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CBD and Gum Disease

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A general thing is to only focus on your pearly whites but if you think like any good dental professional, gums are as important as teeth. Gum disease can not only make your teeth health bad but it has severe negative effects on the overall health also. You will be surprised to know that gum disease has a very strong relation with major diseases such as Stroke, Artery Disease, and Arthritis. Could you prevent this from happening or help treat this in the first stages so it doesn’t get worse? Yes, you could! CBD for gum disease and gingivitis is a 100% natural approach. But how?

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is usually caused by a build-up of plaque on teeth and along the gum line. Plaque is a sticky coating containing bacteria. The immune system tries to get rid of plaque with an response. This is seen by the redness and swelling of the gum around the tooth.

Everybody has a range of bacteria in their mouth. Plaque is constantly being formed by some of these bacteria when they feed on the sugars in the foods and drinks we consume. The plaque provides the perfect environment for the bacteria that can cause gum disease to live and multiply.

The health of your mouth depends on all the bacteria that resides in your mouth, and how much of that bacteria is good and how much of it is bad. The good bacteria help keep the bad bacteria in check and contributes to healthy teeth and gums and good breath. When the bad bacteria in your mouth outnumber the good bacteria, it causes an increased risk of gingivitis, periodontal disease, and tooth decay. Not to mention, your breath will not smell good.

Good Bacteria

Your mouth needs good bacteria. These germs help break down food and kill the bad bacteria that can lead to oral health problems. They perform this task by producing certain proteins that control the growth of bad bacteria. Good bacteria tend to thrive in neutral to high pH environments. When you have an abundance of good mouth bacteria, you will have better-smelling breath. You will notice fewer instances of dry mouth, and you will not develop as many cavities or gum problems.

Bad Bacteria

Excessive levels of bad mouth bacteria can contribute to bad breath. In fact, if your breath smells like sulfur or rotten eggs, there’s a good chance that you have an explosion of bad bacteria and not enough good bacteria. This can increase your risk of developing cavities and tooth decay, and these bad bacteria can even lead to gum inflammation, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. Bad bacteria tend to thrive in low pH environments that do not contain a lot of oxygen, including inside plaque and tartar.

How Can CBD help with Gingivitis and Gum Disease?

Using CBD as a supplement in the beginning when seeing that pink toothpaste you spit out when brushing your teeth, will make you realize why it is an option worth going after. Even scientists have approved that CBD has many properties that can bring improvement in your oral health because it is:

  • Anti-bacterial in nature
  • Has analgesic or pain-relieving characteristics
  • Antiseptic in nature

There are several dental conditions where CBD oil comes in handy. Some of them are listed below:

  • Tooth decay – The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD make it a good aid for minor tooth decay. It can also reverse the damage in some cases.
  • Toothache –Its anti-inflammatory and pain-killing characteristics again help in relieving people from any kind of toothache. The best part is that it is a natural healer. Thus, no side effects.
  • Swollen gums – Due to bad dental hygiene, many people develop bacteria in their gums which leads to their swelling. This can also result in bleeding and ache, if not treated within time. Swollen gums can also be a result of inflammation, and this is where CBD can help in making them healthy again.
  • Tooth sensitivity – A swollen nerve often leads to sensitivity in teeth or gums. CBD has the ability to create a cover or a shield on the sensitive tooth or gum, in order to protect it from hurting or being exposed to the damage.

How to prevent gum disease!

Regular tooth brushing helps to prevent gum disease by removing the plaque that causes it. Remember to: 

  • Brush your teeth and along the gum line twice a day – in the morning and before going to bed
  • Use a toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles, and a fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss, interdental brushes, or another tool to clean in between teeth after every brush.
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Other things that can help to prevent gum disease: 

  • Quitting smoking
  • For people with diabetes, keeping blood sugar levels well-controlled will help to reduce the risk of gum disease
  • Avoiding sugary foods and drinks, especially between meals
  • Drinking plenty of water

How to use CBD oil for oral health?

The application of CBD oil depends on the oral area that you have a problem in. Even so, here are some suggestions on how to apply CBD oil in your gums.

  • Add a few drops of CBD oil to your daily oil pulling (The best option which we recommend)
  • If you want you can directly add a few drops of CBD oil to your toothpaste before brushing your teeth. 
  • If you suffer from toothache, then directly apply the oil to the region where it hurts the most. That would bring you instant relief as well. The same can be done in the case of swollen gums. 
  • Another way of consuming the oil is by adding a few drops in your tea or coffee and gargling the same in your mouth, especially close to the area where your problem is. 
  • If you had dental , then you can simply add a few drops of the oil on a gauze pad and put the same in the space left after the surgery. The pad will help in reducing the pain since CBD is an analgesic.

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