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Can CBD help Vitiligo?

Coloured woman having vitiligo patches on her skin in the face

Vitiligo is a health condition in which white patches appear on your skin. If skin colour goes away, it could be because body cells stop making melanin. Vitiligo can affect any part of the body, even the hair and mouth. If nothing is done, the discoloured spots will get bigger over time. Even though it’s not life-threatening, it can cause stress, worry, and a lot of other problems. Some people think that this health problem can’t be fixed. But CBD oil helps lessen the symptoms of vitiligo, which is good news. At the moment, there is no clinical study to show that CBD works, but it is clear that it could. Read this piece to learn more about this point of view.

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What seems to be the signs of vitiligo?

When skin cells called melanocytes stop making melanin, this is called vitiligo. It can affect any part of the body, no matter what skin type, age, or sex the person has. But when this happens, parts of the skin lose their colour or turn white. People with vitiligo whose skin is darker can see it better. Its most noticeable signs are:

There are flat white spots or patches on the skin, the hair turns white or grey too soon, the tissues that line the nose and mouth lose their colour, and the skin itches.

Vitiligo has different signs and symptoms for each person who has it. It often looks like a pale patch of skin that goes white over time. Since the sides of the patch are smooth, it won’t hurt. But it can sometimes make you itch.

Vitiligo Types

Vitiligo comes in different ways. Most of the cases, though, are of two types.

Segmental Vitiligo

Segmental vitiligo is also called localised or unilateral vitiligo because the white spots only show up on one part of the body. It is the most common form of the disease in children, even though it is the second most common form in adults. It could happen to as many as 30% of children with vitiligo.

Non-Segmental Vitiligo

This type of vitiligo is also called generalised or bilateral vitiligo because it causes white spots on both sides of the body that are the same size and shape. These spots could show up on:

  • Knees Elbows
  • Hands’ backs, arms, and feet
  • The skin around holes in the body

Up to 90% of people who have vitiligo have non-segmental vitiligo.

Why does vitiligo happen?

Researchers haven’t been able to figure out what makes melanocytes disappear from the skin. Most people with vitiligo don’t have a history of the disease in their family.

Non-segmental vitiligo is likely an autoimmune disease. This happens when the defence system doesn’t work right. The doesn’t attack viruses or other alien cells. Instead, it attacks healthy cells and tissue in the body. In people with non-segmental vitiligo, the immune system kills the cells that make melanin.

In 2007, a news release was sent out by the National Institutes of Health. The New England Journal of Medicine was used as a source. According to the study, about 20% of people with vitiligo have at least one other autoimmune disease as well. Some of the most popular ones are:

Vitiligo can be caused by the following:

  • Damage to the skin, like a bad sunburn or a cut
  • Things like giving birth are stressful
  • Getting exposed to some dangerous chemicals

The Role of CBD in Skin Health

(CBD) stands out in the realm of natural wellness for its extensive therapeutic profile, which includes anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects. These properties make CBD a promising candidate for managing various skin conditions, including vitiligo. By potentially moderating the immune response and fostering a balanced skin environment, CBD could help in the management of vitiligo’s symptoms and, importantly, in improving the quality of life for those dealing with the condition.

How CBD Could Benefit Those with Vitiligo

  • Anti-inflammatory Action: Chronic inflammation is a key player in many skin conditions, including vitiligo. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce inflammation and thus prevent further loss of pigment.
  • Antioxidant Effects: Oxidative stress is believed to contribute to the onset and progression of vitiligo. CBD, with its antioxidant capabilities, could counteract oxidative damage, protecting skin cells and potentially slowing the progression of the condition.
  • Immunomodulatory Properties: Given the autoimmune hypothesis in vitiligo, CBD’s ability to modulate the immune system could be particularly beneficial, possibly preventing the immune system from attacking melanocytes.

More about CBD

What kinds of treatment are there for vitiligo?

Vitiligo can be segmental, non-segmental, or global. If it is segmental, there will be white spots on one part of the body. But people with bilateral, non-segmental vitiligo have spots of white skin on both sides of their bodies. Universal vitiligo is a rare form in which more than 80% of the skin loses its colour. The type of vitiligo you have will determine how you treat it. Some of the ways to treat medical vitiligo are:



Depending on how your health is in general, a dermatologist may suggest that you use cosmetic steroids or drugs that weaken your immune system. By lowering inflammation, steroids tend to make tissues grow or heal by making them work better. The goal is to stop the white patches from getting bigger and to get your skin back to its normal colour.


Some people use narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) to do phototherapy. The goal of this light treatment is to stop or slow the spread of vitiligo that is already present. But it will only work if you do it every day for a few months. Itching, burning, and swelling are some of the side effects.

is a choice for people with stable vitiligo signs. It includes moving healthy, pigmented skin to places where it has been lost. Some people choose cellular suspension transplantation, while many others choose skin grafting. Surgery can cause scars, infections, and skin that is not the same colour all over.


Depigmentation is a type of treatment that gets rid of the skin’s leftover colour. The person ends up with skin that is completely white. This method can be used on adults with few pigments left. But re-pigmentation can happen, which can change the colour tone.

Each way to treat vitiligo has both good and bad points. It’s hard to know how a patient will react to a certain one. Among these choices, CBD treatment is one that is worth trying. Cannabis is a natural, effective way to stop or slow down the process of discolouration.

How can CBD oil help people with vitiligo?

Tell us how this cannabis ingredient helps this health problem.

Regulates Melanocytes

Melanocytes play a big part in why people get vitiligo. When these cells stop making melanin, the skin’s colour, white patches may show up. Studies show that when CBD interacts with the ECS, it could control a lot of things in melanocytes. Even though the finding is important, experts think it is a bold hypothesis that needs more research.

Bringing down inflammation

CBD can help treat a number of skin conditions because it reduces inflammation. It can help treat a number of skin problems, such as , psoriasis, and eczema. It reduces swelling, keeps the skin moist, and stops burning. CBD-based creams, gels, oils, lotions, and serums can also be used by people with vitiligo. CBD items that you put on your skin are safe and easy to use.

Relieves Anxiety Caused by Vitiligo

People with vitiligo often feel anxious, sad, and stressed. CBD oil helps them deal with mental pain and bad thoughts that come into their heads. Cannabinoid receptors in your brain are turned on by the chemical. It helps the body do a lot of things better, like controlling the amounts of dopamine and serotonin. Researchers have found that it helps with mood swings and the tendency to think too much without changing the mind.

How Can CBD Oil Help With Vitiligo?

CBD is a compound in weed that doesn’t make you high. It comes in different forms. It is added to foods, drinks, lotions, oils, vape juices, and electronic cigarettes. Before you use any CBD product for vitiligo, you should talk to your doctor. Some of the things that can be done about skin problems are:

Relevance to the Topic

A CBD ointment is one of the best ways to treat vitiligo. There are ointments, salves, lotions, and oils on the market that are used on the skin. These easy-to-use items could be used to treat health problems. Apply a lot of the cream to the areas of skin that hurt. It gets into the system through the pores of the skin and takes 1 to 2 hours to work. To get the best results, you will need to use it every 3–4 hours.

By mouth

CBD capsules, pills, sweets, and other foods can be eaten. The results of this way of taking the drug can take up to two hours. CBD has to go through the stomach system before it can get into the bloodstream. This slows down the effect. But they have a more constant effect than other ways of consuming. Another reason to choose sweets is that you can get them in many different flavours these days.

Administration under the tongue

CBD is also often taken sublingually, which is a popular way to treat or skin problems. When you put CBD oil or extract under your tongue, more of the compound is kept. In this process, a few drops of oil are put under the tongue and held there for 60 seconds before being swallowed. The fluid goes straight to the bloodstream and doesn’t go through the digestive system. Because it is so easy to take in, it works faster than any other type of CBD.

Vaping and Smoking

There aren’t many studies on how vaping CBD e-juice can help skin issues. Researchers mostly work on capsules, sprays that go under the tongue, and treatments that go on the skin. Even though this is true, some people still choose to smoke or vape CBD oil. With this method, you inhale CBD oils through a vaporizer or vape pen. The medicine goes straight into the lungs and has a fast clinical effect. In 10 minutes, the skin receives 34 to 56% of the CBD.


CBD is a good way to treat vitiligo that doesn’t involve surgery. It is helpful that it might have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant qualities. These qualities help relieve the symptoms without making the person feel high. But you should ask your doctor for a good CBD amount. Start with the smallest dose possible. When you see that the chemical is working well in the body, slowly raise the dose.

FAQ – CBD for Vitiligo

Can CBD help treat vitiligo?

CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, which could be beneficial since vitiligo involves an autoimmune response where the body attacks its own pigment cells. However, direct evidence of CBD specifically treating vitiligo is limited. It might help manage symptoms and associated conditions, but always consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

How should CBD be used for vitiligo?

The method of using CBD for vitiligo can vary based on personal preference and the specific product being used. Options include topical creams applied directly to the affected areas, oral supplements, or oils. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing as needed is generally recommended, but follow product guidelines and consult a healthcare professional.

How long does it take to see improvements in vitiligo symptoms with CBD?

The time frame for noticing improvements in vitiligo symptoms with CBD can vary widely among individuals. Some may see changes within a few weeks, while others might need longer. Consistent use is key, and it’s important to manage expectations and continue consulting with a healthcare provider.

Can CBD prevent vitiligo from spreading?

There’s no concrete evidence to suggest CBD can prevent vitiligo from spreading. Vitiligo’s progression is unpredictable, and while CBD may help manage symptoms or improve overall skin health, it should not be considered a cure. Focus on a comprehensive treatment plan that includes protecting the skin from the sun and potentially other medical treatments as advised by a healthcare professional.

The Real CBD for Vertiligo

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