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CBD in Chiropractic – Should you use it?

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Even though there is not a lot of study on CBD and how doctors treat pain, what we do know is impressive.

CBD has the ability to ease pain, calm nervousness, and reduce swelling. It could help practitioners make more money and help their patients live with less pain. But is it as good as people say it is?

Home » CBD in Chiropractic – Should you use it?

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What is CBD not?

, or CBD, is one of the many things that make the plant unique. It specifically turns on receptors in the endocannabinoid system of the body that help lower pain, anxiety, and stress. It is not hallucinogenic in any way. Some signs show that regulating the endocannabinoid system can also reduce , calm an overactive immune system, and ease sadness.

CBD is not tetrahydrocannabinol (), which is the part of the cannabis plant that makes people feel high. Even though the endocannabinoid system is better suited to use THC, its use is limited by legal issues and a lack of study. In CBD products sold in stores, the THC level must be less than 0.2%.

If you talk to a lot of people who use CBD, you can get a long list of reasons. Even though there isn’t much study yet, scientists know that CBD works for some things.

CBD for Pain

Pain is one good reason to use CBD in chiropractic. CBD has been demonstrated in a number of trials to be effective in reducing the amount of pain produced by a wide variety of conditions. The majority of research being done on CBD right now focuses on how it can reduce pain. There have only been a limited number of clinical trials conducted, the most of which were conducted on animals, to examine the effectiveness and safety. By stimulating the endocannabinoid system, CBD can reduce the amount of pain felt in both the spine and the brain. The transmission of pain impulses through the neurological system is halted as a result of this. In particular, the cannabinoids that enter the body from outside sources bind to the CB1 or CB2 receptors, which results in a reduction or elimination of pain.

Diabetes and Inflammation with CBD

CBD can also cause different ways to reduce inflammation. Because of this, it works very well for people with rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. “Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol,” “The therapeutic promise of CBD has been looked at in diseases that are often accompanied by oxidative stress and inflammation, such as cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, , and metabolic diseases. One of the best-studied ways to use CBD is to treat diabetes and its symptoms. This has been done on both animals and people. CBD opened up the blood vessels in rats with Type 2 diabetes by activating the CB2 cannabis receptor. CBD also helped treat diabetic neuropathy by activating the 5-HT1A receptor.

Helping Anxiety with CBD

When people with anxiety and, to a lesser extent, sadness use CBD, they often feel more calm and in charge of their thoughts. It is not clear how CBD changes the way serotonin is made and used, but it is thought to do so. It has helped people with general anxiety, PTSD, sadness, PMS, psychiatric disorders, and social anxiety, according to different case studies and reports. Anxiety can make muscles tighter and throw off the body’s balance. CBD can help calm this anxiety. CBD shouldn’t be mixed with or used in place of any mental health or anxiety medicine without a doctor’s approval.

Problems in the stomach

Inflammation is associated to a significant number of digestive issues. Because CBD reduces inflammation, it has the potential to treat or even eliminate a wide variety of gastrointestinal issues. Studies have suggested that cannabidiol (CBD) can help with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), reflux disease, and inflammatory illnesses like as Crohn’s and Still’s. However, it is not known if you need to take CBD by mouth to obtain this effect.


How does CBD compare to normal painkillers?

Before we look at how CBD compares to other ways doctors can treat pain, we need to look at what CBD means to people as a whole.

Without the right information, some people will think this is illegal and would never do it. So, you should ask your patients what they think about CBD before you tell them to use it. Using CBD in chiropractic is a great way to help your pattients. Some people think that CBD is much better than current medicine. They think it can be used instead of conventional drugs.

Your goal should be to teach patients about what CBD does and how it fits into their general health care. In this case, you may have to compete with social media and overblown stories about how CBD works. Pain management doctors must teach their patients about CBD if they want them to use it correctly and get the best results. CBD is not a replacement for the mending process; it is part of it.

Let’s look at some popular ways to treat pain and how CBD fits into them:

Analgesics – Painkillers

Analgesic creams are one of the most common ways a chiropractor relieves pain. But you shouldn’t use CBD gels and gels that relieve pain at the same time. Instead of analgesic lotions, you can use pain-relieving creams that have a certain amount of CBD in them.


However, it’s not the same kind of comfort, and it doesn’t come as quickly. CBD pain relievers can be used instead of over-the-counter pain relievers, some prescription pain relievers, and herbal pain relievers. You should tell your patients that they should talk to their main doctor before using CBD. No one should ever take both CBD and painkillers at the same time.

Physical manipulation/chiropractic adjustment

 A chiropractor’s main tool is a chiropractic adjustment. For many people, the best and fastest way to get better is to use a mix of treatments like chiropractic adjustments, painkillers, and medical devices. If a patient is willing, using CBD to relax the muscle during a chiropractic adjustment and in the time between adjustments can help them get better faster. The best way to avoid side effects and get your patients to do what you want is to talk to them about this choice.

Anti-inflammatory pills and supplements

 CBD’s power to reduce inflammation makes it less likely that many people will need to take medicine. Some more experienced doctors recommend CBD as a first step to reduce inflammation, just like they suggest turmeric, boswellia, astragalus, ashwagandha, and even ginger.

TENS Units

TENS is a treatment that uses low voltage electrical current to relieve pain. A TENS unit is a battery-powered device with electrodes that are put on the skin. The electrodes send electrical impulses to the skin. The electrodes are put on or near the nerves or trigger spots where the pain is.

TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.

How transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) works is thought to work in two ways. One idea is that the electric current stimulates nerve cells that stop pain signals from getting through. This changes how you feel pain. The other idea is that nerve stimulation makes the body make more opioids, which are natural painkillers. The hormones then stop the pain from being felt.

How can you implement CBD in your practice?

CBD from that contains less than 0.2% THC is allowed and legal.

More laws vary from country to country, and some medical associations have censored or even taken away the licences of doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, and other licenced medical professionals who use CBD in their practises or openly sell CBD products.

If you want to sell CBD products or use CBD in your practise, you should talk to the chiropractic boards in your city or country to find out what their official stance is on CBD use. The problem with the business is that there are no rules or checks in place. It depends on the maker being honest about the CBD’s source, amount, and any possible contamination. Moreover, every day, new makers and sellers start up, and most of them don’t do quality checks.

The risk of using CBD goods is that they might have THC in them. Legally, the THC amount must be below 0.2%, but some products that claim to have this level test much higher. There are also full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD products that contain terpenes and other important chemicals found in weed.

More about CBD from our blog:

The choice to use CBD in your chiropractic clinic

CBD is helpful to many practitioners and brings in a lot of money for their businesses. It could be a helpful part of your business.

When CBD is put on the skin, it helps the muscles relax before a chiropractic treatment. With the help of massage and CBD, you may be able to get better and faster. CBD can also help people between adjustments if they want to stay relaxed and avoid taking painkillers. These golden drops can help people who tend to get anxious or have tight muscles because of stress relax their muscles and keep them that way between sessions.

Cannabidiol speed up the time it takes to get better. Even though CBD products are not covered by the majority of insurance, many people will still pay out of pocket for them. In addition, people tend to think that the products chiropractors sell are of higher quality, which attracts buyers who are ready to buy better products more often.

If you decide to use CBD products in your practise, make sure you can, that you are not at risk, and ask your customers what they think about CBD. Once you start using CBD in your practise, you will find many ways to use it as a normal part of treatments. It can be a good way to make money and get better results for patients.

FAQ – CBD in Chiropractic

What is CBD and how is it different from THC?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a compound found in cannabis that has medical benefits without causing the psychoactive effects associated with THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the substance in cannabis that produces a high. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system to help reduce pain and anxiety, and does not produce hallucinogenic effects.

Is CBD legal to use in medical practices?

CBD derived from hemp with less than 0.2% THC is generally legal, but laws can vary significantly between different countries and regions. Medical practitioners should consult local regulations and the governing boards of their specific professions to understand the legality of using CBD in their practice.

Can CBD be used together with traditional painkillers?

CBD should not be used as a direct substitute for prescribed medications without consulting a healthcare provider. Although CBD has pain-relieving properties, combining it with other painkillers can lead to interactions and should be done under medical supervision.

How can CBD be integrated into chiropractic practice?

CBD can be incorporated into chiropractic care to help relax muscles before adjustments and to aid recovery between sessions. It is important for chiropractors to discuss the use of CBD with their patients, ensure its legal use, and consider patient comfort and preference when introducing it into treatments.

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