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Can you give CBD to Horses

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Home: Can you give CBD to Horses?

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What is CBD?

-derived (CBD) use has skyrocketed in recent years. And it’s only natural for people to want to use what works for them to aid their animal companions. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that CBD products for dogs and cats are readily available at practically every pet supply store. With many individuals reporting positive outcomes. What about the horses, then?

When it comes to the use of CBD in veterinary medicine, the scientific picture is hazy at best, even in the case of dogs and cats. There hasn’t been much substantial research, and the Food and Drug Administration is lagging behind. Despite all of this, some people, including veterinarians, do feed their horses CBD, and they have reported positive effects.

Is Cannabidiol Safe for Horses?

When it comes to introducing a new item to an animal companion, safety is always the primary concern. Nobody knows how it will affect them. Animals aren’t always able to communicate when they aren’t feeling quite well, either. Can you give CBD to horses?

The administration of CBD to horses has not been studied extensively. However, there is some anecdotal data to suggest that, as with humans and dogs, CBD administration to horses is likely to be completely safe.

It’s critical to remember to take the proper dosage at all times. Because there hasn’t been much research conducted on CBD in horses, there isn’t a standard recommended dosage. Even veterinarians administering CBD to their patients are divided on the subject, with each determining the appropriate amount on an individual basis. It is never a good idea to treat horses in the same way that you would treat dogs or humans. Horses are more sensitive to CBD than humans and require substantially lower doses based on their body mass. Start low and go slow.

What Role Does CBD Play in the Care of Horses?


Again, there hasn’t been much research into the various ways in which CBD may benefit horses. Any stories that are now circulating online are either based on people’s assumptions that horses in the same ways that it benefits humans and dogs, or they are based on observations of a single individual’s horse. Nothing is fixed in stone, at least not in a scientific sense that is based on careful research.

Having said that, there’s a good probability that CBD has a comparable effect in humans as it does in other animals, such as dogs and cats. One veterinarian in Colorado experimented with CBD to treat horse nervousness and saw good results. Another investigation indicates that CBD is useful in reducing anxiety in horses. Decreasing skittishness, and allowing horses to be less tense in general, among other things.

CBD is currently explored for its potential benefits in the treatment of in other animals. And it appears that the same will be true for horses as well. Additionally, there is some evidence that CBD may be beneficial in the treatment of lameness in horses.

There is significantly less evidence for other conditions. While it is entirely possible that CBD may be beneficial in the treatment of seizure disorders, cancer-related pain, and other conditions where CBD has been reported to alleviate symptoms, the proof just isn’t there at this time.

What could CBD potentially do for horses?

Horse-owners use CBD to support the horse’s well-being. CBD’s anti-inflammatory and anxiolytic effects may help horses manage symptoms of common ailments, including:

  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic stress
  • Soreness and stiffness

That said, CBD is not used to “cure” common conditions in horses, but to improve the animal’s quality of life. CBD in horses is also used to aid natural metabolic processes and speed recovery after a big day of exercise.

CBD may support horses in the following areas of health:

Some companies make specific CBD pet oils for arthritis or other chronic health conditions. These products are formulated with various other ingredients to help with a specific symptom or condition.

Most of these formulas are marketed for dogs. Because there are a lot more dog owners than horse owners — but these oils are perfectly safe for both animals. Just be aware that the dose for a horse will be a lot higher than a dose for a dog.

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Precautions and Causes for Concern

If it wasn’t already abundantly evident, the biggest source of concern when it comes to CBD for horses is a lack of scientific evidence. Currently, there are no established techniques for treating horses with CBD, and because every animal is different, it’s impossible to predict how they will react to the substance.

Also, vital is that the dosage is correct, which can result in an odd problem in some cases. Because CBD is yet not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, your veterinarian cannot formally recommend CBD. At the same time, administering CBD to your horse without first checking with your veterinarian is highly discouraged. Obtaining their honest opinion on the subject and learning what their recommended dosage would be, if they are receptive to the notion, is the best course of action.

Some veterinarians also advise avoiding administering CBD to mares who are pregnant or nursing due to the unknowns around CBD and growing foals.

If you do determine that CBD is good for your horse, it’s always crucial to remember to follow the best CBD purchasing practices while making your purchase. Always make your purchases from well-known and respected companies. Make sure that the CBD is not extracted using harsh and dangerous chemicals by looking for lab certifications and testing.

FAQ – Can you give CBD to horses?

Is it safe to give CBD to horses?

Yes, giving CBD to horses is considered safe when used appropriately. It’s important to start with a low dose and closely monitor your horse’s reaction to find the optimal dosage. Always use high-quality CBD products designed specifically for animals to ensure safety and efficacy.

What are the benefits of CBD for horses?

CBD can offer several benefits for horses, including relief from , pain management, reducing anxiety and stress, improving digestive health, and supporting overall well-being. However, the effects can vary depending on the individual horse and its specific needs.

How much CBD should I give my horse?

The appropriate dosage of CBD for horses depends on various factors, including the horse’s weight, the condition being treated, and the individual horse’s sensitivity to CBD. It’s generally recommended to start with a low dose (e.g., 0.25 mg per kg of body weight) and gradually increase if needed, based on the horse’s response.

Can CBD cause any side effects in horses?

While CBD is generally well-tolerated by horses, some may experience mild side effects, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, or changes in appetite. It’s crucial to monitor your horse for any adverse reactions, especially when starting CBD or adjusting the dosage.

Can you give CBD to Horses – We Recommend these products

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