Author Archive for: Hanne - The Real CBD

Entries by Hanne - The Real CBD

How to use CBD for weight loss!

We don’t like starting our blog posts with bad news, but sometimes hotly debated topics need some background. So, if you’re not interested in this part, please feel free to skip ahead to the first section, where we get into how to use . The Obesity Epidemic and a Public Health Crisis! […]


CBD for Parkinson’s Disease

A healthy, natural alternative to traditional medications is becoming more and more accessible for people suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Studies show that CBD, a  also referred to as a CBD-rich  product, could relieve debilitating symptoms of Parkinson’s. Many patients want to turn to healthier options when it comes to helping long-term conditions. Many new patients Google CBD […]


How Can CBD Improve Your Life?

We all want to lead the best life possible, and most of us will take steps to improve our lives in whatever way we can. There are lots of things that can help to improve your life. One thing that you can use in order to help improve your life in a variety of ways […]


The CBD Pain Patch – Fast and Effective Pain Relief!

Home > The CBD Pain Patch – Fast and Effective Pain Relief We love it when CBD and creativity join forces. It’s the result of our hard work, and finally, we can offer some truly unique pain patches! Advantages of using the CBD Pain Patch CBD patches for pain deliver the power and pain-relieving CBD […]


CBD Oil vs. Hemp seed Oil

Introduction As many of you may already know, CBD oil comes from the plant. So why then are CBD oil and such vastly different products? If you’ve ever pondered this question or have found this page in search of the answer -read on. In our article CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil, you […]

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Best Time To Take CBD

A lot of studies show that , or CBD, can provide relief from ailments like , , joint pain, and . While the effects of CBD oil can last quite a long time, you will get the best results by taking it at the right time of day. But what is the best time to […]

CBD and Driving: Is it legal? Is it Safe?

CBD’s acceleration in popularity seems to be showing no signs of putting on the brakes (sorry for the dad joke – we couldn’t help ourselves). But as its use begins to spread far and wide, we see more caution and questions being asked. This is fantastic news for us, as we get to answer them […]

CBD and Gum Disease

A general thing is to only focus on your pearly whites but if you think like any good dental professional, gums are as important as teeth. Gum disease can not only make your teeth health bad but it has severe negative effects on the overall health also. You will be surprised to know that gum […]

CBD and Alcohol

With CBD’s skyrocketing popularity seemingly taking the world by storm, it’s no wonder to finally see many alcoholic drinks companies now infusing some of their products with CBD. But is this just a marketing gimmick? Can CBD be safely mixed with alcohol? Does anything happen if you mix CBD and alcohol? Can CBD be used […]

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