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A lot of studies show that cannabidiol, or CBD, can provide relief from ailments like anxiety, , joint pain, and headaches. While the effects of CBD oil can last quite a long time, you will get the best results by taking it at the right time of day. But what is the best time to take CBD oil? The answer to this question will largely depend on, the symptoms or disorders you hope to alleviate. Fortunately, with a little bit of forethought, CBD oil can help you feel better just about every day. Read more here.

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The Purpose of taking CBD oil

We want to use CBD for many different reasons. These include treating skin conditions, improving sleep, improving mood, and relieving , and other ailments. If you want to improve sleep, it would be best to take your daily CBD dose before bed. Let’s take a look at when it is the best time to take CBD and its implications.

Type of CBD product

If you sat on the internet for hours and hours on end, you could surely find hundreds of different “types” of CBD products. Especially when you take into consideration things like flavor variations, etc.

When you break it down more generally, however, you’ll see that most CBD products fall into five main categories:

There are other forms of CBD products out there (things like CBD beverages, suppositories, lozenges, etc). These are much less common and typically would fall under a “miscellaneous” category.

The real question is, how do you choose between the different types of products out there? In other words, what’s the ‘functional’ difference between CBD oils and , for instance – and how do you know which one is better for you and your needs?

The type of CBD product that you choose individually should come down to what you’re wanting (and expecting) to get out of the product. If the taste is of no concern to you and you don’t mind the mild inconvenience of having to place oil droplets under your tongue, a high-quality CBD oil is still probably the best and most reliable method of consumption.

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Taking CBD for insomnia

If you are interested in taking CBD oil for trouble falling or staying asleep, then you’ll want to take it close to your bedtime. However, it’s important that you don’t wait until you’re just about to go to bed. You must give the CBD oil adequate time to be absorbed by your body, and allow your own to respond. This is because each person has a unique endocannabinoid system. You could start taking CBD after dinner or before bed. CBD tinctures are great, these tinctures are made with carrier oils such as MCT or oil. This CBD form gives you quick results.

Keep in mind that CBD oil is not intended to magically make you fall or stay asleep. It is not an intoxicant or a narcotic. Instead, CBD oil allows your own body to create the physiological circumstances that lead to sleep. For the best results, therefore, you should take CBD oil about one hour before you are scheduled to go to sleep. This will allow your body to absorb it thoroughly, promoting a natural, lasting restfulness. So for insomnia, the best time to take CBD is for sure in the evening, a couple of hours before you go to rest.

When To Take CBD oil for Pain?

Are you taking CBD oil for physical pain? You should take CBD as needed. If your pain is chronic, you may experience relief by using CBD daily continuously. If you are interested in using CBD for acute issues, such as migraine headaches, gastrointestinal flare-ups, or short-term discomfort from an injury, take the CBD oil only when you’re experiencing symptoms.

CBD is often very helpful for people who are dealing with ongoing pain, but you should not simply substitute it for professional medical care. Talk to your doctor about how CBD can be integrated into your overall treatment plan. Now, more than ever, members of the medical profession are realizing how useful CBD can be, as one tool in your pain-relief toolbox.

When Should you take CBD or CBG for Anxiety and Depression?

If you are dealing with anxiety, on the other hand, there is no need to take CBG/CBD oil before you go to bed. Instead, you should try consuming it about an hour before you have to deal with a stressful situation. For example, if you are struggling with social anxiety and plan to go to a party, take the CBD at least an hour before you go. CBD Capsules may be a good choice for those looking for delayed effects since they must be processed through your digestive system. You might want to experiment with different dosages to find what works best for you. Other common delivery methods include smoking and vaping. Here the best time to take CBD will be very individual.

Let us imagine you want to use CBD oil to try to help deal with the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Your best option may be to take it in the morning before you leave your house to face the day. Since CBD oil usually lasts for about four to six hours, you may want to take an additional amount later in the day.

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How Often Should You Take CBD?

Most people find taking a serving of 10-20 mg one to two times a day to be beneficial. However, the optimal amount and frequency of servings can vary from person to person. Weight, metabolism, serving size, and other factors, all affect how your body responds to CBD. If your body isn’t responding to CBD oil, there could be several reasons why it doesn’t seem to be working.

Finding the right combination for you, individually, can be an ongoing process. Develop a routine that works for you, start with a minimal dose and work up if necessary. Many people take their drops or capsules in the morning, before work or school. The next dose before bed, so that they can continue to enjoy the benefits of CBD throughout the day and evening.

When you’re ready to introduce cannabidiol into your daily regimen or to discover new products, shop in our online store. If you are still in doubt download our free E-Book which will answer most of your questions before starting.

How Long Do the Effects of CBD Last?

After ingestion or inhalation, you can usually feel CBD beginning to take effect within 20-30 minutes. How long the therapeutic effects of CBD last can also vary. Usually, the duration is between four to six hours.

Can You use Multiple CBD Products at the Same Time?

Absolutely! With CBD, you will never experience a “too much” sort of effect. If you find that tincture helps with one problem and topicals another, by all means, use both methods simultaneously. If CBD Capsules help for most of the day, but you have a task that has you worried, you may look towards a product to settle your nerves beforehand.

What Effects CBD Absorption?

Now that we have covered the best time to take CBD, you need to understand that not all CBD you consume will reach your bloodstream. An even less amount will make it to the endocannabinoid system, which usually has a more significant impact. When you ingest CBD oil, it passes through the gut, liver, and other digestive organs for processing.

Processing involves breaking down the CBD oil into usable and unusable elements. Some CBD and unusable elements will go to waste after this stage, because they can’t get absorbed through the intestine linings.

The amount of CBD that ends up in the bloodstream and available for use by the endocannabinoid system is known as bioavailable CBD. Bioavailability refers to the rate at which CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream. It may also refer to the amount of CBD available in a product and can be absorbed.

Any surplus CBD that the endocannabinoid system can’t utilize is usually stored in fat cells. When there are enough CBD deposits in the fat cells, the body releases it gradually for use by the endocannabinoid system. Then you can enjoy its benefits for days.

Several factors affect CBD bioavailability and absorption into the bloodstream. Let’s explore some of the common factors.

Your state of health can affect CBD absorption and you may need to adjust your dosage or delivery route accordingly.

Liver Function

Because the liver is so important in removing CBD from circulation and preparing it to be exported from the body, and impaired liver function has a significant impact on the effectiveness of CBD and how long it remains in the body.

In one study, participants with moderate to severe liver impairment had higher blood CBD concentrations and longer clearance times after the same 200 mg dose levels compared to healthy controls

This means that more CBD reaches the general circulation and stays in circulation longer. As a result, these individuals experience greater effects than someone without liver impairment would derive from the same dose.

Remember to always keep 2 hours between taking a prescription medication and CBD oil. This is to give your liver a chance to optimally metabolize both.

CBD Quality

Some CBD products contain impurities, additives, and carrier oils, and any additional components will often affect CBD absorption, processing, and metabolization in the body. The Real CBD offers some of the best quality CBD products, with almost zero THC content, on the market.

Final Thoughts

While there isn’t a simple one-size-fits-all answer to the question of when is the best time to take CBD, there is an answer for you. Keep experimenting and listen to what your body is telling you. With some trial and error, you should be able to find the perfect balance of method, dosage, and timing. If you have questions or feel that you need further guidance, please reach out to us. We are more than happy to be your guide, on a journey to plant-based wellness! Send us an e-mail with your concern and we will be happy to help!

FAQ – What is the best time to take CBD

What is the best time of day to take CBD?

The optimal time can vary depending on your goals and lifestyle. Morning intake may support focus and calmness for the day ahead, while evening doses can help with relaxation and sleep quality.

Should I take CBD before or after meals?

Taking CBD with or after a meal, especially one containing fats, can improve its absorption by your body, making it more effective.

How often should I take CBD?

Daily use is common, but the frequency can depend on your specific needs and the advice of a healthcare professional. Consistency is key for the best results.

Can the effect of CBD vary depending on the time of day it’s taken?

Yes, taking CBD in the morning might provide a more energizing effect, while evening doses tend to be more relaxing, though individual experiences can vary.

Is there a difference in effect if I take CBD at night versus in the morning?

Yes, morning doses might support daytime wellness goals like focus and stress management, whereas taking CBD at night may help with unwinding and improving sleep quality.

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