Author Archive for: Hanne - The Real CBD

Entries by Hanne - The Real CBD


Difference between CBD and CBG oil?

Introduction CBD () and CBG () oils have become very famous in the past few years because they might be good for your health. Both oils come from the plant, but they are different and have different benefits. But it can be hard for people to tell the difference. In this detailed guide, we’ll […]

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Where to buy pure CBD oil in Spain

Introduction Where to buy CBD oil in Spain? Spain’s CBD market is rapidly expanding, making it easier for everyone to obtain high-quality CBD products. In reaction to this growth, the Spanish government has tightened the rules regarding CBD, as one might expect. We want to inform our consumers about which sorts of CBD are legal […]

CBD for Crohn’s Disease

CBD oil has many benefits. It helps you have a better night’s sleep, helps reduce and reduces and . But this is not all. CBD oil can also help a in case of illness. CBD for Crohn’s Disease, and Lyme disease is a few to mention. There are several conditions in […]


5 Gigantic influences of CBD oil on Lyme disease

Influences of CBD oil on Lyme Disease Not only birds, flowers, bees, and butterflies benefit from high temperatures. Also, ticks, tiny creatures that can cause serious health hazards to humans and our pets, enjoy warm climates. Anyone who has walked through the forest or shrubs can carry one or more of these uninvited guests with […]

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Is Pure CBD Oil Effective Against Anxiety?

How can you use CBD oil against and panic? Everyone has fears or is sometimes afraid of something. Fear of failure, social anxiety in companies or groups, being afraid to be left alone, and violent are examples of this. Needless to say, you want to get away from these situations as quickly […]

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How much CBD should I take?

How Much CBD Should I Take? Finding Your Optimal Dosage As a leading authority in the CBD industry, we understand the importance of finding the right dosage for optimal results. With the increasing popularity of CBD products, many individuals are seeking answers to the common question: “How much should I take?” In this comprehensive […]

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CBD oil for athletes?

CBD (), you see it everywhere now and the positive stories pop up everywhere. Even in the media, a lot of attention has been drawn lately. CBD oil has become a wildly popular (dietary) supplement that is getting attention. But is it also a product for athletes and professionals in the world of Sports? What […]


Pure CBD oil dosage explained!

The so-called “regular” medicines often have a strict dosage. This is to prevent poisoning or aggravation of side effects. Too much is never good with medication. A too high dose of Tramadol (heavy painkiller) for example is just life-threatening. A valium, they even give the warning that it is extremely addictive.  What about the dosage […]

Buy CBD Oil: 5 facts you must know before purchasing!

What is CBD? Before you buy CBD oil you need to know what it actually is! CBD (or ) is rapidly causing changes in the debate about the use of marijuana as a medicine. Most people have heard about the chemical , which is the ingredient that makes users high. But recently the attention […]

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