Author Archive for: Hanne - The Real CBD

Entries by Hanne - The Real CBD


Benefits of CBD for seniors

As we grow older, time can take its toll on our bodies and mind. We can actively do things through life to either prevent or delay these conditions. Healthy eating, exercise, enough sleep and a happy mind are some of the things we can do. Each of us is made up of cells—13 trillion of […]


CBD Wholesale vs. CBD Whitelabel vs. CBD Drop Shipping vs. CBD Affiliate

Introduction CBD has been on everyone’s tongue the last few years and the has been exploding worldwide. If you’re considering getting involved in the CBD industry, you first need to understand more about and the products that utilize them. Furthermore, there are many different ways to enter the business. This is why we […]


How can CBD help with Stress?

Introduction We all have times when we are affected by ; some more often than others. Stress can have different causes: relationships, work, travel, illness… the list goes on. But sometimes stress strikes seemingly for no real reason. Especially after this challenging year, many of us feel a higher level of stress and pressure. But […]

CBD Withdrawal: Are there Symptoms?

CBD Withdrawal: In the last few years, the number of people taking CBD has grown by a huge amount. The question of how to stop taking CBD seems to come up more and more often. People who say they are going through CBD withdrawal have been popping up now and then. However, only in the […]


CBD and the Beauty Industry

The beauty industry is constantly evolving, with innovative products and ingredients that promise to revolutionize skincare and wellness routines. Among these, (CBD) has emerged as a groundbreaking ingredient, offering a plethora of benefits for skin health and beauty. This article delves into the transformative role of CBD in the beauty industry, highlighting its benefits, […]


CBD for Runners – 5 Ways CBD Help You Go the Extra Mile!

Since the World Anti-Doping Agency removed CBD from its list of prohibited substances last year, it has taken the world of sports and fitness by storm. And nowhere is CBDs effectiveness being utilised more than in the world of running! So, this blog post “CBD for Runners – 5 Ways CBD can help you go […]

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Hemp or CBD – Which is better for your skin?

The world of beauty and skincare products has gone crazy for and CBD products this last year! And it’s about time too! Both and CBD-based products can do amazing things for your skin. Should you choose hemp or CBD – which is better for your skin? In this blog, we are […]


CBD effects on the Brain

CBD is well known at this point for its incredible physical benefits, such as its properties and pain-relieving effects. What is less well known is the wealth of evidence emerging for the mind-blowing effects it can have on your brain. Some of CBD effects on the brain could be to improve your focus and […]

How to use CBD for weight loss!

We don’t like starting our blog posts with bad news, but sometimes hotly debated topics need some background. So, if you’re not interested in this part, please feel free to skip ahead to the first section, where we get into how to use . The Obesity Epidemic and a Public Health Crisis! […]

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