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Benefits of CBD (Science-backed)

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Home: Benefits of CBD (Science-backed)

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1. What is CBD?

CBD is a component present in the Sativa plant (Hemp) and is used to treat a variety of ailments. Applying CBD topically or ingesting it through inhaling smoke or eating edibles interacts with neuroreceptors in your endocannabinoid system. This delivers messages between cells to help regulate your mobility, mood, homeostasis, and immune system, among other functions.

Cannabidiol is typically extracted from hemp in oil form. This is then combined with an inert carrier oil such as for consumption. CBD is also used to treat epilepsy. CBD oil has had a meteoric rise in popularity in recent years, mostly as a result of its alleged soothing properties. A variety of products, from basic oil tinctures to CBD-infused drinks, are now available that contain this ingredient.

Research is also gaining momentum as we speak. Here we are sharing several scientifically proven ways that CBD oil may be beneficial to your health. All according to recent research. The Benefits of CBD evolves every day and scientist discovers new interesting benefits of CBD all over the world.

2. CBD as Pain Relief

CBD has been approved for use in the treatment of a variety of medical ailments in a number of countries. The United Kingdom, for example, has licensed it for multiple sclerosis, while Canada has approved it for cancer pain. Ongoing research reveals that CBD oil for pain, in varying amounts, can help medical illnesses such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. Some discomfort may not be curable with CBD alone. It can be beneficial when combined with THC.

Could CBD Help With Chronic Pain?

One of the many benefits of CBD is to treat chronic pain. Chronic pain is described as any pain that lasts for more than a few months. CBD has been shown in studies to be a useful pain treatment for a variety of chronic diseases.

Sativex, a spray containing equal parts CBD and THC, demonstrated great efficacy as an analgesic for cancer-related pain in clinical trials. The spray, which is also used to treat pain associated with multiple sclerosis, is approved in Canada. Here to treat cancer pain and is currently undergoing studies for approval and use in the United States.

According to a 2019 study, Sativex is an “effective and well-tolerated add-on medication” for patients suffering from severe chronic pain caused by a variety of diseases. There are three types of pain, according to the study: nociceptive (affecting bodily tissue), neuropathic (affecting nerves), and mixed pain. Sativex assisted in the treatment of all three types of pain, but it was most helpful against neuropathic pain.

An earlier study demonstrated CBD to be beneficial in chronic pain alleviation for illnesses. Such as multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury.

Would CBD Help With Arthritis and Joint Pain?

Arthritis is a broad phrase that refers to a variety of joint-related illnesses. Swelling, soreness, and stiffness in the joints are common symptoms that may worsen over time.

The fact is that 75% of people over 45 suffer from arthritic pain. There is now sufficient research proving the benefit of CBD for arthritic pain. CBD is already a recognized painkiller for various ailments. It has shown potential in animal and preclinical trials as an agent, which speaks well for arthritis treatment. Clinical research on CBD administration for arthritis, on the other hand, is less substantial and ongoing.

…more research

The first controlled experiment, which took place in 2006, focused on patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. An inflammatory illness that produces inflammation in the joints and other afflicted areas. Sativex significantly decreased individuals’ pain during activity, pain at rest, and sleep quality. This when compared to a placebo, according to the researchers. Any adverse reactions to the medication were modest or moderate, and there were no withdrawal difficulties.

Over the course of 12 weeks, researchers examined the efficacy of gel. Testing on volunteers with osteoarthritis-related knee pain. Every day, participants used either 250 milligrams or 500 mg, divided into two administrations. Overall, CBD did not significantly enhance participants’ weekly pain levels when compared to placebo. Researchers looked at the average weekly worst pain levels. As well as the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) physical function scores. They found that people who took 250 milligrams of CBD daily improved much more than placebo participants.

Meanwhile, a tiny 2019 experiment suggests that combining CBD and THC may be really good. Especially for those suffering from fibromyalgia, a kind of arthritis that causes widespread pain and . The study discovered that a CBD-THC mix functioned better than a placebo and either chemical alone in a single inhalation.

CBD Could Help With Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain can be caused by a variety of illnesses and injuries to the nerves or nervous system. Tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, and intense, shooting, scorching, or stabbing pain are all symptoms of this type of pain.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common causes of neuropathic pain. Myelin, a protein-and-phospholipid combination that coats nerve cells, is worn down by the disease. Because of its performance in clinical studies, Sativex is already approved as an MS treatment all over the world. Sativex is absorbed in the mouth as a spray. For people with MS, studies indicate a median dose of eight sprays per day. This gives around 20 milligrams of CBD and 21.6 milligrams of THC. However, doses differ amongst people, and each individual must find their appropriate dose.

A 2020 study also looked at topically applied CBD oil. As a treatment for people with damage to the peripheral nervous system. The Peripheral nerve system distributes information from the central nervous system throughout your body. Topical CBD dramatically reduced patients’ strong and sharp pain, as well as chilly and itching sensations, when compared to placebo.

3. CBD has the potential to alleviate Anxiety, Stress and Depression.

Stress, anxiety, and depression are unfortunately part of our daily lives. We are pacing ourselves to reach whatever goal we are setting in the quickest possible time. But that is taking its toll on our bodies and minds.

CBD could help your anxiety!

The effects of CBD on people with a generalized social anxiety disorder and healthy control patients. They were completing a simulated public speaking test. It was all investigated in a short trial conducted in 2011. When compared to a placebo, CBD showed significant reductions in anxiety, and discomfort in people suffering from anxiety. Their reduced levels of anxiety were comparable to those of the control participants who did not participate in the study.

Similarly, a 2019 study investigated CBD at significantly lower levels than most prior clinical studies. Testing with some individuals consuming 25 milligrams CBD per day and others consuming 50 milligrams or 75 mg per day. The researchers reasoned, higher doses could be prohibitively expensive for participants to sustain. Also lower doses would still be useful in the long run. Indeed, for the majority of individuals, anxiety dropped within the first month and remained at a low level thereafter. Quality of sleep has also improved, albeit with more fluctuations than worry. Patients who experienced side effects were three in number.

CBD Oil for Depression!

Many people believe that another of the benefits of CBD is to help them to feel less depressed. Some animal studies have suggested that CBD oil may have antidepressant qualities. Here further research will be required before we can be certain of this.

One of the difficulties in conducting research on CBD and depression is that we do not have any data from humans. For example, a 2019 study that involved looking at animals. They came to the conclusion that CBD exhibited antidepressant-like effects in rodents that worked quickly.

According to a 2019 assessment of available data it was confirmed CBD’s antidepressant-like effects have been observed in a wide range of animal species, including humans. The authors stressed that clinical trials are required to determine whether or not CBD can be used to treat depression effectively.


Why does CBD appear to be beneficial in the treatment of depression? Not quite clear, although it appears to have something to do with serotonin. Serotonin is frequently referred to as the “happy molecule.”

According to this 2014 review, a large number of research have suggested that CBD has an effect on the 5-HT1A receptors. Anxiety and depression are related to low levels of serotonin in the brain.

According to the 2019 review, CBD may also produce a rise in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels (BDNF). Depression has been linked to low levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF).

Furthermore, according to a 2018 review conducted, CBD may have an anti-stress effect on the body. Because stress can exacerbate depression and other disorders, this effect may be beneficial as well as detrimental.

CBD may potentially have anti-anxiety properties, according to recent research. While additional research is needed, it is possible that this will be beneficial to persons who suffer from both sadness and anxiety.

Manage stress with CBD oil!

The investigation into the benefits of CBD is still in its early stages. However, multiple studies have found that CBD can have a beneficial effect on people who are undergoing stress.

The research from 2020 looked at 76 studies that were published in 2019 and 2020 on the effects of CBD for certain illnesses such as stress, anxiety, dementia, and depression, and found that CBD had beneficial impacts.

The researchers came to the conclusion that, while CBD appears to be a promising treatment for stress and anxiety, additional research is required.

A separate 2020 study investigated the effects of CBD on a small sample of 15 persons. In the study’s findings, it was discovered that “the findings suggest possible pathways of CBD for a range of illnesses. All associated with impaired memory processing, including Alzheimer’s disease, , and post-traumatic stress disorder.”

A 2020 study of 33 clinically high-risk (CHR) people with psychosis, half of whom were given 600 mg of CBD per day, found the following:

The findings provide evidence that CBD may affect the psychological responses to acute stress in daily life in CHR patients.

While research on the benefits of CBD is still underway, the results from early trials have been encouraging. It’s crucial to remember, however, that CBD does not work for everyone. So it’s a matter of experimenting with it and watching your own outcomes.

4. CBD oil to treat opioid addiction

An opioid is a group of pain-relieving drugs. They interact with opioid receptors in your cells to help you feel better when you have pain. It can be made from the poppy plant, like morphine, or it can be made in a lab, like fentanyl.

When opioid medications travel through your blood and attach to opioid receptors in your brain cells, the cells send out signals that lessen your sense of pain and make you feel more happy.

Whenever opioids are dangerous.

What makes opioids good for treating pain can also make them dangerous. It can be dangerous to take opioids at high doses. They can make you stop breathing and slow your heart rate, which can cause you to die. When you take an opioid and feel good, you want to keep feeling that way. This could lead to a problem with addiction to the drug.

You can cut down on the chances of having dangerous side effects by following your doctor’s advice. ONLY take your medication exactly as prescribed. Make sure your doctor knows about all of the other medicines and supplements you’re taking, as well.

The usage of opioid painkillers is on the rise all across the world. Opioid addiction treatment options currently available target withdrawal symptoms and come with a number of undesirable side effects.

Drug-induced brain changes linked with addiction and misuse are not treatable.

Studies show that cannabinoids may be used to treat opioid addiction and dependence. This is based on interactions between the endogenous opioid and cannabinoid systems. Evidence from preclinical animal models suggests that cannabidiol and CB1 have the potential to cure drug addiction. It could potentially also help other addictive behavior.

More about CBD

5. Cannabidiol As Protection Against Neurological Disease!

Treatments for neurological diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Multiple Sclerosis are being studied continuously – science really wants to find cures, treatments, and even something for the debilitating side-effects of those diseases.

Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in preclinical and clinical experiments. It has been hypothesized by researchers that these traits can give significant neuroprotection or protection against a wide range of clinical conditions.

CBD oil appears to have therapeutic effects in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and Multiple Sclerosis. Both Huntington’s disease and cerebral ischemia were also investigated, though no statistically significant positive outcomes were found in either case. The benefits of CBD as a treatment for various illnesses are still being investigated in clinical studies. This will take time to show final and conclusive evidence.

6. Treat Epilepsy with CBD oil

This was how it all started. Charlotte Figi’s parents had The Stranley Brothers create a CBD strain. To treat her 300 seizures a day Dravet Syndrome – and they succeded.

People who have epileptic seizures may be able to use CBD to help them stop.

People with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, two rare types of epilepsy, can now get CBD under the brand name Epidiolex to help them stop having seizures. The FDA approved the use of CBD under the brand name Epidiolex in 2018.

In these studies, 516 people with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome were given either Epidiolex or a control. Epidiolex, when taken with other prescribed medications, cut down on the number of times people had seizures. This was compared to taking a placebo.

What is Epiliolex?

Epidiolex contains cannabidiol (CBD), which comes from cannabis. Epidiolex is the first FDA-approved drug made from cannabis.

You may wonder if Epidiolex will act like cannabis in your or your child’s body. Cannabis contains two main compounds: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These compounds have different effects on the body. THC can make you feel “high” or euphoric. But CBD doesn’t make you feel that way. Epidiolex contains only CBD. It doesn’t contain any THC, so it won’t make you feel “high.”

Epidiolex is a brand-name prescription drug. It’s FDA-approved to treat seizures caused by three conditions:

  • Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
  • Dravet syndrome
  • Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC)

7. CBD for enhanced sleep

How CBD Promotes Restful Sleep

Several mechanisms by which CBD may enhance sleep have been proposed. Firstly, CBD has been shown to exhibit anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) properties, which can help calm the mind and prepare the body for sleep. Anxiety and stress are common culprits behind sleep disturbances, and by mitigating these feelings, CBD can pave the way for a smoother transition to sleep.

Additionally, CBD may address sleep issues indirectly by alleviating conditions that often disrupt sleep, such as chronic pain. Its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects can improve the quality of sleep for individuals suffering from conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia.

The Science Behind CBD and Sleep

A growing body of research supports the use of CBD for sleep. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that CBD could significantly increase sleep duration in rats. Human studies, though in their nascent stages, have shown promising results as well. A survey conducted on a large sample of CBD users revealed that improved sleep was among the top reasons for CBD use, with many participants reporting better sleep quality and duration.

8. FAQ – Sciende backed benefits of CBD

What are the science-backed benefits of CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is recognized for its potential in reducing anxiety, managing pain, and improving sleep. Research suggests that CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system to possibly help regulate mood, pain sensation, and sleep cycles.

How does CBD help with anxiety?

CBD may help to reduce anxiety by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system and modulating the brain’s response to stress signals. Clinical studies have shown promising results in CBD reducing anxiety symptoms in various conditions, including generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder.

Can CBD be used for pain management?

Yes, CBD is considered for pain management, particularly for chronic pain, arthritis, and neuropathic pain. It’s thought to reduce inflammation and pain signaling to the brain, offering a potential natural alternative to traditional painkillers.

Is CBD effective in improving sleep?

CBD has been studied for its potential to improve sleep by addressing the root causes of insomnia, such as anxiety and pain. Some research indicates that CBD might help people fall asleep faster and improve the quality of sleep.

Are there any side effects of using CBD?

CBD is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience side effects such as fatigue, changes in appetite, or gastrointestinal issues. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.

9. We recommend – Benefits of CBD!

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