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CBD and Diabetes: Can CBD Help Manage Diabetes Symptoms?

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CBD and diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While there is no cure, people with diabetes can manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life by adopting healthy lifestyle habits and using medications. Recently, many people with chronic conditions like diabetes are turning to CBD because they believe that it can help restore balance and well-being — and there is an increasing amount of research to back it up.

Home » CBD and Diabetes: Can CBD Help Manage Diabetes Symptoms?

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What is CBD, and How Does it Work?

First things first: CBD is a natural compound that is extracted from the Cannabis sativa plant. Yes, this is the same plant that tetrahydrocannabinol (aka , or marijuana) comes from — but CBD by itself is not marijuana and it cannot get you high.

CBD works with your endocannabinoid system, which is designed to promote homeostasis — or harmony — within your body. Endocannabinoids are actually cannabis-like molecules made naturally within your body. When you use CBD, it influences or activates these receptors. CBD targets something called G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). These are some of the largest receptors in our bodies, playing a diverse role in bodily functions.

CBD and Diabetes: Can CBD Help Manage Diabetes Symptoms?

One of the main reasons people turn to CBD is for . The National Library of Medicine says that CBD oil has been found to provide relief for a variety of conditions, including chronic pain. CBD has even influenced the creation of certain drugs. CBD could improve inflammation levels and stress (effects from free radicals within the body). work on nerve endings, reducing pain and . It can get to the heart of the problem versus taking a pain reliever, which is only temporary.

The American Journal of Pathology found:

“CBD was able to reduce stress, inflammation, cell death, and vascular hyperpermeability associated with diabetes,” noting that “oxidative stress and inflammation play critical roles in the development of diabetes and its complications.”

CBD may also improve insulin resistance and pancreas health. In a study on animal subjects with non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetes, it was found that subjects who received CBD at 100 mg twice daily (as well as other treatments like tetrahydrocannabivarin, a phytocannabinoid), saw significantly decreased fasting plasma glucose and improved pancreatic health.

We believe that CBD helps to treat some of the core issues behind diabetes and that it can help improve overall diabetes lifestyle management. It’s not that CBD magically corrects insulin sensitivity right away, but rather that it can be helpful as part of a larger holistic regimen.

Best CBD for Diabetes

CBD oil is an excellent option for people with diabetes who are looking for a natural way to manage their symptoms. CBD, or , is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant that has been shown to have a range of health benefits. Studies have shown that CBD can help regulate blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and improve cardiovascular health, all of which are important factors for people with diabetes.

Additionally, CBD has been shown to have minimal side effects, making it a safe and viable option for those looking for a natural way to manage their diabetes. So if you are looking for a natural way to manage your diabetes, CBD oil may be the best option for you.

What Should You Know Before Trying CBD?

Enthusiasts have incorrectly lauded CBD as a miracle drug. It is more of a subtle supplement that can work differently for every person. Here are some tips for diabetes patients who want to try CBD for the first time:

  1. Clear it with your doctor first.
  2. Do your research.
  3. Consider “full-spectrum” CBD.
  4. Experiment with dosage.

Reducing inflammation and disease activity requires a holistic approach, of course. Beyond using CBD, you’ll want to ensure you’re using your prescribed medications correctly. Managing your stress levels, eating a colorful, anti-inflammatory diet (think veggies, fruits, and healthy fats), and exercising regularly. All of these behaviors work together to reduce inflammation and help establish more balanced hormone levels.

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What you need to know

A case study from 2021 shows that CBD could be a choice for people with type 2 diabetes who can’t use the usual ways to take care of their diabetes. In this story, a person stopped taking insulin and started taking CBD with the help of their doctor.

But it’s important for people to always take the medicines a doctor or nurse gives them. If someone wants to use alternative treatments like CBD; they should always do so with the help and understanding of their healthcare team.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not cleared CBD for anything besides the seizure medicine Epidiolex.

But there is some proof that CBD may help with diabetes and inflammation.

Studies on CBD and diabetes in animals

Researchers who looked at diabetes in animals found that there may be some proof that CBD is helpful.

A 2021 review says that CBD helps protect the retina from inflammation, leaky blood vessels, and nerve damage caused by diabetes.

In the same way, research from 2019 shows that CBD might protect the metabolism from damage caused by diabetes and cerebral ischemia.

CBD might be good for people with type 1 diabetes as well. In a 2020 study on rats, bigger doses of CBD were found to cause weight gain, raise insulin levels, and lower blood sugar levels.

But it’s important to remember that all of these studies were done on animals.

CBD Interactions

It’s important to be aware of potential interactions with other medications or supplements you may be taking. CBD can affect the way certain medications are metabolized by your body. Potentially leading to an increased or decreased effect of the medication. It’s important to consult with your doctor before adding CBD to your regimen. Especially if you are taking medications for a serious condition such as epilepsy or cancer.


Additionally, it’s important to note that CBD can interact with supplements such as berberine and St. John’s Wort. It’s important to disclose all supplements you are taking to your doctor. By being informed and working with your healthcare provider, you can safely incorporate CBD into your wellness routine.

Read more about interactions here

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Can you take antibiotics and CBD oil together?


CBD is not a cure for diabetes, but it may help manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. CBD have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and stress-reducing properties, which can be particularly beneficial for people with chronic diseases like diabetes.

If you’re considering trying this, it’s important to do your research and talk to your doctor first. CBD is not regulated, so it’s important to buy from reputable sellers who test their products for quality and purity. It’s also important to start with a low dosage and gradually increase as needed.

In conclusion, CBD may be a helpful addition to a holistic diabetes management regimen. More research is needed to fully understand the effects of CBD on diabetes. However, current studies suggest that CBD may help reduce inflammation, improve insulin resistance, and relieve pain and other symptoms associated with the condition. As with any supplement or medication, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before trying CBD.

FAQ – CBD for Diabetes

Can CBD help manage diabetes symptoms?

CBD may offer some benefits for managing certain symptoms of diabetes, such as inflammation and pain. Some studies suggest that CBD can reduce inflammation, which is a key factor in the progression of diabetes.

Does CBD affect blood sugar levels directly?

There is limited research directly linking CBD to lower blood sugar levels. Most of the benefits related to diabetes are more about managing complications and symptoms rather than altering blood sugar levels directly.

Is CBD safe for people with diabetes?

CBD is generally considered safe. However, it is important for people with diabetes to consult their healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, including CBD, to ensure it does not interfere with their current medications or diabetes management plan.

Can CBD replace other diabetes medications?

No, CBD should not be used as a substitute for prescribed diabetes medications. While it may help alleviate some symptoms associated with diabetes, it is not an approved treatment for diabetes itself.

What form of CBD is most effective for diabetes?

There isn’t enough evidence to recommend a specific form of CBD as most effective for diabetes. The choice between oils, capsules, or topical products generally depends on personal preference and the specific symptoms being targeted. Always choose high-quality, lab-tested products regardless of the form.

The Real CBD for Diabetes

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