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CBD and our Pets

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Home » CBD and our Pets

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Our pets do not judge us, they only want our love, and they are capable of giving it back to us tenfold. They make us happy and healthy, just by a wagging tale or a purr and a nudge.  We love them as we love our offspring. When seeing them decline, either by age or by illness, we just want to do the best for them. And we can – natural and totally toxin free. See here how…….

The benefits of using CBD are incredible, with more and more people seeking the treatment for our furry friends. Products containing CBD have opened up a whole new world for pet care and those who believe in natural remedies.

What can CBD do for our Pets?

Treats Seizures and Epilepsy

Many pet owners turn to CBD when their four-legged friends suffer from seizures and . High levels of CBD can manage your pet’s seizures. Over time, it has been known to reduce the frequency of them, and in some cases get rid of the seizures altogether.

Relieves Chronic Pain/Arthritis

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Even pets can’t escape arthritis, but CBD can help with that. Arthritis is the of joints that cause aching, pain, and other degenerative illnesses. As CBD is a pain reliever, it targets these aching joints and gives your pet relief. Not only that, but it soothes the chronic inflammation that prevents your pet from healing properly.

Boost Appetite

When our pets lose their appetite, it can be hard to know the reason why. Majority of the time, however, they lose it due to . As a human, we won’t eat when we feel like that unless we take something to alleviate the digestive issue and receive pain relief. CBD can do this for your pet.

Reduces Anxiety

If you have ever suffered from , then you know that it is awful, and it would be the same for our pets too. Many suffer from anxiety and have been known to be depressed and extremely anxious in certain situations, such as when their owner leaves home. This can result in destructive behaviours such as chewing objects, urinating, pacing, and more. CBD helps because it is a relaxing stimulant that is calming.

Prevents Cancer

Unfortunately, our furry friends can get cancer too, and when they do, they have symptoms of nausea, loss of appetite, and chronic pain. CBD allows your pet to feel comfortable during those difficult times and helps to reduce the side effects that cancer can have.

Pet owners are also giving their dogs small doses of cannabidiol daily, as it has been proven to aid in preventing and killing cancer by:

  • Helping the immune system to kill cancer cells
  • Blocks the cancer cell’s ability to produce energy
  • Contains anti-tumour properties
  • Helps All Types of Diseases

The majority of diseases in pets all result in the same types of symptoms – chronic pain, nausea, loss of appetite, change in behaviour, etc. CBD is an all-around stimulant that can help relax and alleviate pain in troubling times.

Some diseases that CBD helps with includes:

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Neurodegenerative Disease
  • Cardiovascular Disease

Are There Any Side Effects Of Cannabidiol Oil For Pets?

The side effects of CBD oil for animals are minimal and only occur in extreme cases. The most commonly reported side effect among CDB-oil users is drowsiness. But most report that the drowsiness is very similar to that produced by an antihistamine, like Benadryl.

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Is It Safe To Give My Pet CBD Oil?

The Real CBD products are absolutely safe, as they are non-toxic and offers a relaxing stimulant and pain-relief effects. The oil come from and only contains the legal amount of THC (0.2%) making it a safe supplement for your pet.


The Real CBD Dosage explanation CBD Oil

The majority of products will have the recommended dosage on them, but it’s best to start with the lowest amount possible to see how your pet reacts to the substance. Gradually increase this every 2 days until the desired effect is seen.

They say, don’t judge a book by its cover! The same goes for CBD oil. Many are hesitant to try the supplement on their pet for fear of the name, however, CBD has some incredible benefits for our animals.

Not only that, but it is completely safe and has been used by many other pet owners in your position.

Alleviate pain and help them relax and get relief during their troubling times. CBD oil products can help you do that, and give some quality of life back that other products can’t.

The Real CBD products are absolutely safe as they are non-toxic and offers a relaxing stimulant and pain-relief effects. CBD oil come from hemp and only contains the legal amount of THC (0.2%) making it a safe supplement for your pet.

CBD Oil Dosage

The majority of products will have the recommended dosage on them, but it’s best to start with the lowest amount possible to see how your pet reacts to the substance. Gradually increase this every 2 days until the desired effect is seen.

They say, don’t judge a book by its cover! The same goes for CBD oil. Many are hesitant to try the supplement on their pet for fear of the name, however, CBD has some incredible benefits for our animals.

Not only that, but it is completely safe and has been used by many other pet owners in your position.

Alleviate pain and help them relax and get relief during their troubling times. CBD oil products can help you do that, and give some quality of life back that other products can’t achieve.


Is CBD safe for my pet?

Yes, cannabidiol is generally considered safe for our furry friends when used according to the product’s dosage instructions. It’s important to use CBD products specifically formulated for animals, as these are designed to suit their needs and avoid any harmful additives.

How can CBD help my pet?

CBD may help manage various conditions in pets, including anxiety, pain, inflammation, and seizures. It’s thought to work by interacting with the to help maintain balance in the body, though more research is needed to fully understand its effects.

What dosage of CBD should I give my pet?

The appropriate dosage of CBD for your pet can vary based on their size, the condition being treated, and the individual product’s concentration. It’s best to start with the lowest recommended dose on the product label and gradually increase as needed, observing your pet’s response.

Can my pet experience any side effects from CBD?

While CBD is generally well-tolerated by pets, some may experience mild side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, or lowered blood pressure. It’s important to monitor your pet for any changes and adjust the dosage as necessary.

How do I choose the right CBD product for my pet?

Look for CBD products specifically designed for pets and check for third-party lab testing to ensure quality and safety. Consider the form of CBD that best suits your pet’s preferences, such as oils, treats, or capsules, and consult with a vet if you have concerns about interactions with other medications or health conditions.


The Real CBD Products for Pets

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