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CBD for Digestion

Human digestive system with various bacteria around

Gut health is not a new topic if you are a regular reader, follower, or experimenter in the wellness space. But with a drop of The Real CBD oil in our coffee, we’re taking a different look at this current topic.

First things first, we need to look at our bodies to understand how CBD can help your digestive system and improve gut health.

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Imbalance in the Body


Our mind and body are very sensitive to feelings of and , which often sends our internal defense system, or ECS for short, into overdrive. This complex, interconnected network of receptors is in charge of keeping our bodies in balance by controlling things like pain, sleep, hormones, gut health, digestion, and more. If the ECS is overstimulated, it can throw the body out of balance, which can lead to problems like inflammation in the digestive system.

CBD, which comes from plants, turns on the ECS. With a daily dose of CBD, your ECS will be better able to respond to things that make you feel stressed. This will prevent imbalance and help your body reach its most balanced state.

The Gut & Systemic Inflammation

 The gut is a hard worker that doesn’t get enough credit. It controls and maintains the balance of bacteria in your body and helps your digestive system work.

What is the microbiome of the gut?

Your microbiome is made up of a huge ecosystem of tiny organisms called microbes. Their job is to move nutrients from one form to another. Your gut microbiome keeps your epithelial barrier in good shape. This is a physical barrier that keeps toxins out of your body.

Simply put, a healthy gut affects every part of your health, both physically and emotionally. Stress and imbalance in the body can lead to an overpopulation of bacteria, which can stop the ecosystem from doing its important work. This can cause systemic inflammation. This bad domino effect in the gut can lead to IBS and other uncomfortable digestive problems.

CBD & Gut Health

 Gut health is very important for both a strong immune response and a digestive system that works well. The gut talks to the brain in order to control these important functions and keep the body and mind in balance. The is one way that these two people talk to each other, and it is a very important way (ECS).

We know that daily stressors can put the ECS at risk, which can lead to too much stimulation. So, what happens when the balance of the ECS, the brain, and the gut is at risk? By taking CBD every day, you can reset, repair, and rebalance.

CBD & homeostasis 

The Real CBD 10% can help repair and strengthen the ECS, making it easier for the brain and gut to talk to each other. Life is about finding a good balance, like drinking water in the morning and wine at night. Even our guts have to follow this rule. New research and case studies that are backed by science show that CBD is a key part of promoting balance so that we can be our healthiest and most functional selves.

CBD quiets anxiety and reduces stress 

CBD is good for gut health and can also help reduce stress. Because the gut and the brain are always talking to each other, this is a great benefit. Stress changes how the gut moves and contracts. This makes you more likely to get infections and makes your less effective.


CBD:CBG targets and modulates systemic inflammation, specifically in the digestive system

Ease helps promote a healthier gut by targeting inflammation and internal discomfort. CBD:CBG can prevent internal proteins that signal our immune system to set up an inflammatory response; benefiting those who suffer from bloating, gas, and or IBS. 

Inflammation and CBD oil

Inflammation is likely a part of any problem you have with your gut. When inflammation happens in any part of the digestive system, it can cause a wide range of symptoms. Malnutrition can happen when the body doesn’t take in enough nutrients. Dehydration and tiredness can be caused by diarrhea.

Researchers have found that CBD helps reduce inflammation all over your body. One place where CBD does this is in the stomach, where it makes the capsaicin receptor less sensitive. This receptor makes the mucous membranes of the gut swell up. It’s what makes people feel like their mouths are on fire after eating spicy foods.

Immune Response with CBD

CBD is also good for gut health because it helps the immune processes that start in the gut. Researchers have found that gut bacteria and the immune system work together in important ways. Your gut is home to a big part of your immune system.

When your gut has dysbiosis, your immune system can become overactive, causing a lot of inflammation. CBD dampens the hyperactive immune response. This not only decreases inflammation, but it also helps the immune system deal with allergens and toxins better.

CBD can regulate hormones

 With just one drop of 15% CBD oil, our adrenal glands can get the message to stop making cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that breaks down body tissue and can be harmful to the lining of the gut.

What is the most important thing that CBD does for digestion and gut health?

CBD is good for digestion and gut health in a big way because it can close the gaps between the epithelial cells that line the stomach. By closing these loose connections, the immune system can be brought under control and inflammation can be reduced.

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CBD Can Help Keep Your Gut Health and your digestion

As we’ve seen, gut health is important to your health as a whole. The endocannabinoid system seems like a good place to start when trying to stay healthy and avoid getting sick. Even though it’s hard to say for sure what effects CBD has on gut health, the fact that it’s safe, easy to get, and non-toxic has made it a key part of many studies on the topic.

As of right now, more research needs to be done before doctors can really start to think about CBD as a possible treatment for gut health problems. Remember that CBD is mostly used as a supplement to improve health. It should never be used instead of medical care. Before you start taking a new supplement, you should always talk to your doctor.

Given how complicated GI health is, it’s best to keep yourself in the best shape possible, both physically and mentally, to keep things running smoothly. If you think CBD will help you do that, use it to your advantage.

Conclusion Regarding CBD for digestion

CBD for digestion and gut health seems to help your GI system in a number of ways. It helps the body digest food, which makes it easier for the body to take in important nutrients. also works to strengthen the barrier in the gut and stop or fix leaky gut. CBD could help the immune system work better and reduces the amount of inflammation in the body.

CBD works to keep the microbiome in balance, which can also help with mental health problems. Overall, CBD works to lessen the effects of stress, which helps people  in a wide range of ways.

In particular, CBD for gut health can help reduce the symptoms of diseases like Crohn’s. This also makes the microbiome and gut less stressed. Irritable bowel syndrome causes pain and inflammation that can be eased by CBD’s ability to reduce inflammation.

In addition, CBD works to keep your body’s natural endocannabinoid system in balance. All parts of your health are affected by this system.

FAQ – CBD for digestion

What is CBD and how can it affect digestion?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a natural compound found in the sativa plant. It interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating various bodily functions, including digestion. CBD may help manage symptoms of digestive issues by reducing inflammation and soothing the digestive tract.

Can CBD help with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

There is anecdotal evidence and some early scientific research suggesting that CBD can help alleviate symptoms of IBS. This includes reducing inflammation, controlling pain, and improving gut motility, potentially making it beneficial for those with IBS

Is CBD safe to use for digestive problems?

CBD is generally considered safe for most people. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications, as CBD can interact with some medications.

How should I take CBD for digestive health?

CBD can be consumed in various forms including oils, capsules, edibles, and tinctures. The choice of product may depend on personal preference and the specific digestive issues being targeted. It’s advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you find what works best for you.

Are there any side effects of using CBD for digestion?

While CBD is well-tolerated by many, it can cause side effects in some people. These may include dry mouth, drowsiness, and gastrointestinal discomfort. It’s important to monitor your body’s response to CBD and adjust your dosage accordingly.

The Real CBD and Digestion

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