Author Archive for: Hanne - The Real CBD

Entries by Hanne - The Real CBD


Does CBD actually do anything?

Cannabidiol products can be found on the internet and in health-food stores, wellness catalogs, and even bookstores. Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston, cyclist Floyd Landis and former Denver Broncos quarterback Jake Plummer, are all turning to CBD products, and according to Health & Wellness, CBD-infused lattes have become “the wellness world’s new favorite drink.” It sounds bonkers and how can […]

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CBD/CBG for Osteoporosis

Many people are unaware that they have the condition until a fracture occurs. is sometimes called a “silent disease.” Osteoporosis, existing treatment choices, and scientific research on how CBD/CBG may be beneficial will all be covered in this section. CBD/CBG for Osteoporosis. Exciting new research has been conducted to investigate CBD/CBG’s remarkable ability to […]


Massage with CBD oil – The Ultimate Guide for Intense Relaxation

Who doesn’t like a good, long, and thorough ? But have you ever thought about the oils or cremes your massage therapist is using? Considering the skin is our biggest organ it is important what he/she is using. It is after all something you put “in” your body so it has an effect on your […]

What is CBN – (Cannabinol)?

What is CBN? CBN is here. If you take CBN gummies or oil drops, your sleep may be more restful because this cannabinoid is present in the plant that has soothing and sleep-inducing effects. Every type of product from bath salts to fruit gummies to oil drops, has been introduced in the cosmetics, food […]

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CBD’s effect on our cellular health!

We all want to be in good shape, but what does it really mean? Let’s start by defining cellular health. It refers to the well-being of our cells and mitochondria. Mitochondria are organelles inside the cells, responsible for producing most natural energy. Doing this with assistance from oxygen consumed when we breathe out, or a […]


Can CBD lower cortisol?

Cortisol is a hormone that affects almost every organ and tissue in your body. It plays an important role in helping you to how you respond to , fight infection, regulate blood sugar, maintain and a lot more is made by your adrenal glands, two small glands located above the kidneys. Living with high levels of […]


CBD and Covid-19 – A Research Review

Introduction Here at The Real CBD, we like to ensure that we always stay at the forefront of CBD news and CBD research. CBD has a long history of medicinal use. However, has had a mainstream portrayal as far out homoeopathy rather than a powerful and effective medication. But this perspective is slowly shifting. And, […]

CBD for Power Lifting – Go Above and Beyond

Discovered in 1963, CBD () is the second cannabinoid in Sativa L. This natural substance is known for its therapeutic effects. Moreover, cannabidiol does not present any risk of and dependence. For these reasons, athletes use it before, during, and after training. Powerlifters can also take it to boost their performance. CBD for […]

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Can CBD help us concentrate better?

The inability to concentrate on an important activity often has serious consequences. This lack of concentration can quickly affect your daily life, including work, family, and even personal success. In the end, you will feel that you have wasted your time without getting anything in return. Can CBD help us concentrate better? The answer is […]

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