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In recent years, CBD, or , has skyrocketed in popularity, touted for its potential health benefits and therapeutic properties. However, when it comes to obtaining CBD, one question often lingers: Can a doctor prescribe CBD? Let us dive into the world of Prescription CBD and unravel the details together.

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What is CBD?

Chemistry formula for CBD cannabidiol

CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its more famous cousin THC, CBD does not cause a “high.” Its appeal lies in its supposed therapeutic benefits, claiming to aid everything from to chronic pain.

Prescription CBD: A Brief Overview

Prescription CBD refers to cannabidiol that is available only through a doctor’s prescription. Unlike the CBD products commonly found in wellness shops and pharmacies, prescription CBD is often subject to stricter regulations and quality controls.

Navigating the legalities of CBD can be as complex as a maze. CBD derived from hemp with less than 0.2% THC is legal. However, state laws vary dramatically, making the prescription of CBD a grey area for many practitioners.

Conditions Treated with Prescription CBD

From severe forms of epilepsy to anxiety disorders, prescription CBD is gaining traction as a viable treatment option. Clinical studies continue to explore its potential, widening the scope of its applicability.

How to Get a CBD Prescription

Wooden question mark

Getting a prescription for CBD involves a consultation with a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable about cannabis and its derivatives. This step is crucial, as it involves assessing the patient’s health conditions and determining the suitability of CBD as a treatment option.

The Difference Between Prescription CBD and Over-the-Counter CBD

Prescription CBD typically has a higher concentration of cannabidiol and must pass rigorous govenmental testing. Over-the-counter CBD products, however, can vary widely in quality and potency, often lacking consistent regulation.

Prescription medicinal cannabis in Europe

Prescription medicinal cannabis in Europe varies significantly across different countries, reflecting diverse legal frameworks, medical standards, and cultural attitudes towards cannabis use for medical purposes. Here is an overview of how medicinal cannabis is approached in various European countries:


Germany legalized medicinal cannabis in 2017. Patients need a prescription from a doctor, and the conditions for which cannabis can be prescribed are not limited to specific ailments. However, doctors usually prescribe it for chronic pain, spasticity, severe appetite loss, and various other conditions that do not respond to standard treatments. Health insurance often covers cannabis prescriptions.

CBD in Germany

The Netherlands

The Netherlands has been a pioneer in the regulation of medicinal cannabis. It has been legally available since 2003 through pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription. The government controls production and sale through the Office for Medicinal Cannabis. Dutch doctors can prescribe cannabis for pain relief, nausea, and other conditions.


Italy legalized medicinal cannabis in 2007, but authorities maintain strict control over the program. Doctors can prescribe it for certain medical conditions, including chronic pain, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. The military handles the production of medicinal cannabis to ensure quality control, and pharmacies dispense it.


The UK changed its law in 2018, allowing doctors to prescribe medicinal cannabis under very restricted conditions.Doctors primarily prescribe it when other treatments fail for conditions such as severe epilepsy, vomiting and nausea caused by chemotherapy, and muscle stiffness related to multiple sclerosis.

European flag waving in the wind


France has been more conservative regarding medicinal cannabis. However, in 2021, it launched a two-year experimental program allowing about 3,000 patients access to medicinal cannabis if they meet strict criteria. The trial aims to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medicinal cannabis, potentially leading to broader legalization.

Is CBD legal in France?


Spain does not have a formal medical cannabis program, but cannabis clubs exist in a legal grey area. These clubs are non-commercial organizations that grow cannabis for their members. Medical use of cannabis is tolerated but not officially legalized or regulated.

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic legalized medicinal cannabis in 2013. Patients require a prescription, and cannabis can be used for chronic pain, for example from or multiple sclerosis. However, patients often face high costs and limited availability.


In Portugal, the government legalized medicinal cannabis in 2018. Physicians can prescribe it for severe conditions such as chronic pain, PTSD, and severe epilepsy. The national health authority must approve all products.


In countries like Denmark and Norway, medicinal cannabis is available under strict regulations. Denmark, for instance, has a trial scheme running until 2021, where doctors can prescribe cannabis for certain medical conditions. Norway allows for very limited use, generally only when all other treatment options have failed.

CBD in Scandinavia

Benefits of Prescription CBD

The Real CBD doctor with a tablet

Prescription CBD is lauded for its potential to relieve symptoms of severe medical conditions without the psychoactive effects associated with THC. Patients often report improvements in quality of life and overall well-being.

Side Effects and Considerations

While CBD is generally well-tolerated, it can cause side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, and in some cases, liver complications. Discussing potential risks with a healthcare provider is essential.

CBD Prescription in Other Countries

The legal status and acceptance of prescription CBD can vary significantly around the globe. Some countries embrace it, while others enforce strict prohibitions.

The Future of Prescription CBD

As research expands and legal barriers continue to shift, the future of prescription CBD looks promising. Advocates and medical professionals alike are optimistic about its evolving role in medicine.

More about CBD from our blog sektion

How to Talk to Your Doctor About CBD

Starting a conversation about CBD with your doctor can feel intimidating, but it is an important step if you are considering it as a treatment option. Prepare for your appointment by researching the potential benefits of CBD for your specific condition. Be honest and open about why you are interested in CBD and any concerns you might have. This transparency will help your doctor provide the best guidance tailored to your health needs.

Does Insurance companies cover CBD

Currently, most insurance companies do not cover CBD (cannabidiol) products. This lack of coverage stems from several factors:

Doctor holding tablet with The Real CBD website on
  1. Legal Status: While hemp-derived CBD with less than 0.2% THC is legal in most of Europe the legal status can vary from country to country. This variability in legality complicates insurance coverage.
  2. Classification: CBD is often classified as a supplement rather than a medication.Insurance companies typically do not cover supplements unless a doctor prescribes them as part of a treatment for a medical condition and deems them essential.
  3. Clinical Evidence: There is still a need for more comprehensive clinical studies to conclusively demonstrate the effectiveness of CBD for various conditions, which affects insurers’ willingness to cover these products.

As research continues and regulatory views evolve, it’s possible that insurance coverage for CBD may change, especially if more products undergo rigorous testing and gain approval. If you are considering using CBD and are concerned about costs, it might be worth discussing with your healthcare provider and checking directly with your insurance provider to see what, if any, coverage options might be available.

Alternatives to Prescription CBD

For individuals who cannot access prescription CBD or find it too costly, there are alternatives. Supplements such as turmeric, ginger, and omega-3 fatty acids can also support and pain relief efforts. Additionally, practices such as , , and acupuncture have proven effective in managing symptoms of stress and pain, offering a holistic approach to well-being.


Prescription CBD stands at the intersection of modern medicine and natural remedies, offering new hope for many patients. As the landscape evolves, so too does the potential for CBD to become a mainstream treatment option.

FAQs about Prescription CBD

FAQ in a magnifying glass
1. Can any doctor prescribe CBD oil?

Not all doctors are equipped or legally permitted to prescribe CBD oil. It depends on the state’s laws and the doctor’s familiarity with cannabis treatments.

2. Is prescription CBD the same as medical marijuana?

No, prescription CBD is specifically formulated to minimize THC content, thereby eliminating psychoactive effects, unlike medical marijuana.

3. What are the main benefits of getting a CBD prescription?

A prescription ensures you receive a product that’s safe, consistent, and tailored to your specific health needs.

4. Can I travel with prescription CBD?

Travelling with CBD is risky unless you are completely sure about the legal status of CBD in both the departure and destination locations.

The Real CBD

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