Author Archive for: Hanne - The Real CBD

Entries by Hanne - The Real CBD

CBD oil for Anger and Aggression – Does it work?

Introduction Anger is a normal and natural feeling, and most of us will probably feel it at least once in our lives. It is often linked to heat or cold. For example, we say that we are “hot with anger” or that we have “cold fury.”Anger can be scary, both in yourself and in other […]

How can CBD help Bursitis?

How does CBD help with bursitis? Good question: “How can CBD help Bursitis”? With the continuous changes in medicine and an increase in the number of people seeking alternative means of treatment. and, by extension, CBD, have been a help for many physical and mental ailments. As this plant compound’s popularity grows; you may […]


The Benefits of CBD Balm

In ancient China, India, and Latin America, people used different kinds of CBD balms on their skin to ease pain and and treat different skin conditions. Unfortunately, people in modern times have gotten into the bad habit of ignoring natural remedies that have been shown to work. But it’s only been a few years […]

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CBD Oil for Back Pain

Back pain management is a serious matter that shouldn’t be brushed off. (CBD), which is available over the counter. For those with back discomfort, it is a treatment option that is gaining popularity. After all, a large number of users have attested to the effectiveness of CBD extracted from in relieving pain. Does […]


Dogs and CBD – Why and how to use it!

Your pet is an important member of your family. You want them to live a long and healthy life. can help with all three of these things! CBD has been shown in studies to improve the quality of life in both humans and animals. It also has properties, which may help […]

How much CBD can you take? CBD dosage recommendations

How much CBD can you take? There are basic recommendations, but no single dosage is guaranteed to be effective for everyone. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not provide dosage guidelines, experts often advise 1-6 mg per every 10 lbs of body weight. For instance, if you weigh 100 pounds, you might take […]

Does CBD thin your blood?

Given what it can do, it’s no surprise that people are concerned about CBD oil‘s potential side effects. Researchers and scientists are constantly expanding their understanding of CBD and other . All in order to determine how and to what extent they relieve pain, help our responses, and regulate sleep. More about CBD and […]

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CBD for Inflammation

Inflammation and swelling are natural ways for the body to heal itself. But this process of getting better can sometimes hurt or make you feel sore. and other conditions can also cause . Inflammation can cause more than just physical pain. It can also make you feel sad or less motivated to move around. […]

CBD before and after surgery

CBD oil has benefited many people who choose to ingest it as a natural remedy to promote health and wellness. CBD has the ability to promote in both the body and the mind. Allowing people who suffer from physical pain or mental distress to improve the quality of their lives. It’s natural to wonder […]

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