Author Archive for: Hanne - The Real CBD

Entries by Hanne - The Real CBD


Does CBD Oil make you sleepy?

Introduction Sick and tired of being tired? CBD oil is the all-natural way to drift off to the most peaceful sleep of your life! If you’ve found your way to this page, then chances are you probably aren’t sleeping all that great. Science has shown that on average, you need to be getting between 7 […]


How to detect low-quality CBD–What are the warning signs?

How to detect low quality CBD! Let’s take a look at how to detect low quality CBD.  AKA CBD can come in a variety of different shapes, sizes, strengths, spectrums, and species. This is fantastic news for you on one hand. With so much choice, there will almost certainly be a product that provides you with […]


Can CBD oil help menopause symptoms?

Can CBD oil help symptoms? Menopause is a normal and inevitable part of ageing, a transitional period when menstruation stops. You are not officially in menopause before your menstruation has stopped for 12 months. This can cause a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms, many of which vary from one woman to the next. Most often […]

Can you be allergic to CBD oil? Can CBD help with allergies?

Could you be allergic to CBD? Or can CBD oil help with allergies? For some people, an allergy might just mean a bit of a runny nose in spring, but for others, it can be a much more serious condition and a constant source of worry. So, what causes allergies, and how can CBD help? 1. Allergies Allergies suck. Luckily, […]

CBD oil for panic attacks: can it help?

Introduction Would you believe us if we told you that one of the most effective and efficient ways to reduce anxiety levels and panic attacks was found naturally occurring in the cannabis plant…? That’s right. Scientists Discover All-Natural Way to Massively Reduce and Occurrence of For as long as anyone can really remember, consuming , either by smoking or […]


NEW! Improved CBD Powder capsules (Hugely versatile!)

Hanne – The Real CBDI am a certified expert in Medicinal Cannabis. We are all about giving correct and trustworthy information. We know how important it is to learn about CBD and cannabis, which is why we want to be your go-to source for trustworthy information. We help you improve your health by using our knowledge […]

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CBD and Sports – The important connection!

Many studies claim that CBD is beneficial in helping alleviate several diseases. Seeing the positive impacts of CBD on our health, many athletes and sportspersons are using CBD oil in their training. CBD helps to boost muscle growth, reduce , accelerate regeneration, and relieve pain. Here, we are going to tell you about CBD and Sports – The important connection! 1. CBD […]

AUDIO: CBD Oil explained on Spanish radio (English audio)

Hanne – The Real CBDI am a certified expert in Medicinal . We are all about giving correct and trustworthy information. We know how important it is to learn about CBD and cannabis, which is why we want to be your go-to source for trustworthy information. We help you improve your health by using our knowledge […]


Can you take CBD with painkillers?

1. Introduction How do painkillers work? How does CBD work? Can you take CBD and painkillers? How can we categorize the different painkillers? All this we cover here in our article about CBD and Painkillers. Whether you are suffering from period pains, a hormonal headache or just a hangover, you will probably want to know […]

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