Author Archive for: Hanne - The Real CBD

Entries by Hanne - The Real CBD

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How can you use The Real CBD powder?

There is an array of ways how you can use CBD Powder. It is so versatile and adaptable that the list is endless. The fact that you can actually open the capsule and use the powder inside makes the usage almost limitless. The only thing the CBD powder will not dissolve in is oil and […]

Why is CBD powder so effective?

In this case – size matters !!! At least in this explanation of why The Real CBD’s Water Soluble Full Spectrum CBD powder works better and faster than the conventional CBD oil in tinctures. Not only does it work better, but it also has no taste and no smell. Why is CBD powder so effective? […]

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Is Phil Mickelson taking CBD Oil at the Masters?

VIDEO – CBD Oil for Golfers? Yeah right…whatever. It may seem lightyears apart, (professional) golf and the often unknown world of CBD, but you might be in for a hell of a surprise! CBD for Golfers? A growing list of Tour players endorse the use of CBD products. While people are busy discussing the benefits, […]

CBD side effects

We are not going to go over the amazing benefits of using CBD, as they are endless. However, we will cover its potential side effects. If you are considering using CBD in the form of oil, then keep on reading. Most often you will find good reviews, but occasionally someone experiences adverse side effects. The […]

What is the best CBD Oil for dogs?

Introduction Can you give dogs CBD? What is the best CBD oil for dogs? CBD oil has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. More and more is known about the positive effects on body and mind. Increasing popularity also means that you often can’t see the forest because of the plants. Where do […]


Does CBD oil have THC?

Introduction It’s like asking if cake has chocolate! Some do and some don’t, and it all depends on the manufacturer. Here, we try to answer that question in layman terms. CBD oil has become very famous in the past few years because of its possible health benefits and healing properties. But there is often misunderstanding […]

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How to take CBD

CBD comes in many different shapes and forms, giving you different ways to get the healing effects of marijuana into your body based on what you like and what you need. In this detailed guide, we’ll talk about all the different ways to take CBD () and how to choose the best items and methods. […]

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CBD Powder – Water Soluble – Full Spectrum

First you were taught that CBD oil was the perfect way to get CBD () into your system. Put the drops under your tongue and let the CBD flow into your bloodstream…. Well – evolution is inevitable, and that goes for CBD science too. New developments and findings happen every day. CBD water soluble powder! […]

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CBD oil for ADHD?

What is CBD oil? CBD oil is a natural option which has been tried for everything from to .  Many parents with children with ADD and ADHD prefer a drop of the natural option the plant has to offer, then turning to the hard drug treatments like Ritalin (Methylphenidate), which can cause […]

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