Author Archive for: Hanne - The Real CBD

Entries by Hanne - The Real CBD

CBD Oil for Pets with Anxiety

Does your furry friend hide under the bed every time there’s a thunderstorm? Or do you know there will be trouble if you leave him alone at home for a few hours? If your pet gets nervous, anxious or stressed out in certain situations, there are things you can do to calm him down…… and one […]

Is CBD Oil Safe for Dogs?

Introduction Can you give dogs CBD? The benefits of (CBD) for dogs have been the subject of recent scrutiny. Some dog owners claim that CBD helps their dogs with a host of conditions. When other pet owners hear that CBD comes from marijuana plants, they immediately become wary of these products. Let’s look at […]

Can CBD oil help with food addiction?

Introduction Welcome to The Real CBD. In this blog, we answer the question: Can CBD oil help with food ? What is an addiction and what does it do to our brain. In recent years, the use of (CBD) has gained significant attention for its potential healing effects. CBD is normally linked with the ability to alleviate […]


CBD oil and Diets

Introduction Going on a diet? Wondering if CBD oil can help you? You have made the decision to finally loose some weight – but which diet do you choose. Ketogenic? Mediterranean? Plant based? The Zone? IF? Which ever choice you make – you need success to follow through. We have that success in a bottle…………. All diets […]

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Why is CBD Oil so Expensive? (VIDEO)

Why is CBD oil so expensive? Many people ask themselves this question and that’s not surprising. There is also a good price tag attached to a bottle of CBD oil. CBD oil is becoming more and more popular, but there are people who don’t want to use it because of the price. That CBD oil […]

CBD oil and Weight Loss

CBD oil and weight loss? Have you ever wondered if it works? Could it be the easy way out to get rid of those extra kilos? We have all been there, standing in front of the mirror wondering why you had that piece of cake or those extra drinks. Food and drinks surrounds us everywhere […]

What is THCV Oil? What Are the Benefits of THCV?

Introduction THCV is famous for its ability to act as a fantastic appetite suppressant. But did you know that there are many other health benefits of taking oil? And when taken with a good helping of CBD, THCV oil can become a full-body health and wellness regenerator! What is THCV? THCV is the abbreviated name […]

How to use CBD Bentonite Clay Skin Masks? (VIDEO)

Bentonite clay is an absorbent aluminium silicate formed from volcanic ash, that’s been used for centuries to detoxify and heal the skin and body. Bentonite has the ability to draw out all impurities from your skin. This clay is recommended as a cure-all for a vast number of skin ailments. It can be used to […]


CBD for Pain

Pain is the most common reason for a doctor’s appointment — not surprisingly, given that an estimated third to a half of people live with some kind of daily pain. What is pain? How does it affect us? Pain is an individual thing, and people experience it in various ways and have different reactions to it. […]

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