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Can CBD help Jetlag?

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Have you ever traveled across multiple time zones and experienced the debilitating effects of jet lag? It’s a common problem that can leave you feeling out of sorts for days. Can CBD help jetlag?

Jet lag isn’t just an inconvenience; it can also cause a range of physical and mental symptoms. From mood changes to gastrointestinal issues, it’s no wonder that people are eager to find effective remedies to combat jet lag and other travel-related ailments.

Unfortunately, many of the traditional solutions are either ineffective, habit-forming or come with unwanted side effects. From sleeping pills to other over-the-counter remedies, the options can be underwhelming and even risky.

But, fear not! There’s a solution that’s gaining popularity and has been shown to be highly effective in combating jet lag and other sleep-related issues. The answer? CBD! But can CBD help with jetlag?

This natural remedy is non-habit-forming and has been shown to promote healthy sleep patterns and alleviate symptoms of jet lag. So, next time you’re planning a trip, don’t let jet lag get in the way of your adventures. Try CBD and experience the difference for yourself!

What is jet lag?

The concept of jet lag is actually quite simple. As humans, we thrive on having a predictable daily routine. Our body clock tells us when it’s time to sleep and wake up, and we tend to stick to a consistent schedule. This is known as our circadian rhythm, and it plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health.

However, air travel can throw this delicate balance off-kilter. With the advent of modern air travel, we are now able to travel long distances in a matter of hours, crossing multiple time zones along the way.

The problem is that our bodies don’t adjust to these changes as quickly as we’d like. So, for example, when we get off a plane in a new time zone and it’s actually midnight there, our body may still think it’s only 7pm. This can lead to sleep disturbances and difficulty staying asleep, which can last for several days and have negative impacts on our overall health.

What is circadian rhythm?

Our bodies operate on a natural internal cycle known as the circadian rhythm. This cycle lasts for roughly twenty-four hours and helps to regulate a variety of bodily functions, from our mood to our appetite. However, it’s perhaps most well-known for its role in controlling our sleep-wake cycle.

Interestingly, the circadian rhythm is heavily influenced by the sun. You may have experienced this first-hand if you’ve ever tried to take a nap during the day with the sun shining brightly on your face. Despite feeling tired, it can be difficult to fall asleep because the sun helps to establish our internal clock and tells our body that it’s time to be awake and alert.

This is why exposure to natural sunlight during the day is so important for maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm. It helps to keep our internal clock on track, making it easier to fall asleep at night and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.

Some blind people have trouble with something called non-24. Because they can’t see the sun, their internal circadian cycle can get out of sync.

Five common symptoms of jet lag

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Most of the effects of jet lag have to do with sleep. Among them are:

  • Disturbed sleep: This is when you wake up at the crack of dawn, ready to go! The issue is that it’s still 4 am.
  • during the day. We’ve all been there. You hit that 1 p.m. wall, but with jet lag, it lasts for three hours and coffee doesn’t help much.
  • Difficulty focusing: Jet lag and tiredness can make it hard to focus for a while. Again, it’s only for a short time. But you probably shouldn’t go to a job interview when you’re tired from traveling.
  • Anxiety: When we don’t get enough sleep, our emotions can get messed up, just like when we don’t get enough sleep in general. Jet lag often makes people feel anxious.

Jet lag can do more than just make you tired. Other signs of jet lag include stomach problems, such as nausea or diarrhea.

Let’s take a look at CBD for jetlag and we ask the question: Can CBD help with jetlag?”

What can you do against jet lag?

One useful way to estimate the duration of jet lag is to follow a simple rule of thumb: for every time zone you cross, it may take about one day to fully recover. This means that traveling across multiple time zones can quickly become a problem, especially if you’re flying for an important business meeting.

To help alleviate the effects of jet lag, it’s a good idea to try adjusting your sleeping habits a few days before your flight. Additionally, it’s important to never board a plane feeling tired, as this can make jet lag symptoms worse.

While on the flight, make sure to stay well hydrated and try to get some rest, even if it’s just a short nap. You can help yourself fall asleep by using an eye mask and earplugs, which can block out any unwanted light and noise. It’s also a good idea to avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages, as both caffeine and nicotine can disrupt your circadian rhythm.

Lastly, it’s a good idea to get up and move around the plane periodically, or even do some stretching exercises if possible. This can help improve circulation and prevent stiffness, making it easier to adjust to your new time zone once you arrive at your destination.

How CBD Helps with jet lag symptoms

There are various ways CBD can help with jet lag. Let’s explore each one in-depth!

CBD and alertness

CBD has only recently begun to be studied in depth by scientists, but the results so far have been quite promising. In particular, there is evidence to suggest that CBD can help promote alertness.

One study, for example, found that CBD given to both male and female rats during a period of wakefulness resulted in increased alertness. This suggests that CBD may be able to help reset and rebalance our natural clock during the daytime, keeping us more alert and less likely to feel sleepy. This can be especially helpful in combatting the effects of jet lag.

Imagine you’ve just arrived in a new place and you’re feeling exhausted. It’s only 4pm, but all you want to do is go to bed. If you give in and fall asleep now, you may have trouble sleeping for the rest of the week. This is where CBD can be helpful. By taking a CBD product, you can maintain your alertness and stave off feelings of lethargy for the necessary period of time.

In situations like this, alertness can be your ally. CBD can help you stay awake and focused, allowing you to watch a movie or get some work done without accidentally falling asleep. This can help ensure that you have a productive and enjoyable day, setting you up for success in the days to come.

CBD and circadian rhythm

One of the biggest benefits of CBD in combatting jet lag is its ability to naturally rebalance our circadian rhythms. By doing so, CBD can help to counteract the disruptions to our internal systems that are caused by travel.

In fact, there is evidence to suggest that CBD may be able to help treat insomnia, which is a common symptom of jet lag. People who use CBD products, such as CBD oil, often report feeling more rested and refreshed after using these products.

CBD interacts with our body’s endocannabinoid system. The ECS is responsible for regulating a wide range of bodily functions. By replenishing this vital system, CBD can help to bring our entire body into a state of balance and harmony. This then helps alleviate symptoms of jet lag and other travel-related issues.

CBD Oil for better sleeping after jet lag

If you have jet lag and have trouble falling asleep or wake up a lot at night, CBD Oil could help you because it has calming effects that can help your body relax. This makes it easier to go to sleep and stay asleep all night. Without waking up before your clock goes off. All of these things can help you get over jet lag faster.

Jet lag can also make you tired during the day, which can be a big problem if you’re going on business or have to go back to work right away after a trip. CBD Oil can help you sleep better, but it can also help you wake up more focused and stay awake all day. This is very helpful if you have jet lag.

CBD and anxiety

CBD can also be helpful in controlling anxiety levels. This is often an unwelcome symptom of jet lag and can contribute to sleep disturbances.

One of the most powerful effects of CBD is its ability to calm and soothe the body. Both physically and mentally. There is evidence to suggest that CBD can be effective in treating anxiety disorders. Doesn’t matter whether they are acute, such as , or more generalized.

For example, a study published by Neurotherapeutics explored the potential use of CBD as a treatment for anxiety disorders. The results were promising, indicating that CBD can be effective in reducing the effects of anxiety.

By addressing anxiety, CBD can help to break the cycle of sleep disturbances caused by jet lag. This can lead to improved focus and productivity during the day, as well as better sleep at night, ultimately helping to alleviate the effects of jet lag.

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Can you bring CBD Oil on your travels?

What you need to know

CBD oil may seem like an ideal remedy for jet lag. It’s important to be aware of the restrictions on bringing it with you when traveling by airplane. CBD oil is not fully legal in all countries, and it can be easily confused with oil. Cannabis oil is mostly illegal.

Furthermore, oil contains traces of THC, which can get you in trouble at some customs checks. To avoid any potential issues, it’s important to research the local regulations that apply to CBD supplements in your destination country.

To minimize the chances of accidentally bringing minuscule quantities of THC with you, it’s recommended to choose CBD broad spectrum when traveling abroad. These products are typically better suited for passing drug tests and are considered safer to bring along on your travels. However, it’s important to note that CBD itself may still be considered a controlled substance in the country you plan to visit. In these cases, it may be best to avoid bringing any CBD products with you altogether.

Read more here about taking CBD on your travels

What CBD products to use?

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CBD users have a number of ways to get CBD into their bloodstream so that they don’t get jet lag. There are many ways to get CBD treatment. All from a few drops of oil to patches you put on your arm. Take a look at these choices:

CBD Transdermal Patch: This is the best way to get active, time-released CBD into the system. Use one before you get on the plane. Also great for pain, soreness, and stiffness in one spot.

One of the best ways to get your CBD fix is with CBD Full Spectrum Oil Drops. CBD from half a dropper goes straight into your bloodstream. This helps calm nervousness and makes it easier to sleep.

Face Mask with Bentonite and CBD. This mask is known for its ability to clean the face because it contains a lot of CBD. It also works well as a pain reliever.

Conclusion – Can CBD help with Jetlag?

In conclusion, CBD has been shown to be a highly effective remedy for jet lag. Also for daytime sleepiness and other travel-related issues. This is not just anecdotal evidence. There is scientific proof that CBD can help regulate our natural sleep cycle, alleviate anxiety symptoms, and promote alertness.

We encourage travelers to experiment with CBD on their next trip. Take it before arriving at the airport or whenever symptoms begin to emerge. And while jet lag may be a reason to use CBD, it’s worth noting that its benefits can be experienced even without crossing multiple time zones.

So don’t hesitate to explore the world and take advantage of the positive effects CBD has on our bodies. The world is your oyster, and CBD is here to help you enjoy it to the fullest!

FAQ – CBD for jetlag

What is CBD and how can it help with jet lag?

CBD, or , is a natural compound found in cannabis plants. It’s known for its potential to ease various symptoms without causing a high. For jet lag, CBD might help regulate sleep patterns, reduce anxiety, and improve overall mood, making it easier to adjust to new time zones.

How does CBD affect sleep, especially for those with jet lag?

CBD may influence sleep by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating sleep cycles. This interaction can help promote a more restful sleep, aiding those suffering from jet lag in adjusting to a new sleep schedule more smoothly.

Are there any specific CBD products recommended for jet lag?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all, full-spectrum CBD products are often recommended. These products contain a range of cannabinoids and from the cannabis plant, potentially offering a more comprehensive relief. Tinctures, capsules, and edibles are popular choices for their ease of dosing and convenience.

How much CBD should I take for jet lag?

Dosage can vary widely depending on individual factors like weight, metabolism, and the severity of symptoms. It’s best to start with a low dose and gradually increase until you find relief. Consulting with a healthcare provider or a cannabis expert can also help tailor the dosage to your specific needs.

Are there any side effects or considerations when using CBD for jet lag?

CBD is generally considered safe, but some people may experience mild side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, or changes in appetite. It’s important to consider potential interactions with other medications. Always consult with a healthcare professional before adding CBD to your routine, especially when traveling.

The Real CBD for Jetlag!

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