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Benefits of CBD for seniors

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As we grow older, time can take its toll on our bodies and mind. We can actively do things through life to either prevent or delay these conditions. Healthy eating, exercise, enough sleep and a happy mind are some of the things we can do. Each of us is made up of cells—13 trillion of them. Our tissues and organs are each a bunch of cells, held together with various natural materials that the cells have made.

From the moment of conception, each of our cells—and, hence, our tissues and organs—begins a process of aging. We do not yet fully understand the complex interplay of factors that cause us to age as we do. We know that many different things affect aging: genetics, diet, exercise, illness, and a host of other factors, all of which contribute to the aging process.  Let’s take a look at the benefits of CBD for seniors, and how these golden drops can help and delay the aging process.

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Depression and Anxiety – CBD could help!

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While older people tend to be more satisfied with their lives than younger individuals, specific life changes, such as the death of a family member, retirement, or chronic health conditions, can cause depression, , and .

It is not clear how CBG/CBD may help with anxiety, it is believed that it impacts serotonin signals. These are neurotransmitters that have the job of maintaining your mental health. Lower levels of serotonin have been linked to depression and anxiety.

Most serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs like Zoloft can be used to help with this, they are only available with a prescription. CBD oil, though, can be found at local dispensaries, online stores, and is beneficial for many people who are dealing with the post-traumatic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Cannabidiol for Pain Management

A famous Danish writer once said: “If you wake up in the morning after you have turned 50, without any pain – then you are dead” (Johannes Møllehave). As we age aches and pains become a part of our daily lives

Around half of the older adult population lives with some kind of arthritis. Compared to traditional pain medications, CBD can be a compelling alternative as a natural and potentially safer remedy. Studies have indicated that CBD can reduce inflammation while alleviating pain. Conditions improved include joint pain, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. If you want to read more about how CBD oil can help arthritis click here

CBD for the ageing brain

Our bodies change in noticeable ways as we age. Our hair greys, our skin wrinkles and loses its elasticity. Less obvious are the changes happening in our brains.

Much like muscles and joints, certain cells in our brains can stiffen up too, as evidenced in a recent study in mice. This is just one of many ways our brains change as we age – from declines in memory and cognitive abilities, all the way down to microscopic changes to brain cells and chemistry.

CBD might be a promising product in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases. A loss of neurons in different parts of the nervous system leads to a corresponding decline in cognitive and motor functions. These conditions, such as Parkinson’s, dementia, and stroke, cause the brain and nerves to deteriorate over time. Researchers are actively studying brain receptors to uncover the ways that CBD could help. Read more about CBD for Alzheimer’s and Dementia here

We discussed how CBD can lower inflammation. Because inflammation can actually make neurodegenerative symptoms worse, CBD can promote good brain health through this mechanism, too. Keep an eye out for more studies to come on this subject. CBD could evolve to become a useful tool to turn to in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases.

Mental Health & Mood-related Disorders – Could CBD lighten the symptoms?

As people age, they experience major changes as a result of getting older. Health usually declines and people are more likely to deal with loss and grief. Additionally, social isolation, depression, and loneliness may all play a factor in decreased mental health.

  • Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to help with these and other related conditions.
  • CBD may interact with brain receptors that are involved in mood regulation.
  • CBD can promote stress reduction, mindfulness, and improvement in cognitive function.

This powerful combination can strongly contribute to how the mind perceives its situation while enhancing mood.

Bone Health – Cannabigarol show promising effects!

With age, bones tend to shrink in size and density, weakening them and making them more susceptible to fracture. You might even become a bit shorter. Muscles generally lose strength, endurance, and flexibility — factors that can affect your coordination, stability, and balance.

Keeping bones healthy can be a challenge, especially for seniors living with osteoporosis. Bones become more fragile and vulnerable over time, making them more prone to breaking. For these reasons, seniors often experience significant pain and a propensity for fractures when falls occur.

In addition to reducing inflammation and promoting cell repair, research shows that CBD may aid in strengthening bones. It can also promote the body’s ability to heal. While more research is needed, results in this area so far are promising.

The Data

There are data on how CBD oil can help with pain and how CBD can help with common ailments of aging, but the evidence is also emerging to suggest CBD may help with other aspects of osteoporosis. For instance, in pre-clinical models, CBD was shown to enhance bone volume following spinal cord injury.

Researchers have observed that increasing the expression of CB2 inhibits the activity of the cells that break down bone. As a result, drugs that enhance the activity of this receptor have been shown in pre-clinical trials to reverse bone loss that occurs in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Given these findings, researchers suggest that currently available synthetic molecules that act on CB2 receptors could provide a basis for osteoporosis therapy.

Research into the specific effects of CBD on processes of osteoporosis has shown that CBD reduces the bone resorption that is the cause of bone mass loss. On the other hand, when the effects of CBD are blocked, there is more bone breakdown activity. These findings highlight the potential for CBD to prevent bone loss such as that observed in osteoporosis.

CBD effects on the Sleep Quality!

Changes in the production of hormones, such as melatonin and cortisol, may also play a role in disrupted sleep in older adults. As we age, the body secretes less melatonin, which is normally produced in response to darkness that helps promote sleep by coordinating circadian rhythms.

Sleep issues and challenge many individuals, and older adults are no exception. This may be caused by changes in sleep patterns as we age. Additionally, medical conditions and prescribed medications can further complicate things.

Prescription sleep medications can be effective. However, their use comes with long-term concerns. They may lead to dependence, addiction, and even worse sleep quality over time.

CBD oil can help promote calmness and relaxation. Higher quality sleep can be the end result. This can be a natural way to lead to more regular and helpful sleep for older adults. Plus, it can reduce the need to take prescription sleep medications.

Addiction & Dependence – Not the kind you are thinking of!!

When older adults are confronted with an illness, prescribed medication will usually follow. Tolerance may build for many medications that are taken over time. In some cases, addiction or dependence can be the end result. This can cause permanent damage to the body.

CBD has been shown to alleviate some conditions that involve opioids, generally without significant side effects. On top of that, CBD can aid in combating developed dependencies that grew out of the use of prescribed medications. It appears that CBD has the potential to help fight relapses and assist in overcoming withdrawals that develop during this time.

Heart Health – CBD and our heart!

The most common change in the cardiovascular system is stiffening of the blood vessels and arteries, causing your heart to work harder to pump blood through them. The heart muscles change to adjust to the increased workload. Your heart rate at rest will stay about the same, but it won’t increase during activities as much as it used to. These changes increase the risk of high (hypertension) and other cardiovascular problems.

While CBD is not a cure for heart failure, it may prevent further damage thanks to its properties. CBD may be helpful in reducing blood pressure, decreasing inflammation and cholesterol, and maintaining a healthy weight. Improving these factors may reduce the risk of heart failure.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for older adults. A top contributor to heart disease is high blood pressure. CBD has shown to be very promising as an alternative and natural treatment for high blood pressure. One recent study determined that it lowered the resting blood pressure of the study’s participants. Additionally, researchers administered stress tests and found a positive stress response in individuals evaluated in the study. Another study suggests that the antioxidant properties of CBD can aid in lowering cardiac inflammation and deter the death of related cells that results from oxidative stress.

 Cancer Treatment – CBD to alleviate the symptoms!

CBD may help alleviate the symptoms of cancer along with the side effects stemming from the harsh treatment. In fact, CBD has shown a reduction in tumor growth in animals. It may even help the body absorb medications better or increase their potency.

Here, CBD may positively manage inflammation and change how cells can reproduce. CBD could also have the capacity to inhibit the growth of some types of tumor cells and stem their ability to reproduce efficiently.

Appetite Stimulation

A major health concern for seniors is malnutrition due to loss of appetite, whether due to medication or age. This can lead to unnecessary and unwanted weight loss, muscle and tissue weakness, and other health issues. Marijuana has been studied extensively in this area and is proven to enhance appetite in its users. CBD can stimulate appetite as well, according to some studies. In this way, it can be beneficial for seniors combating malnutrition and appetite loss.


Scientific research takes time and effort. With a broad range of CBD brands exploding on the market and the potential health benefits of the product coming to light, researchers have only just begun to scratch the surface of the ways that can promote wellness in seniors. In early studies, CBD has been shown to be very promising in improving a variety of ailments and conditions.

CBD is readily available over the counter in many forms. Older adults should talk to their doctor, pharmacist, or home health provider before starting a CBD regimen. It’s important to determine if CBD treatment is the right option and make sure that no drug interactions or concerns exist.

Also, the stigma of marijuana and CBD use can be powerful; family members or the physician may harbor some negative associations to CBD and related products. Home health providers can step in to advocate for their patients who wish to use CBD to manage pain or anxiety.

Providing educational materials and promising research on CBD to family members and skeptics should be a goal if you are offering CBD as an option in a home health regimen.

FAQ – Benefits of CBD for seniors

What are the main benefits of CBD for seniors?

CBD can help seniors by alleviating pain, reducing inflammation, improving sleep quality, and potentially boosting heart health. It also may help manage symptoms of anxiety and depression.

How does CBD help with pain management in seniors?

CBD interacts with receptors in the endocannabinoid system to reduce inflammation and pain signals. This can be particularly beneficial for seniors dealing with chronic pain conditions like arthritis.

Can CBD improve sleep for seniors?

Yes, CBD can improve sleep by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, which helps seniors fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer.

Is CBD safe for seniors to use?

CBD is generally considered safe for seniors, but it’s important to start with a low dose and consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it doesn’t interact with any medications or health conditions.

How can CBD help with anxiety and depression in seniors?

CBD can help regulate mood by interacting with serotonin receptors in the brain, which can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improving overall mental well-being for seniors.

The Real CBD for Seniors

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