Author Archive for: Hanne - The Real CBD

Entries by Hanne - The Real CBD

Arthritis Pain Relief: Find The Right Dosage of CBD

Introduction Millions of people around the world have , which is a painful disease. As we get older, our joints start to wear out, which can cause swelling, stiffness, and pain. Traditional treatments, like over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription drugs, only help for a short time and often have serious side effects. CBD comes into […]


CBD Cream for Pain

CBD cream for Pain is becoming an increasingly popular method of managing pain, and it’s not hard to see why. This natural, non-psychoactive compound found in plants has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of symptoms, including pain. In this article, we’ll have a closer look at how CBD cream […]

CBD for the Mind and Body

CBD for the mind and body – let’s have a look at what that means. The human body is made up of systems, chemical reactions, and responses that all work together. When different parts of our bodies aren’t working as well as they should, it can affect our moods, skin, productivity, cycles/hormones, immunity, happiness, sleep, […]


Is CBD safe when breastfeeding?

Introduction People often ask us at The Real CBD if CBD is safe when breastfeeding. In a world where too many busy schedules make it hard to deal with and get enough sleep. Being a new mom can cause more stress. Sleepless nights, and worries about what’s safe for a nursing mom and what […]

Can CBD help balance your hormones?

When our hormones are out of whack, we feel like nothing is right. It’s interesting that something as small as a molecule can have such a big effect on how we feel. Hormones affect everything from hunger and appetite control to sex drive and fertility. They are called chemical messengers because they are made in […]

Is CBD a Scam?

Is CBD a Scam? You may already be familiar with CBD. A miraculous substance that has been shown to help with a wide range of medical conditions. People use CBD for a variety of reasons, including reducing , getting better sleep, and even lessening pain. Some people even take derivatives in the hopes that […]

CBD facts every user should know – IMPORTANT

Introduction A 2019 Gallup poll found that 1 in 7 Americans, or 14%, use CBD in some form, mostly for medical reasons. The number of people who use CBD continues to grow, and consumers and patients are becoming more interested in what CBD is and how it works. Even though CBD products are becoming more […]



CBD might help get rid of the and caused by . Find out how it works, how much you should take, and what CBD oils work best. At some point in their lives, at least 10% of people will have PTSD. Most of us have been hurt in one way or another. It […]


How does CBD make you feel?

Here in this article, we will tell you exactly how CBD oil can make you feel. While is known to make people out, CBD won’t. It may change your mood. They, therefore, differ in their consequences even though their origins are the same. How does it all work? The impacts that THC and […]

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