lawyer if you face legal issues.

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