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Can you use CBD for your Dog?

Big dogs running in a green field

As a dog owner, you want the best for your furry friend. You want them to be healthy, happy, and comfortable. With the rise in the popularity of CBD products for humans, you may be wondering if it’s safe to use CBD for your dog. The answer is yes, but with some important caveats. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits, risks, and recommended dosages of .

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What is CBD?

ECS system in dogs infographic

CBD is one of over 100 compounds, known as cannabinoids, found in the plant. The most well-known cannabinoid is , which is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. CBD, on the other hand, does not produce psychoactive effects and is believed to have therapeutic potential.

CBD can be extracted from the cannabis plant and used in various forms, including oils, tinctures, capsules, creams, and more. It can also be derived from , a type of cannabis plant that contains less than 0.2% THC, making it legal in most countries.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors, enzymes, and molecules that helps regulate various bodily functions. The ECS plays a role in regulating pain, inflammation, mood, appetite, sleep, and more.

CBD is believed to interact with two types of receptors in the ECS: CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are primarily found in the brain and central nervous system and play a role in regulating pain, appetite, mood, and more. CB2 receptors are primarily found in the immune system and play a role in regulating inflammation and immune function.

By interacting with these receptors, CBD may help regulate various bodily functions and provide potential therapeutic benefits.

Dogs and all other mammals have an Endo-Cannabinoid system

Benefits and Risks – CBD Oil for Dogs


There is some evidence to suggest that CBD can be beneficial for our furry friends in the following ways:

Reduce anxiety and stress

 Just like humans, dogs can also suffer from anxiety and stress. CBD may help to reduce anxiety by interacting with receptors in the brain that regulate mood and stress.

Ease pain and inflammation

Cannabidiol has been found to have properties, which may help to reduce pain and inflammation in dogs suffering from conditions such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, and other chronic pain conditions.

Improve appetite and nausea

Some dogs may experience a loss of appetite or nausea due to certain health conditions or treatments. CBD has been shown to stimulate appetite and reduce nausea in some studies.

Manage seizures and epilepsy in Dogs

CBD has been studied for its potential use in managing seizures and in dogs. It may help to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in some cases.

Improve overall wellness

This may also have overall health benefits for dogs by boosting their immune system, improving their sleep quality, and reducing inflammation throughout the body.

It’s important to note that while there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that CBD may be beneficial for dogs, more research is needed to fully understand its potential uses and side effects. If you’re interested in giving your best friend CBD, it’s important to talk to your vet first to make sure it’s safe and appropriate for your pet’s individual needs.

Risks associated with using CBD for dogs

  • Quality control: Not all CBD products are created equal, and some may contain harmful contaminants. Make sure you choose a high-quality, reputable brand.
  • Side effects: While rare, some dogs may experience side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, or gastrointestinal upset.

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Doggie Dosage Recommendations

The Real CBD Dosage explanation CBD Oil

The optimal dosage depends on a variety of factors, including the dog’s weight, the severity of its condition, and the type of product you’re using. It’s important to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you achieve the desired effect.

A general guideline for dosing CBD for dogs is 0.1-0.5 mg of Cannabidiol per kg of body weight. For example, if your dog weighs 20 kg, a starting dose would be 2-10 mg of CBD. However, it’s important to note that this is just a guideline, and you should always consult with your vet before giving your dog anything.

Here are a few more things to keep in mind if you’re considering using CBD for your dog:

  • Quality matters: When shopping for CBD products, it’s important to choose high-quality products that are specifically formulated for pets. Look for products that have been tested for purity and potency, and be sure to follow the dosing instructions carefully.
  • CBD is not a cure-all: While it may be helpful for managing certain health conditions in dogs, it’s not a magic cure-all. It’s important to use it in conjunction with other treatments and therapies recommended by your vet and to continue monitoring your dog’s health closely.
  • CBD can have side effects: While Cannabidiol is generally considered safe for dogs, it can cause side effects in some cases. These may include drowsiness, dry mouth, and changes in appetite. If you notice any unusual symptoms in your dog after giving them CBD, it’s important to stop using it and talk to your vet.
  • It’s not legal everywhere: While CBD is legal in many places, the laws around its use can vary depending on where you live. Be sure to check the laws in your area before you do anything, to make sure it’s legal and safe to do so.

Overall, CBD may be a useful tool for managing certain health conditions in dogs, but it’s important to use it responsibly and with the guidance of a veterinarian. With the right approach, CBD may be able to help improve your dog’s quality of life and overall wellness.

Conclusion – Can you use CBD for your dog?

CBD can be a helpful tool in managing certain conditions in dogs, but it’s important to approach its use with caution. Always consult with your vet, and choose a high-quality product from a reputable brand. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it as needed, monitoring your dog’s response along the way.

If you’re considering using CBD for your dog, it’s important to do your research and make an informed decision. With the right precautions, CBD can be a safe and effective way to improve your dog’s health and well-being.


Is CBD safe for dogs?

CBD is generally considered safe for dogs, but there are some risks to be aware of. Talk to your vet.

Can CBD get my dog high?

No, Cannabidiol is non-psychoactive and won’t get your dog “high.”

How do I choose a high-quality product?

Look for a reputable brand that uses third-party testing to verify the quality and purity of its products. Avoid products that don’t provide this information.

How do I give my dog CBD?

CBD can be given to dogs in a variety of ways, including in oil or treat form. Follow the dosage instructions on the product, and make sure to monitor your dog’s response.

The Real CBD products for your dog

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