Author Archive for: Hanne - The Real CBD

Entries by Hanne - The Real CBD


20 good reasons to take CBD daily

More and more people are using CBD oil as a common daily supplement, and there are many good reasons and natural explanations for this. You have probably heard of some of the many benefits of CBD oil in a wide range of ailments, where people around the world have got better after starting up with […]


How can CBD oil help cancer patients?

We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. Maybe you have recently been diagnosed yourself, and are researching what alternative or natural help is out there. You will soon find that many claims have been made about using cannabis for cancer or even as a treatment! Questions about CBD () oil and THC will be the first in […]


CBD oil for Obesity: Can I lose weight with CBD oil?

Do you find it difficult to shed those extra pounds? Then you are far from the only one. Some people find it easier to lose weight than others. There are many reasons for this. While our diet and lifestyle have a big influence on our weight, part of the explanation can also lie in our […]

Is CBD safe for teenagers?

30% of teens 13-16 years old have an disorder – that’s every 3rd teenager you see on the street…. 20% of all teens experience before adulthood, and close to 15,000 young people 14-24 die by suicide each year. These are hard-to-swallow facts. The normal prescription anti-depressants come with a long list of , side […]


CBD Oil and Yoga – The Perfect Combination

Introduction Yoga’s incorporation of meditation and breathing can help improve your mental well-being. Regular practice creates mental clarity and calmness; increases body awareness; relieves chronic patterns; relaxes the mind; centers attention, and sharpens concentration. All of this goodness goes for CBD oil as well. CBD oil and yoga – the perfect combination. CBD supports and enhances your […]


CBD for Muscular Dystrophy – what you need to know!

If you suffer from muscular dystrophy or know someone who does, then you also know that there is no cure out there and that it is a group of diseases that cause weakness and loss of muscle mass due to abnormal genes that interfere with the production of proteins needed to form healthy muscle. CBD […]


CBD for breast cancer – These are the facts!

Introduction Breast cancer is the most common in women, except for skin cancers. It is estimated that in 2020, approximately 30% of all new women cancer diagnoses will be breast cancer. We all know about the harsh side effects cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery have both physically and mentally. In this article, we will look at the facts […]

CBD and nutrition: What are the facts?

Many different types of advice exist when it comes to the best way of taking CBD (oil). One says on an empty stomach, or at least 15 minutes before or after you have eaten. Preferably, dripping directly on or under the tongue and keeping it in your mouth for a while is also common advice. […]

CBD with vitamin D can optimize your health!

They call it the sunshine vitamin. CBD with can optimize your health in a whole new way.  It is a combination of 2 of the most beneficial oils for our Endocannabinoid system. But what is vitamin D? and what is it good for? Here we will be discussing all the vitamin D benefits and […]

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