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Buy CBD oil for dogs in Spain (legally!)

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Home: Buy CBD oil for dogs in Spain (legally!)

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What is CBD oil?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis and hemp. It is essential to note that, in most cases, CBD oil does not contain delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the compound that gives marijuana its psychoactive properties. In fact, most CBD products are derived from hemp, not marijuana.

How does CBD affect dogs?

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Currently, no formal studies have been conducted on how CBD affects dogs. What scientists do know is that interact with endocannabinoid receptors located in the central and peripheral nervous systems. This helps maintain balance in the body and keep it in a normal, healthy state.

More about CBD and dogs, click here:

Use of CBD in veterinary treatments

Veterinary medicine has advanced significantly in recent years. The development of more effective treatments and medicines has even increased the life expectancy of pets, although there is still a long way to go.

The fact is that conventional veterinary drugs prescribed for the treatment of chronic pain, seizures, and other conditions; negatively impact the immune and digestive systems. This can cause liver and kidney damage.

Therefore, the development of alternative therapies, such as the use of CBD for animals, has brought new hope for dogs and cats. While much data remains to be confirmed, it could become a suitable treatment to increase the well-being of animals.

What health problems can CBD oil treat in dogs?

Although there is no definitive scientific data on the use of CBD to treat dogs, there is anecdotal evidence from dog owners suggesting that it can treat pain, especially neuropathic pain, as well as helping to control seizures.

CBD is also used for its properties, cardiac benefits, anti- effects, appetite stimulation, and anti-anxiety impact. Also mentions possible anti- benefits, although there is no conclusive data on this use.

The AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) is sponsoring a study through Colorado State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. They want to evaluate the use of CBD in treatment-resistant epileptic dogs. The FEC hopes this will be the first study to obtain scientific data on the use of CBD in dogs with this condition.

CBD for anxiety in dogs

Many dogs suffer from anxiety, although their owners do not necessarily recognize the symptoms.

Often, dogs become extremely agitated and upset when their owners leave the house, sometimes leading to destructive behavior or incessant barking.

In humans, the use of CBD for anxiety is widespread. In a large survey of CBD users, around 60% of them harness the power of CBD specifically to control their anxiety and report that it works exceptionally well, as well as helps with pain, insomnia, and .

Most vets agree that CBD works well for stress relief. If your canine friend is chronically anxious or stressed by specific events, such as fireworks, offering CBD oil for dogs could be an effective solution…

If you want to know more about CBD for dogs with anxiety, click here

Where to Buy CBD in Spain?

CBD for dogs with Anxiety – VIDEO

CBD for osteoporosis in dogs

is a common bone condition that often affects a man’s best friend. Some research estimates that as many as 1 in 5 dogs over the age of one year suffer from this painful condition.

A recent 2020 study examined the effect of CBD on dogs with osteoarthritis in a double-blind trial over four weeks. Some of the dogs received a placebo and showed no change in their condition during the study.
However, the dogs that received large doses of CBD showed improved mobility and quality of life, which the authors attributed to CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties.

How do I know if my dog needs CBD?

CBD has many health benefits, however, in everyday life, it is often used to naturally relieve high-stress situations. The most common include: stays in daycare and boarding facilities, recent adoption, thunderstorms, fireworks, changes in life routine (new pet or baby in the family, moving house, remodeling), visits to the dog groomer, car/plane rides, or long absences of the owner. It can also be used for pets with separation anxiety.

There is relatively little medical and scientific research on CBD. This is largely due to legal and research limitations.

CBD for dogs with hip dysplasia

Possible side effects of CBD in dogs

Although there is no scientific data on the side effects of CBD use in dogs, there are possible side effects based on how CBD affects humans. To minimize any potential side effects, be sure to follow the proper dosage.

Dry mouth: Research has shown that CBD can decrease saliva production. In dogs, this would manifest as increased thirst.

Decreased blood pressure: High doses of CBD have been known to cause a temporary drop in blood pressure. Although the drop is small, it may create a brief feeling of dizziness.

Drowsiness: Dog owners have used CBD to treat anxiety. The calming effect of CBD can also cause slight drowsiness, especially when higher doses are used.

Risks of using CBD oil for dogs

The safety and risks of using CBD for dogs have not yet been investigated. The US Health Department has not approved CBD and has not issued a dosage table. Therefore, we do not know what dose size would be toxic. Any medication or supplement carries the risk of a reaction. It is always advisable, when giving your dog something new, to start with small amounts and then closely monitor the effects. And always check with your vet first.

How to give CBD to a dog?

loss of appetite in dogs

If used to combat a serious ailment, the best way to administer CBD is under the tongue (sublingually) for quick results.

For easy sublingual dosing, we can recommend the following. Face the same direction as your dog and gently insert the syringe into the side of the mouth. This will cause your dog to lick and allow it to be easily applied under the tongue.

Consistency is key, so once you have calculated your daily dose, divide it into two doses in the morning and evening. For slow absorption, the oil can be mixed with food or dropped into the side of your dog’s mouth.

CBD ointment for dogs can help a long list of skin conditions and joint pain. Just apply the balm or crème to the affected areas.

CBD products on the market

If you and your vet decide that you should try CBD as a treatment for your dog, there are a few things to keep in mind when buying CBD oil. Not all oils are the same; you’ll want a high-quality CBD oil to have the best chance of it working.

Look for it to be organic. If CBD oil is not organic, it should at least not contain pesticides, fungicides, or solvents.

Don’t buy on price alone. Higher quality and purity are often associated with higher costs. A cheaper option might contain toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides, or heavy metals. Make sure your CBD oil is free of additives.

Get tested. The manufacturer should provide a certificate stating how much CBD the product contains. Many CBD ointments for dogs contain only small amounts of CBD. You’ll also want to make sure there is little or no THC in the product.

Buy CBD in liquid form. You can buy dog treats that contain CBD, but the best way to administer it is through oil or tincture. This way, you can adjust your dog’s dosage drop by drop.

CBD ointment for dogs are available in various shapes and form. Look for one that only includes 100% natural ingredients.


How to buy CBD for dogs legally in Spain – without a prescription?

As dog parents, we always want the best for our pets. Not all countries allow CBD for dogs to be sold over the counter. Some countries (such as the UK) require a prescription from a vet in order to buy CBD for dogs.
However, as a consumer, you can find CBD ointment for dogs online at thousands of websites. These websites sell from various domains that allow the sale of CBD for dogs.

Before you buy, make sure that the company you are buying from knows what they are “talking about” and usually provides information about their products. CBD for dogs and cats and pets, in general, is pretty much the same as for humans. Just be aware that CBD for cats may NOT include terpenes.

Terpenes can be toxic to cats in large doses. THC can be toxic to dogs in large doses, so make sure that when you buy CBD for your dog in Spain, you choose a product that does not include more than 0.2% THC. You should be able to find this out from the laboratory tests linked to the product and available to you.

Read more about Cats and terpenes here

The CBD trend for wellness

Why is there so much talk about CBD oil now? The legalization of marijuana in many places has triggered interest in the potential health benefits of marijuana-related products. “We are likely to see continued interest in CBD and increased research into its uses and efficacy in the coming years,” he says.

Buy CBD for dogs legally in Spain

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